ArduinoCI Ruby gem (arduino_ci)

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You want to run tests on your Arduino library (bonus: without hardware present), but the IDE doesn't support that. Arduino CI provides that ability.

You want to precisely replicate certain software states in your library, but you don't have sub-millisecond reflexes for physically faking the inputs, outputs, and serial port. Arduino CI fakes 100% of the physical input and output of an Arduino board, including the clock.

You want your Arduino library to be automatically built and tested every time someone contributes code to your project on GitHub, but the Arduino IDE lacks the ability to run unit tests. Arduino CI provides that ability.

arduino_ci is a cross-platform build/test system, consisting of a Ruby gem and a series of C++ mocks. It enables tests to be run both locally and as part of a CI service like GitHub Actions, TravisCI, Appveyor, etc. Any OS that can run the Arduino IDE can run arduino_ci.

Platform CI Status
OSX OSX Build Status
Linux Linux Build Status
Windows Windows Build status

Comparison to Other Arduino Testing Tools

Project CI Builds Examples Unittest Arduino Mocks Windows OSX Linux License
ArduinoCI Free (Apache-2.0)
ArduinoUnit ⚠️ Hardware-based Free (MIT)
Adafruit ci-arduino Free (MIT)
PlatformIO ⚠️ Paid only ⚠️ EULA
Official Arduino IDE ⚠️ Manually N/A 😉 Free (GPLv2)

Quick Start

For a bare-bones example that you can copy from, see SampleProjects/DoSomething.

The complete set of C++ unit tests for the arduino_ci library itself are in the SampleProjects/TestSomething project. The test files are named after the type of feature being tested.

Arduino expects all libraries to be in a specific Arduino/libraries directory on your system. If your library is elsewhere, arduino_ci will automatically create a symbolic link in the libraries directory that points to the directory of the project being tested. This simplifieds working with project dependencies, but it can have unintended consequences on Windows systems because in some cases deleting a folder that contains a symbolic link to another folder can cause the entire linked folder to be removed instead of just the link itself.

If you use a Windows system it is recommended that you only run arduino_ci from project directories that are already inside the libraries directory

You Need Ruby and Bundler

You'll need Ruby version 2.2 or higher, and to gem install bundler if it's not already there.

You Need A Compiler (g++)

For unit testing, you will need a compiler; g++ is preferred.

  • Linux: gcc/g++ is likely pre-installed.
  • OSX: g++ is an alias for clang, which is provided by Xcode and the developer tools. You are free to brew install gcc as well; this is also tested and working.
  • Windows: you will need Cygwin, and the mingw-gcc-g++ package. A full set of (working) install instructions can be found in appveyor.yml, as this is how CI runs for this project.

Changes to Your Repo

Add a file called Gemfile (no extension) to your Arduino project:

source ''
gem 'arduino_ci'

It would also make sense to add the following to your .gitignore, or copy the .gitignore used by this project:


# rspec failure tracking

# C++ stuff

Installing the Dependencies

Fulfilling the arduino_ci library dependency is as easy as running either of these two commands:

$ bundle install   # adds packages to global library (may require admin rights)
$ bundle install --path vendor/bundle   # adds packages to local library

Running tests

With that installed, just the following shell command each time you want the tests to execute:

$ bundle exec arduino_ci.rb

arduino_ci.rb is the main entry point for this library. This command will iterate over all the library's examples/ and attempt to compile them. If you set up unit tests, it will run those as well.


For more information on the usage of arduino_ci.rb, see It contains information such as:

  • How to configure build options (platforms to test, Arduino library dependencies to install) with an .arduino-ci.yml file
  • Where to put unit test files
  • How to structure unit test files
  • How to control the global (physical) state of the Arduino board
  • How to modify the Arduino platforms, compilers, test plans, etc

Setting up Pull Request Testing and/or External CI

The following prerequisites must be fulfilled:

  • A GitHub (or other repository-hosting) project for your library
  • A CI system like Travis CI or Appveyor that is linked to your project

Testing with remote CI

Note: arduino_ci.rb expects to be run from the root directory of your Arduino project library.

GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions allows you to automate your workflows directly in GitHub. No additional steps are needed. Just create a YAML file with the information below in your repo under the .github/workflows/ directory.

on: [push, pull_request]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: ruby/setup-ruby@v1
          ruby-version: 2.6
      - run: |
          bundle install
          bundle exec arduino_ci_remote.rb

Travis CI

You'll need to go to and enable testing for your Arduino project. Once that happens, you should be all set. The script will test all example projects of the library and all unit tests.

Next, you need this in .travis.yml in your repo

sudo: false
language: ruby
  - bundle install
  - bundle exec arduino_ci.rb

Appveyor CI

You'll need to go to and add your project.

Next, you'll need this in appveyor.yml in your repo.

build: off
  - bundle install
  - bundle exec arduino_ci.rb

Known Problems


This gem was written by Ian Katz ([email protected]) in 2018. It's released under the Apache 2.0 license.

See Also