Module: MultiTenant::ModelExtensionsClassMethods
- Defined in:
- lib/activerecord-multi-tenant/model_extensions.rb
Extension to the model to allow scoping of models to the current tenant. This is done by adding the multitenant method to the models that need to be scoped. This method is called in the model declaration. Adds scoped_by_tenant? partition_key, primary_key and inherited methods to the model
Constant Summary collapse
Instance Method Summary collapse
#multi_tenant(tenant_name, options = {}) ⇒ Object
executes when multi_tenant method is called in the model.
Instance Method Details
#multi_tenant(tenant_name, options = {}) ⇒ Object
executes when multi_tenant method is called in the model. This method adds the following methods to the model that calls it. scoped_by_tenant? - returns true if the model is scoped by tenant partition_key - returns the partition key for the model primary_key - returns the primary key for the model
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# File 'lib/activerecord-multi-tenant/model_extensions.rb', line 16 def multi_tenant(tenant_name, = {}) if to_s.underscore.to_sym == tenant_name || (!table_name.nil? && table_name.singularize.to_sym == tenant_name) unless MultiTenant.with_write_only_mode_enabled? # This is the tenant model itself. Workaround for before_create lambda { id = if self.class.columns_hash[self.class.primary_key].type == :uuid SecureRandom.uuid else self.class.connection.select_value( "SELECT nextval('#{self.class.table_name}_#{self.class.primary_key}_seq'::regclass)" ) end ||= id } end else class << self def scoped_by_tenant? true end # Allow partition_key to be set from a superclass if not already set in this class def partition_key @partition_key ||= ancestors.detect { |k| k.instance_variable_get(:@partition_key) } .try(:instance_variable_get, :@partition_key) end # Avoid primary_key errors when using composite primary keys (e.g. id, tenant_id) def primary_key if defined?(PRIMARY_KEY_NOT_SET) ? !PRIMARY_KEY_NOT_SET.equal?(@primary_key) : @primary_key return @primary_key end primary_object_keys = Array.wrap(connection.schema_cache.primary_keys(table_name)) - [partition_key] @primary_key = if primary_object_keys.size == 1 primary_object_keys.first elsif connection.schema_cache.columns_hash(table_name).include? DEFAULT_ID_FIELD DEFAULT_ID_FIELD end end def inherited(subclass) super MultiTenant.register_multi_tenant_model(subclass) end end MultiTenant.register_multi_tenant_model(self) @partition_key = [:partition_key] || MultiTenant.partition_key(tenant_name) partition_key = @partition_key # Create an implicit belongs_to association only if tenant class exists if MultiTenant.tenant_klass_defined?(tenant_name, ) belongs_to tenant_name, **.slice(:class_name, :inverse_of, :optional) .merge(foreign_key: [:partition_key]) end # New instances should have the tenant set after_initialize proc { |record| if MultiTenant.current_tenant_id && (!record.attribute_present?(partition_key) || record.public_send(partition_key.to_sym).nil?) record.public_send("#{partition_key}=".to_sym, MultiTenant.current_tenant_id) end } # Below block adds the following methods to the model that calls it. # partition_key= - returns the partition key for the model.class << self 'partition' method defined above # is the getter method. Here, there is additional check to assure that the tenant id is not changed once set # tenant_name- returns the name of the tenant model. Its setter and getter methods defined separately # Getter checks for the tenant association and if it is not loaded, returns the current tenant id set # in the MultiTenant module to_include = do define_method "#{partition_key}=" do |tenant_id| write_attribute(partition_key.to_s, tenant_id) # Rails 5 `attribute_will_change!` uses the attribute-method-call rather than `read_attribute` # and will raise ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError if that column was not selected. # This is rescued as NoMethodError and in MRI attribute_was is assigned an arbitrary Object was = send("#{partition_key}_was") was_nil_or_skipped = was.nil? || was.instance_of?(Object) if send("#{partition_key}_changed?") && persisted? && !was_nil_or_skipped raise MultiTenant::TenantIsImmutable end tenant_id end if MultiTenant.tenant_klass_defined?(tenant_name, ) define_method "#{tenant_name}=" do |model| super(model) if send("#{partition_key}_changed?") && persisted? && !send("#{partition_key}_was").nil? raise MultiTenant::TenantIsImmutable end model end define_method tenant_name.to_s do if !association(tenant_name.to_sym).loaded? && !MultiTenant.current_tenant_is_id? && MultiTenant.current_tenant_id && public_send(partition_key) == MultiTenant.current_tenant_id MultiTenant.current_tenant else super() end end end end include to_include # Below blocks sets tenant_id for the current session with the tenant_id of the record # If the tenant is not set for the `session.After` the save operation current session tenant is set to nil # If tenant is set for the session, save operation is performed as it is around_save lambda { |record, block| record_tenant = record.attribute_was(partition_key) if persisted? && MultiTenant.current_tenant_id.nil? && !record_tenant.nil? MultiTenant.with(record.public_send(partition_key)) { } else end } around_update lambda { |record, block| record_tenant = record.attribute_was(partition_key) if MultiTenant.current_tenant_id.nil? && !record_tenant.nil? MultiTenant.with(record.public_send(partition_key)) { } else end } around_destroy lambda { |record, block| if MultiTenant.current_tenant_id.nil? MultiTenant.with(record.public_send(partition_key)) { } else end } end end |