Class: Ansible::Ruby::Modules::Os_flavor_facts

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Retrieve facts about available OpenStack instance flavors. By default, facts about ALL flavors are retrieved. Filters can be applied to get facts for only matching flavors. For example, you can filter on the amount of RAM available to the flavor, or the number of virtual CPUs available to the flavor, or both. When specifying multiple filters, ALL filters must match on a flavor before that flavor is returned as a fact.

Instance Method Summary collapse

Methods inherited from Base

#ansible_name, #to_h

Methods inherited from Ansible::Ruby::Models::Base

attr_option, attr_options, attribute, fix_inclusion, #initialize, remove_existing_validations, #to_h, validates

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Ansible::Ruby::Models::Base

Instance Method Details


Returns Ignored. Present for backwards compatibility.


  • (Object, nil)

    Ignored. Present for backwards compatibility

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/cloud/openstack/os_flavor_facts.rb', line 32

attribute :availability_zone

#ephemeral:yes, ...

Returns A string used for filtering flavors based on the amount of ephemeral storage. Format is the same as the I(ram) parameter.


  • (:yes, :no, nil)

    A string used for filtering flavors based on the amount of ephemeral storage. Format is the same as the I(ram) parameter

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/cloud/openstack/os_flavor_facts.rb', line 28

attribute :ephemeral


Returns Limits the number of flavors returned. All matching flavors are returned by default.


  • (Integer, nil)

    Limits the number of flavors returned. All matching flavors are returned by default.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/cloud/openstack/os_flavor_facts.rb', line 24

attribute :limit


Returns A flavor name. Cannot be used with I(ram) or I(vcpus) or I(ephemeral).


  • (String, nil)

    A flavor name. Cannot be used with I(ram) or I(vcpus) or I(ephemeral).

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/cloud/openstack/os_flavor_facts.rb', line 12

attribute :name

#ram:yes, ...

Returns A string used for filtering flavors based on the amount of RAM (in MB) desired. This string accepts the following special values: ‘MIN’ (return flavors with the minimum amount of RAM), and ‘MAX’ (return flavors with the maximum amount of RAM).,A specific amount of RAM may also be specified. Any flavors with this exact amount of RAM will be returned.,A range of acceptable RAM may be given using a special syntax. Simply prefix the amount of RAM with one of these acceptable range values: ‘<’, ‘>’, ‘<=’, ‘>=’. These values represent less than, greater than, less than or equal to, and greater than or equal to, respectively.


  • (:yes, :no, nil)

    A string used for filtering flavors based on the amount of RAM (in MB) desired. This string accepts the following special values: ‘MIN’ (return flavors with the minimum amount of RAM), and ‘MAX’ (return flavors with the maximum amount of RAM).,A specific amount of RAM may also be specified. Any flavors with this exact amount of RAM will be returned.,A range of acceptable RAM may be given using a special syntax. Simply prefix the amount of RAM with one of these acceptable range values: ‘<’, ‘>’, ‘<=’, ‘>=’. These values represent less than, greater than, less than or equal to, and greater than or equal to, respectively.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/cloud/openstack/os_flavor_facts.rb', line 16

attribute :ram

#vcpus:yes, ...

Returns A string used for filtering flavors based on the number of virtual CPUs desired. Format is the same as the I(ram) parameter.


  • (:yes, :no, nil)

    A string used for filtering flavors based on the number of virtual CPUs desired. Format is the same as the I(ram) parameter.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/cloud/openstack/os_flavor_facts.rb', line 20

attribute :vcpus