Class: Ansible::Ruby::Modules::Vmware_guest_snapshot_facts

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This module can be used to gather facts about virtual machine’s snapshots.

Instance Method Summary collapse

Methods inherited from Base

#ansible_name, #to_h

Methods inherited from Ansible::Ruby::Models::Base

attr_option, attr_options, attribute, fix_inclusion, #initialize, remove_existing_validations, #to_h, validates

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Ansible::Ruby::Models::Base

Instance Method Details


Returns Name of the datacenter.


  • (String)

    Name of the datacenter.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/cloud/vmware/vmware_guest_snapshot_facts.rb', line 22

attribute :datacenter


Returns Destination folder, absolute or relative path to find an existing guest.,This is required only, if multiple virtual machines with same name are found on given vCenter.,The folder should include the datacenter. ESX’s datacenter is ha-datacenter,Examples:, folder: /ha-datacenter/vm, folder: ha-datacenter/vm, folder: /datacenter1/vm, folder: datacenter1/vm, folder: /datacenter1/vm/folder1, folder: datacenter1/vm/folder1, folder: /folder1/datacenter1/vm, folder: folder1/datacenter1/vm, folder: /folder1/datacenter1/vm/folder2.


  • (Object, nil)

    Destination folder, absolute or relative path to find an existing guest.,This is required only, if multiple virtual machines with same name are found on given vCenter.,The folder should include the datacenter. ESX’s datacenter is ha-datacenter,Examples:, folder: /ha-datacenter/vm, folder: ha-datacenter/vm, folder: /datacenter1/vm, folder: datacenter1/vm, folder: /datacenter1/vm/folder1, folder: datacenter1/vm/folder1, folder: /folder1/datacenter1/vm, folder: folder1/datacenter1/vm, folder: /folder1/datacenter1/vm/folder2

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/cloud/vmware/vmware_guest_snapshot_facts.rb', line 19

attribute :folder


Returns Name of the VM to work with.,This is required if C(uuid) is not supplied.


  • (String, nil)

    Name of the VM to work with.,This is required if C(uuid) is not supplied.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/cloud/vmware/vmware_guest_snapshot_facts.rb', line 12

attribute :name


Returns UUID of the instance to manage if known, this value is VMware’s unique identifier.,This is required if C(name) is not supplied.,The C(folder) is ignored, if C(uuid) is provided.


  • (Object, nil)

    UUID of the instance to manage if known, this value is VMware’s unique identifier.,This is required if C(name) is not supplied.,The C(folder) is ignored, if C(uuid) is provided.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/cloud/vmware/vmware_guest_snapshot_facts.rb', line 16

attribute :uuid