Module: Sequel::Plugins::Caching

Defined in:


Sequel’s built-in caching plugin supports caching to any object that implements the Ruby-Memcache API (or memcached API with the :ignore_exceptions option):

cache_store.set(key, obj, time) # Associate the obj with the given key
                                # in the cache for the time (specified
                                # in seconds).
cache_store.get(key) # => obj   # Returns object set with same key.
cache_store.get(key2) # => nil  # nil returned if there isn't an object
                                # currently in the cache with that key.
cache_store.delete(key)         # Remove key from cache

If the :ignore_exceptions option is true, exceptions raised by cache_store.get are ignored and nil is returned instead. The memcached API is to raise an exception for a missing record, so if you use memcached, you will want to use this option.

Note that only Model.[] method calls with a primary key argument are cached using this plugin.


# Make all subclasses use the same cache (called before loading subclasses)
# using the Ruby-Memcache API, with the cache stored in the CACHE constant
Sequel::Model.plugin :caching, CACHE

# Make the Album class use the cache with a 30 minute time-to-live
Album.plugin :caching, CACHE, :ttl=>1800

# Make the Artist class use a cache with the memcached protocol
Artist.plugin :caching, MEMCACHED_CACHE, :ignore_exceptions=>true

Defined Under Namespace

Modules: ClassMethods, InstanceMethods

Class Method Summary collapse

Class Method Details

.configure(model, store, opts = OPTS) ⇒ Object

Set the cache_store and cache_ttl attributes for the given model. If the :ttl option is not given, 3600 seconds is the default.

# File 'lib/sequel/plugins/caching.rb', line 39

def self.configure(model, store, opts=OPTS)
  model.instance_eval do
    @cache_store = store
    @cache_ttl = opts[:ttl] || 3600
    @cache_ignore_exceptions = opts[:ignore_exceptions]