Module: RIO::IF::RubyIO

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Instance Method Summary collapse

Instance Method Details


Calls IO#binmode

Puts rio into binary mode. This is useful only in MS-DOS/Windows environments. Once a stream is in binary mode, it cannot be reset to nonbinary mode.

Returns the Rio.

rio('afile.exe').binmode.bytes(512).to_a # read a file in 512 byte blocks

# File 'lib/rio/if/rubyio.rb', line 126

def binmode() target.binmode(); self end


Calls IO#close

ario.close   => nil

Closes ario and flushes any pending writes to the operating system. The stream is unavailable for any further data operations; an IOError is raised if such an attempt is made. I/O streams are automatically closed when they are claimed by the garbage collector.

# File 'lib/rio/if/rubyio.rb', line 442

def close() target.close(); self end


# File 'lib/rio/if/rubyio.rb', line 443

def close_write() target.close_write(); self end

#each_byte(*args, &block) ⇒ Object

Calls IO#each_byte

ario.each_byte {|byte| block }  => ario

Calls the given block once for each byte (0..255) in ario, passing the byte as an argument.

# File 'lib/rio/if/rubyio.rb', line 143

def each_byte(*args,&block) target.each_byte(*args,&block); self end

#each_line(*args, &block) ⇒ Object

Calls IO#each_line

ario.each_line(sep_string=$/) {|line| block }  => ario

Executes the block for every line in ario, where lines are separated by sep_string.

# File 'lib/rio/if/rubyio.rb', line 157

def each_line(*args,&block) target.each_line(*args,&block); self end


Calls IO#eof?

ario.eof     => true or false

Returns true if ario is at end of file. The stream must be opened for reading or an IOError will be raised.


  • (Boolean)

# File 'lib/rio/if/rubyio.rb', line 346

def eof?() target.eof? end

#fcntl(integer_cmd, arg) ⇒ Object

Calls IO#fcntl

ario.fcntl(integer_cmd, arg)    => integer

Provides a mechanism for issuing low-level commands to control or query file-oriented I/O streams. Arguments and results are platform dependent. If arg is a number, its value is passed directly. If it is a string, it is interpreted as a binary sequence of bytes (Array#pack might be a useful way to build this string). On Unix platforms, see fcntl(2) for details. Not implemented on all platforms.

# File 'lib/rio/if/rubyio.rb', line 456

def fcntl(integer_cmd,arg) target.fcntl(integer_cmd,arg) end


Calls IO#fileno

ario.fileno    => fixnum
ario.to_i      => fixnum

Returns an integer representing the numeric file descriptor for ario.

# File 'lib/rio/if/rubyio.rb', line 475

def fileno() target.fileno() end


Calls IO#flush

ario.flush    => ario

Flushes any buffered data within ario to the underlying operating system (note that this is Ruby internal buffering only; the OS may buffer the data as well).

# File 'lib/rio/if/rubyio.rb', line 135

def flush() target.flush(); self end


Calls IO#fsync

ario.fsync   => ario

Immediately writes all buffered data in ario to disk and return ario. Does nothing if the underlying operating system does not support _fsync(2)_. Note that fsync differs from using #sync. The latter ensures that data is flushed from Ruby’s buffers, but doesn’t not guarantee that the underlying operating system actually writes it to disk.

# File 'lib/rio/if/rubyio.rb', line 488

def fsync() target.fsync end


Calls IO#getc

ario.getc   => fixnum or nil

Gets the next 8-bit byte (0..255) from ario. Returns nil if called at end of file.

f =“testfile”) f.getc #=> 84 f.getc #=> 104

# File 'lib/rio/if/rubyio.rb', line 537

def getc() target.getc() end

#gets(sep_string = $/) ⇒ Object

Calls IO#gets

Reads the next line from the Rio; lines are separated by sep_string. A separator of nil reads the entire contents, and a zero-length separator reads the input a paragraph at a time (two successive newlines in the input separate paragraphs).

Returns nil if called at end of file.

astring  = rio('afile.txt').gets # read the first line of afile.txt into astring

# File 'lib/rio/if/rubyio.rb', line 38

def gets(sep_string=$/) target.gets(sep_string) end

#ioctl(integer_cmd, arg) ⇒ Object

Calls IO#ioctl

ario.ioctl(integer_cmd, arg)    => integer

Provides a mechanism for issuing low-level commands to control or query I/O devices. Arguments and results are platform dependent. If arg is a number, its value is passed directly. If it is a string, it is interpreted as a binary sequence of bytes. On Unix platforms, see ioctl(2) for details. Not implemented on all platforms.

# File 'lib/rio/if/rubyio.rb', line 467

def ioctl(integer_cmd,arg) target.ioctl(integer_cmd,arg) end

#ioh(*args) ⇒ Object

Provides direct access to the IO handle (as would be returned by ::IO#new) with filtering. Reading from and writing to this handle will be affected by such things as #gzip and #chomp if they were specified for the Rio.

Compare this with #ios

# File 'lib/rio/if/rubyio.rb', line 354

def ioh(*args) target.ioh() end

#ios(*args) ⇒ Object

Provides direct access to the IO handle (as would be returned by ::IO#new) Reading from and writing to this handle is not affected by such things as #gzip and #chomp.

Compare this with #ioh

# File 'lib/rio/if/rubyio.rb', line 362

def ios(*args) target.ios() end


Calls IO#lineno

Returns the current line number of a Rio.

The Rio will be opened for reading if not already. lineno counts the number of times gets is called, rather than the number of newlines encountered – so lineno will only be accurate if the file is read exclusively with line-oriented methods (#readline, #each_line, #gets etc.)

See also the $. variable and #recno

f = rio("testfile")
f.lineno   #=> 0
f.gets     #=> "This is line one\n"
f.lineno   #=> 1
f.gets     #=> "This is line two\n"
f.lineno   #=> 2

# File 'lib/rio/if/rubyio.rb', line 68

def lineno() target.lineno() end

#lineno=(integer) ⇒ Object

Calls IO#lineno=

ario.lineno = integer    => integer

Manually sets the current line number to the given value. $. is updated only on the next read.

f = rio(“testfile”) f.gets #=> “This is line onen” $. #=> 1 f.lineno = 1000 f.lineno #=> 1000 $. # lineno of last read #=> 1 f.gets #=> “This is line twon” $. # lineno of last read #=> 1001

# File 'lib/rio/if/rubyio.rb', line 85

def lineno=(integer) target.lineno = integer end

#mode(m, *args) ⇒ Object

Explicitly set the mode with which a Rio will be opened.

ario.mode('r+')   => ario

Normally one needs never open a Rio or specify its mode – the mode is determined by the operation the Rio is asked to perform. (i.e. #print requires write access, #readlines requires read access). However there are times when one wishes to be specific about the mode with which a Rio will be opened. Note that explicitly setting the mode overrides all of Rio’s internal mode logic. If a mode is specified via #mode or #open that mode will be used. Period.

Returns the Rio.

See also #mode?

If the mode is given as a String, it must be one of the values listed in the following table.

 Mode |  Meaning
 "r"  |  Read-only, starts at beginning of file  (default mode).
 "r+" |  Read-write, starts at beginning of file.
 "w"  |  Write-only, truncates existing file
      |  to zero length or creates a new file for writing.
 "w+" |  Read-write, truncates existing file to zero length
      |  or creates a new file for reading and writing.
 "a"  |  Write-only, starts at end of file if file exists,
      |  otherwise creates a new file for writing.
 "a+" |  Read-write, starts at end of file if file exists,
      |  otherwise creates a new file for reading and
      |  writing.
  "b" |  (DOS/Windows only) Binary file mode (may appear with
      |  any of the key letters listed above).

ario = rio('afile').mode('r+').nocloseoneof # file will be opened in r+ mode
                                           # don't want the file closed at eof # read the string at apos in afile
ario.rewind.gets # read the string at the beginning of the file


  • Add support for integer modes

# File 'lib/rio/if/rubyio.rb', line 411

def mode(m,*args) target.mode(m,*args); self end


Query a Rio’s mode

ario.mode?      #=> a mode string

See #mode

ario = rio('afile')
ario.puts("Hello World") 
ario.mode?      #=> 'w' {#puts}[rdoc-ref:IF::RubyIO#puts] requires write access

ario = rio('afile')
ario.mode?      #=> 'r' {#gets}[rdoc-ref:IF::RubyIO#gets] requires read access

ario = rio('afile').mode('w+').nocloseoneof
ario.mode?      #=> 'w+' Set explictly


  • (Boolean)

# File 'lib/rio/if/rubyio.rb', line 430

def mode?() target.mode?() end

#nosync(arg = false, &block) ⇒ Object

Similar to IO#sync= false

ario.nosync(&block)   => ario

Sets the Rio so that its ‘sync mode’ will be set to false when opened, or set it immediately if already open. When sync mode is true, all output is immediately flushed to the underlying operating system and is not buffered internally. Returns the rio. See also #fsync, #sync, #sync?.

If a block is given behaves like ario.nosync.each(&block)

f = rio("testfile").sync.puts("Hello World")
f.sync?     # => true
f.sync?     # => false

# File 'lib/rio/if/rubyio.rb', line 645

def nosync(arg=false,&block) target.nosync(arg,&block); self end


Calls IO#pid    => fixnum

Returns the process ID of a child process associated with ario. This will be set by IO::popen.

pipe = IO.popen("-")
if pipe
  $stderr.puts "In parent, child pid is #{}"
  $stderr.puts "In child, pid is #{$$}"


In child, pid is 26209
In parent, child pid is 26209

# File 'lib/rio/if/rubyio.rb', line 508

def pid() end

Calls IO::print

Writes the given object(s) to the Rio. If the output record separator ($) is not nil, it will be appended to the output. If no arguments are given, prints $_. Objects that aren’t strings will be converted by calling their to_s method. Returns the Rio.

rio('f.txt').print("Hello Rio\n") # print the string to f.txt
rio(?-).print("Hello Rio\n") # print the string to stdout

# File 'lib/rio/if/rubyio.rb', line 251

def print(*args,&block) target.print(*args,&block); self end

#print!(*args, &block) ⇒ Object

Writes the given objects to the rio as with #print and then closes the Rio. Returns the Rio.

Equivalent to rio.print(*args).close

rio('f.txt').print!("Hello Rio\n") # print the string to f.txt then close it

# File 'lib/rio/if/rubyio.rb', line 260

def print!(*args,&block) target.print!(*args,&block); self end

#printf(*argv) ⇒ Object

Calls IO#printf

ario.printf(format_string [, obj, ...] )   => ario

Formats and writes to ario, converting parameters under control of the format string. See Kernel#sprintf for details.

# File 'lib/rio/if/rubyio.rb', line 276

def printf(*argv) target.printf(*argv); self end

#printf!(*argv) ⇒ Object

Writes the given objects to the rio as with #printf and then closes the rio. Returns the rio.

Equivalent to rio.printf(*args).close

# File 'lib/rio/if/rubyio.rb', line 268

def printf!(*argv) target.printf!(*argv); self end

#putc(*argv) ⇒ Object

Calls IO#putc

ario.putc(obj)    => ario

If obj is Numeric, write the character whose code is obj, otherwise write the first character of the string representation of obj to ario.

stdout = rio(?-)
stdout.putc "A"
stdout.putc 65



# File 'lib/rio/if/rubyio.rb', line 301

def putc(*argv) target.putc(*argv); self end

#putc!(*argv) ⇒ Object

Writes the given objects to the rio as with #putc and then closes the rio. Returns the rio.

Equivalent to rio.putc(*args).close

# File 'lib/rio/if/rubyio.rb', line 284

def putc!(*argv) target.putc!(*argv); self end

#puts(*args) ⇒ Object

Calls IO#puts

Writes the given objects to the rio as with #print. Writes a record separator (typically a newline) after any that do not already end with a newline sequence. If called with an array argument, writes each element on a new line. If called without arguments, outputs a single record separator. Returns the rio.

# File 'lib/rio/if/rubyio.rb', line 311

def puts(*args) target.puts(*args); self end

#puts!(*args) ⇒ Object

Writes the given objects to the rio as with #puts and then closes the rio. Returns the rio.

Equivalent to rio.puts(*args).close

rio('f.txt').puts!('Hello Rio') # print the string to f.txt then close it

# File 'lib/rio/if/rubyio.rb', line 320

def puts!(*args) target.puts!(*args); self end

#readline(*args) ⇒ Object

Calls IO#readline

ario.readline(sep_string=$/)   => string

Reads a line as with IO#gets, but raises an EOFError on end of file.

# File 'lib/rio/if/rubyio.rb', line 176

def readline(*args) target.readline(*args) end

#readlines(*args, &block) ⇒ Object

Calls IO#readlines

Reads all of the lines in a Rio, and returns them in anArray. Lines are separated by the optional aSepString. The stream must be opened for reading or an IOerror will be raised.

an_array = rio('afile.txt').readlines # read afile.txt into an array
an_array = rio('afile.txt').chomp.readlines # read afile.txt into an array with each line chomped

# File 'lib/rio/if/rubyio.rb', line 169

def readlines(*args,&block) target.readlines(*args,&block) end

#readpartial(*args) ⇒ Object

Calls IO#readpartial

Reads at most maxlen bytes from the I/O stream but it blocks only if ios has no data immediately available. If the optional outbuf argument is present, it must reference a String, which will receive the data. It raises EOFError on end of file.

readpartial is designed for streams such as pipe, socket, tty, etc. It blocks only when no data immediately available. This means that it blocks only when following all conditions hold.

  • the buffer in the IO object is empty.

  • the content of the stream is empty.

  • the stream is not reached to EOF.

When readpartial blocks, it waits data or EOF on the stream. If some data is reached, readpartial returns with the data. If EOF is reached, readpartial raises EOFError.

When readpartial doesn�t blocks, it returns or raises immediately. If the buffer is not empty, it returns the data in the buffer. Otherwise if the stream has some content, it returns the data in the stream. Otherwise if the stream is reached to EOF, it raises EOFError.

r, w = IO.pipe           #               buffer          pipe content
w << "abc"               #               ""              "abc".
r.readpartial(4096)      #=> "abc"       ""              ""
r.readpartial(4096)      # blocks because buffer and pipe is empty.

r, w = IO.pipe           #               buffer          pipe content
w << "abc"               #               ""              "abc"
w.close                  #               ""              "abc" EOF
r.readpartial(4096)      #=> "abc"       ""              EOF
r.readpartial(4096)      # raises EOFError

r, w = IO.pipe           #               buffer          pipe content
w << "abc\ndef\n"        #               ""              "abc\ndef\n"
r.gets                   #=> "abc\n"     "def\n"         ""
w << "ghi\n"             #               "def\n"         "ghi\n"
r.readpartial(4096)      #=> "def\n"     ""              "ghi\n"
r.readpartial(4096)      #=> "ghi\n"     ""              ""

Note that readpartial is nonblocking-flag insensitive. It blocks even if the nonblocking-flag is set.

Also note that readpartial behaves similar to sysread in blocking mode. The behavior is identical when the buffer is empty. ios.reopen(other_IO) => ios ios.reopen(path, mode_str) => ios

Reassociates ios with the I/O stream given in other_IO or to a new stream opened on path. This may dynamically change the actual class of this stream.

f1 ="testfile")
f2 ="testfile")
f2.readlines[0]   #=> "This is line one\n"
f2.reopen(f1)     #=> #<File:testfile>
f2.readlines[0]   #=> "This is line one\n"

# File 'lib/rio/if/rubyio.rb', line 238

def readpartial(*args) target.readpartial(*args) end


Returns the current record number of a Rio. The recno is the index used by the grande selection methods. It represents the zero-based index of the last record read. Returns nil until a record has been read.

see #lines #bytes and #records

To illustrate: Given a file containing three lines “L0n”,“L1n”,“L2n” and a Range (0..1) Each of the following would fill anarray with [“L0n”, “L1n”]


anarray = []
range = (0..1)

all_lines = rio('afile').readlines
all_lines.each_with_index do |line,i|
  anarray << line if range === i
# anarray == ["L0\n", "L1\n"]

anarray = rio('afile').lines[0..1] # anarray == ["L0\n", "L1\n"]

recno counts the number of times #getrec or #each is used to get a record. so recno will only concern parts of the file read with grande methods #each, #[], #getrec

See also #lineno

# File 'lib/rio/if/rubyio.rb', line 114

def recno() target.recno() end

#sync(arg = true, &block) ⇒ Object

Sets the ‘sync-mode’ of the underlying IO using IO#sync=

ario.sync(boolean=true,&block)   => ario

Sets the Rio so that its ‘sync mode’ will be set to true or false when opened, or set it immediately if already open. When sync mode is true, all output is immediately flushed to the underlying operating system and is not buffered internally. Returns the rio. See also #fsync, #nosync, #sync?.

If a block is given behaves like ario.sync(arg).each(&block)

f = rio("testfile").sync.puts("Hello World")
f.sync?     # => true

# File 'lib/rio/if/rubyio.rb', line 628

def sync(arg=true,&block) target.sync(arg,&block); self end


Query the current “sync mode” with IO#sync

ario.sync?    => true or false

Returns the current “sync mode” of ario. When sync mode is true, all output is immediately flushed to the underlying operating system and is not buffered by Ruby internally. See also #fsync, #sync, #nosync

f = rio("testfile")
f.sync?   #=> false


  • (Boolean)

# File 'lib/rio/if/rubyio.rb', line 657

def sync?() target.sync?() end


Calls IO#to_i


Alias for #fileno

# File 'lib/rio/if/rubyio.rb', line 581

def to_i() target.to_i() end


Calls IO#to_io

ario.to_io -> ios

Returns ario.

# File 'lib/rio/if/rubyio.rb', line 588

def to_io() target.to_io() end


Calls IO#tty?

ario.tty?     => true or false

Returns true if ario is associated with a terminal device (tty), false otherwise.

rio("testfile").tty?   #=> false
rio("/dev/tty").tty?   #=> true


  • (Boolean)

# File 'lib/rio/if/rubyio.rb', line 599

def tty?() target.tty?() end

#ungetc(*args) ⇒ Object

Calls IO#ungetc

ario.ungetc(integer)   => ario

Pushes back one character (passed as a parameter) onto ario, such that a subsequent buffered read will return it. Only one character may be pushed back before a subsequent read operation (that is, you will be able to read only the last of several characters that have been pushed back).

f = rio("testfile")        #=> #<Rio:testfile>
c = f.getc                 #=> 84
f.ungetc(c).getc           #=> 84

# File 'lib/rio/if/rubyio.rb', line 613

def ungetc(*args) target.ungetc(*args); self end

#write(*argv) ⇒ Object

Calls IO#write

ario.write(string)    => integer

Writes the given string to ario. If the argument is not a string, it will be converted to a string using to_s. Returns the number of bytes written.

# File 'lib/rio/if/rubyio.rb', line 338

def write(*argv) target.write(*argv) end

#write!(*argv) ⇒ Object

Writes the given objects to the rio as with #write and then closes the rio.

Equivalent to


# File 'lib/rio/if/rubyio.rb', line 329

def write!(*argv) target.write!(*argv) end