Class: Ansible::Ruby::Modules::Bigip_gtm_server

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Manage BIG-IP server configuration. This module is able to manipulate the server definitions in a BIG-IP.

Instance Method Summary collapse

Methods inherited from Base

#ansible_name, #to_h

Methods inherited from Ansible::Ruby::Models::Base

attr_option, attr_options, attribute, fix_inclusion, #initialize, remove_existing_validations, #to_h, validates

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Ansible::Ruby::Models::Base

Instance Method Details


Returns Data center the server belongs to. When creating a new GTM server, this value is required.


  • (String, nil)

    Data center the server belongs to. When creating a new GTM server, this value is required.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/network/f5/bigip_gtm_server.rb', line 20

attribute :datacenter

#devicesArray<Hash>, ...

Returns Lists the self IP addresses and translations for each device. When creating a new GTM server, this value is required. This list is a complex list that specifies a number of keys.,The C(name) key specifies a name for the device. The device name must be unique per server. This key is required.,The C(address) key contains an IP address, or list of IP addresses, for the destination server. This key is required.,The C(translation) key contains an IP address to translate the C(address) value above to. This key is optional.,Specifying duplicate C(name) fields is a supported means of providing device addresses. In this scenario, the addresses will be assigned to the C(name)‘s list of addresses.


  • (Array<Hash>, Hash, nil)

    Lists the self IP addresses and translations for each device. When creating a new GTM server, this value is required. This list is a complex list that specifies a number of keys.,The C(name) key specifies a name for the device. The device name must be unique per server. This key is required.,The C(address) key contains an IP address, or list of IP addresses, for the destination server. This key is required.,The C(translation) key contains an IP address to translate the C(address) value above to. This key is optional.,Specifying duplicate C(name) fields is a supported means of providing device addresses. In this scenario, the addresses will be assigned to the C(name)‘s list of addresses.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/network/f5/bigip_gtm_server.rb', line 24

attribute :devices


Returns Specifies whether the Global Traffic Manager uses this BIG-IP system to conduct a variety of probes before delegating traffic to it.


  • (Object, nil)

    Specifies whether the Global Traffic Manager uses this BIG-IP system to conduct a variety of probes before delegating traffic to it.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/network/f5/bigip_gtm_server.rb', line 44

attribute :iquery_options

Returns Specifies whether the system auto-discovers the links for this server. When creating a new GTM server, if this parameter is not specified, the default value C(disabled) is used.,If you set this parameter to C(enabled) or C(enabled-no-delete), you must also ensure that the C(virtual_server_discovery) parameter is also set to C(enabled) or C(enabled-no-delete).


  • (:enabled, :disabled, :"enabled-no-delete", nil)

    Specifies whether the system auto-discovers the links for this server. When creating a new GTM server, if this parameter is not specified, the default value C(disabled) is used.,If you set this parameter to C(enabled) or C(enabled-no-delete), you must also ensure that the C(virtual_server_discovery) parameter is also set to C(enabled) or C(enabled-no-delete).

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/network/f5/bigip_gtm_server.rb', line 32

attribute :link_discovery


Returns The name of the server.


  • (String)

    The name of the server.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/network/f5/bigip_gtm_server.rb', line 12

attribute :name


Returns Device partition to manage resources on.


  • (String, nil)

    Device partition to manage resources on.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/network/f5/bigip_gtm_server.rb', line 40

attribute :partition

#server_type:"alteon-ace-director", ...

Returns Specifies the server type. The server type determines the metrics that the system can collect from the server. When creating a new GTM server, the default value C(bigip) is used.


  • (:"alteon-ace-director", :"cisco-css", :"cisco-server-load-balancer", :"generic-host", :"radware-wsd", :"windows-nt-4.0", :bigip, :"cisco-local-director-v2", :extreme, :"generic-load-balancer", :"sun-solaris", :cacheflow, :"cisco-local-director-v3", :"foundry-server-iron", :netapp, :"windows-2000-server", nil)

    Specifies the server type. The server type determines the metrics that the system can collect from the server. When creating a new GTM server, the default value C(bigip) is used.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/network/f5/bigip_gtm_server.rb', line 28

attribute :server_type

#state:present, ...

Returns The server state. If C(absent), an attempt to delete the server will be made. This will only succeed if this server is not in use by a virtual server. C(present) creates the server and enables it. If C(enabled), enable the server if it exists. If C(disabled), create the server if needed, and set state to C(disabled).


  • (:present, :absent, :enabled, :disabled, nil)

    The server state. If C(absent), an attempt to delete the server will be made. This will only succeed if this server is not in use by a virtual server. C(present) creates the server and enables it. If C(enabled), enable the server if it exists. If C(disabled), create the server if needed, and set state to C(disabled).

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/network/f5/bigip_gtm_server.rb', line 16

attribute :state

#virtual_server_discovery:enabled, ...

Returns Specifies whether the system auto-discovers the virtual servers for this server. When creating a new GTM server, if this parameter is not specified, the default value C(disabled) is used.


  • (:enabled, :disabled, :"enabled-no-delete", nil)

    Specifies whether the system auto-discovers the virtual servers for this server. When creating a new GTM server, if this parameter is not specified, the default value C(disabled) is used.

# File 'lib/ansible/ruby/modules/generated/network/f5/bigip_gtm_server.rb', line 36

attribute :virtual_server_discovery