Module: SqedConfig

Defined in:


Sqed constants, including patterns for extraction etc.

Constant Summary collapse


Layouts refer to the arrangement of the divided stage. Windows are enumerated from the top left, moving around the border in a clockwise position. For example:

 0  | 1
----|----  :equal_cross (always perfectly divided through the center)
 3  | 2

 0  | 1
----|----  :cross - height of [0, 1], [2,3] same, width of [0,1], [2,3] same, otherwise variable, i.e. height(0) != height(3)
 3  | 2

 0  |  1
---------  :horizontal_offset_cross 
 3   | 2

 0  |  1
----|      :vertical_offset_cross 
 3  |  2

    | 1
 0  |----  :right_t
    | 2

 --------  :horizontal_split

   0 | 1  :vertical_split

| 0 |  :internal_box

 0 | 1 | 2
   | 5 | 3    :seven_slot
 6 |--------
   |   4

Hash values are used to stub out the Sqed::Boundaries instance. TODO: deprecate for simpler breakdown (cross, split, t)

  cross: [0, 1, 2, 3],
  vertical_offset_cross: [0, 1, 2, 3],
  horizontal_split: [0, 1],
  vertical_split: [0, 1],
  right_t: [0, 1, 2],
  left_t: [0, 1, 2],
  internal_box: [0],
  seven_slot: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

Each element of the layout is a “section”.

  :annotated_specimen,      # a specimen is present, and metadata is too
  :collecting_event_labels, # the section that contains collecting event labels (only)
  :curator_metadata,        # the section contains text with curator metadata
  :determination_labels,    # the section contains text that determines the specimen (only)
  :identifier,              # the section contains an identifier (e.g. barcode or unique number)
  :image_registration,      # the section contains only image registration information,
  :labels,                  # the section contains collecting event and other non-determination labels
  :nothing,                 # section is empty 
  :other_labels,            # the section that contains text that misc.
  :specimen,                # the specimen only, no metadata should be present
  :stage,                   # the image contains the full stage

Links section types to data parsers

  annotated_specimen: [Sqed::Parser::OcrParser],
  collecting_event_labels: [Sqed::Parser::OcrParser],
  curator_metadata: [Sqed::Parser::OcrParser],
  determination_labels: [Sqed::Parser::OcrParser],
  identifier: [Sqed::Parser::BarcodeParser, Sqed::Parser::OcrParser],
  image_registration: [],
  labels: [Sqed::Parser::OcrParser],
  nothing: [],
  other_labels: [Sqed::Parser::OcrParser],
  specimen: [],
  stage: []
  right_t: {
    boundary_finder: Sqed::BoundaryFinder::ColorLineFinder,
    layout: :right_t,
    metadata_map: { 0 => :annotated_specimen, 1 => :identifier, 2 => :image_registration }

  vertical_offset_cross: {
      boundary_finder: Sqed::BoundaryFinder::ColorLineFinder,
      layout: :vertical_offset_cross,
      metadata_map: { 0 => :curator_metadata, 1 => :identifier, 2 => :image_registration, 3 => :annotated_specimen }

  equal_cross: {
      boundary_finder: Sqed::BoundaryFinder::CrossFinder,
      layout: :equal_cross,
      metadata_map: { 0 => :curator_metadata, 1 => :identifier, 2 => :image_registration, 3 => :annotated_specimen }

  cross: {
    boundary_finder: Sqed::BoundaryFinder::ColorLineFinder,
    layout: :cross,
    metadata_map: { 0 => :curator_metadata, 1 => :identifier, 2 => :image_registration, 3 => :annotated_specimen }

  stage: {
    boundary_finder: Sqed::BoundaryFinder::StageFinder,
    layout: :internal_box,
    metadata_map: { 0 => :stage}

  seven_slot: {
    boundary_finder: Sqed::BoundaryFinder::ColorLineFinder,
    layout: :seven_slot,
    metadata_map: { 0 => :collecting_event_labels, 1 => :determination_labels, 2 => :other_labels, 3 => :image_registration, 4 => :curator_metadata, 5 => :identifier, 6 => :specimen }

Class Method Summary collapse

Class Method Details

.index_for_section_type(pattern, section_type) ⇒ Object

# File 'lib/sqed_config.rb', line 150

def self.index_for_section_type(pattern, section_type)