Module: AvaTax::Client::Ecms

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Instance Method Summary collapse

Instance Method Details

#get_e_c_m_s_by_id(companyId, ecmsId, options = {}) ⇒ Object

Get an ECMS identified by company id and ECMS id

Get an ECMS identified by company id and ECMS id. An ECMS data represents a documentation based on which companies can claim tax exemption You may attach nested data objects such as exempt cert detail, and those objects will be created with certificate. You may specify one or more of the following values in the $include parameter to fetch additional nested data, using commas to separate multiple values:

  • Details

Security Policies

  • This API requires one of the following user roles: AccountAdmin, AccountUser, CompanyAdmin, CompanyUser, CSPAdmin, CSPTester, SiteAdmin, SSTAdmin, SystemAdmin, TechnicalSupportAdmin, TechnicalSupportUser.
  • This API depends on the following active services
    Required (all): AvaCert.


  • companyId (Integer)

    company to retrieve exempt certificate for

  • ecmsId (Integer)

    exempt certificate Id

  • include (String)


  • (Object)

# File 'lib/avatax/client/ecms.rb', line 23

def get_e_c_m_s_by_id(companyId, ecmsId, options={})        path = "/api/v2/companies/#{companyId}/ecms/#{ecmsId}"
get(path, options)      end

#list_e_c_m_s_by_company(companyId, options = {}) ⇒ FetchResult

Get list of ECMS data for this company

Get list of ECMS data for this company An ECMS data represents a documentation based on which companies can claim tax exemption You may attach nested data objects such as ECMS detail, and those objects will be created with certificate. You may specify one or more of the following values in the $include parameter to fetch additional nested data, using commas to separate multiple values:

  • Details

Security Policies

  • This API requires one of the following user roles: AccountAdmin, AccountUser, CompanyAdmin, CompanyUser, CSPAdmin, CSPTester, SiteAdmin, SSTAdmin, SystemAdmin, TechnicalSupportAdmin, TechnicalSupportUser.
  • This API depends on the following active services
    Required (all): AvaCert.


  • companyId (Integer)

    which company to retrieve certificates from

  • filter (String)

    A filter statement to identify specific records to retrieve. For more information on filtering, see Filtering in REST.
    Not filterable: details

  • include (String)
  • top (Integer)

    If nonzero, return no more than this number of results. Used with $skip to provide pagination for large datasets. Unless otherwise specified, the maximum number of records that can be returned from an API call is 1,000 records.

  • skip (Integer)

    If nonzero, skip this number of results before returning data. Used with $top to provide pagination for large datasets.

  • orderBy (String)

    A comma separated list of sort statements in the format (fieldname) [ASC|DESC], for example id ASC.


  • (FetchResult)

# File 'lib/avatax/client/ecms.rb', line 46

def list_e_c_m_s_by_company(companyId, options={})        path = "/api/v2/companies/#{companyId}/ecms"
get(path, options)      end

#query_e_c_m_s(options = {}) ⇒ FetchResult

Get all exempt certificates

Get all ECMS currently available in database. An ECMS data represents a documentation based on which companies can claim tax exemption You may attach nested data objects such as ECMS detail, and those objects will be created with certificate. Search for specific objects using the criteria in the $filter parameter; full documentation is available on Filtering in REST . Paginate your results using the $top, $skip, and $orderby parameters. You may specify one or more of the following values in the $include parameter to fetch additional nested data, using commas to separate multiple values:

  • Details

Security Policies

  • This API requires one of the following user roles: AccountAdmin, AccountUser, CompanyAdmin, CompanyUser, CSPAdmin, CSPTester, SiteAdmin, SSTAdmin, SystemAdmin, TechnicalSupportAdmin, TechnicalSupportUser.
  • This API depends on the following active services
    Required (all): AvaCert.


  • filter (String)

    A filter statement to identify specific records to retrieve. For more information on filtering, see Filtering in REST.
    Not filterable: details

  • include (String)
  • top (Integer)

    If nonzero, return no more than this number of results. Used with $skip to provide pagination for large datasets. Unless otherwise specified, the maximum number of records that can be returned from an API call is 1,000 records.

  • skip (Integer)

    If nonzero, skip this number of results before returning data. Used with $top to provide pagination for large datasets.

  • orderBy (String)

    A comma separated list of sort statements in the format (fieldname) [ASC|DESC], for example id ASC.


  • (FetchResult)

# File 'lib/avatax/client/ecms.rb', line 70

def query_e_c_m_s(options={})        path = "/api/v2/ecms"
get(path, options)      end