Class: OpenTelemetry::Instrumentation::ActiveJob::Instrumentation

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The Instrumentation class contains logic to detect and install the ActiveJob instrumentation

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Supported configuration keys for the install config hash:

span_naming: when :job_class, the span names will be set to ' '. When :queue, the span names will be set to ' '

force_flush: when true, all completed spans will be synchronously flushed at the end of a job's execution (default: false). You will likely wish to enable this option for job systems that fork worker processes such as Resque.

propagation_style: controls how the job's execution is traced and related to the trace where the job was enqueued. Can be one of:

  • :link (default) - the job will be executed in a separate trace. The initial span of the execution trace will be linked to the span that enqueued the job, via a Span Link.
  • :child - the job will be executed in the same logical trace, as a direct child of the span that enqueued the job.
  • :none - the job's execution will not be explicitly linked to the span that enqueued the job.

Note that in all cases, we will store ActiveJob's Job ID as the messaging.message_id attribute, so out-of-band correlation may still be possible depending on your backend system.

Note that when using the :inline ActiveJob queue adapter, then execution spans will always be children of the enqueueing spans. This is due to the way ActiveJob immediately executes jobs during the process of "enqueueing" jobs when using the :inline adapter.

# File 'lib/opentelemetry/instrumentation/active_job/instrumentation.rb', line 55

option :propagation_style, default: :link, validate: %i[link child none]