Method: Discordrb::Commands::CommandContainer#command

Defined in:

#command(name, attributes = {}) {|event| ... } ⇒ Command


LocalJumpErrors are rescued from internally, giving bots the opportunity to use return or break in their blocks without propagating an exception.

Adds a new command to the container.


  • name (Symbol)

    The name of the command to add.

  • attributes (Hash) (defaults to: {})

    The attributes to initialize the command with.

Options Hash (attributes):

  • :aliases (Array<Symbol>)

    A list of additional names for this command. This in effect creates Discordrb::Commands::CommandAlias objects in the container (#commands) that refer to the newly created command. Additionally, the default help command will identify these command names as an alias where applicable.

  • :permission_level (Integer)

    The minimum permission level that can use this command, inclusive. See Discordrb::Commands::CommandBot#set_user_permission and Discordrb::Commands::CommandBot#set_role_permission.

  • :permission_message (String, false)

    Message to display when a user does not have sufficient permissions to execute a command. %name% in the message will be replaced with the name of the command. Disable the message by setting this option to false.

  • :required_permissions (Array<Symbol>)

    Discord action permissions (e.g. :kick_members) that should be required to use this command. See Permissions::FLAGS for a list.

  • :required_roles (Array<Role>, Array<String, Integer>)

    Roles, or their IDs, that user must have to use this command (user must have all of them).

  • :allowed_roles (Array<Role>, Array<String, Integer>)

    Roles, or their IDs, that user should have to use this command (user should have at least one of them).

  • :channels (Array<String, Integer, Channel>)

    The channels that this command can be used on. An empty array indicates it can be used on any channel. Supersedes the command bot attribute.

  • :chain_usable (true, false)

    Whether this command is able to be used inside of a command chain or sub-chain. Typically used for administrative commands that shouldn't be done carelessly.

  • :help_available (true, false)

    Whether this command is visible in the help command. See the :help_command attribute of Discordrb::Commands::CommandBot#initialize.

  • :description (String)

    A short description of what this command does. Will be shown in the help command if the user asks for it.

  • :usage (String)

    A short description of how this command should be used. Will be displayed in the help command or if the user uses it wrong.

  • :arg_types (Array<Class>)

    An array of argument classes which will be used for type-checking. Hard-coded for some native classes, but can be used with any class that implements static method from_argument.

  • :min_args (Integer)

    The minimum number of arguments this command should have. If a user attempts to call the command with fewer arguments, the usage information will be displayed, if it exists.

  • :max_args (Integer)

    The maximum number of arguments the command should have.

  • :rate_limit_message (String)

    The message that should be displayed if the command hits a rate limit. None if unspecified or nil. %time% in the message will be replaced with the time in seconds when the command will be available again.

  • :bucket (Symbol)

    The rate limit bucket that should be used for rate limiting. No rate limiting will be done if unspecified or nil.

  • :rescue (String, #call)

    A string to respond with, or a block to be called in the event an exception is raised internally. If given a String, %exception% will be substituted with the exception's #message. If given a Proc, it will be passed the CommandEvent along with the Exception.


  • The block is executed when the command is executed.

Yield Parameters:

  • event (CommandEvent)

    The event of the message that contained the command.


  • (Command)

    The command that was added.

# File 'lib/discordrb/commands/container.rb', line 61

def command(name, attributes = {}, &block)
  @commands ||= {}

  # TODO: Remove in 4.0
  if name.is_a?(Array)
    name, *aliases = name
    attributes[:aliases] = aliases if attributes[:aliases].nil?
    Discordrb::LOGGER.warn("While registering command #{name.inspect}")
    Discordrb::LOGGER.warn('Arrays for command aliases is removed. Please use `aliases` argument instead.')

  new_command =, attributes, &block)
  new_command.attributes[:aliases].each do |aliased_name|
    @commands[aliased_name] =, new_command)
  @commands[name] = new_command