Class: Mailchimp::Campaigns

  • Object
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Defined in:

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Method Summary collapse

Constructor Details

#initialize(master) ⇒ Campaigns

Returns a new instance of Campaigns.

# File 'lib/mailchimp/api.rb', line 1347

def initialize(master)
    @master = master

Instance Attribute Details


Returns the value of attribute master.

# File 'lib/mailchimp/api.rb', line 1345

def master

Instance Method Details

#content(cid, options = []) ⇒ Hash

Get the content (both html and text) for a campaign either as it would appear in the campaign archive or as the raw, original content


  • cid (String)

    the campaign id to get content for (can be gathered using campaigns/list())

  • options (Hash) (defaults to: [])

    various options to control this call

    • String

      view optional one of “archive” (default), “preview” (like our popup-preview) or “raw”

    • Hash

      email optional if provided, view is “archive” or “preview”, the campaign’s list still exists, and the requested record is subscribed to the list. the returned content will be populated with member data populated. a struct with one of the following keys - failing to provide anything will produce an error relating to the email address. Providing multiples and will use the first we see in this same order.

      - [String] email an email address
      - [String] euid the unique id for an email address (not list related) - the email "id" returned from listMemberInfo, Webhooks, Campaigns, etc.
      - [String] leid the list email id (previously called web_id) for a list-member-info type call. this doesn't change when the email address changes


  • (Hash)

    containing all content for the campaign

    • String

      html The HTML content used for the campaign with merge tags intact

    • String

      text The Text content used for the campaign with merge tags intact

# File 'lib/mailchimp/api.rb', line 1362

def content(cid, options=[])
    _params = {:cid => cid, :options => options}
    return 'campaigns/content', _params

#create(type, options, content, segment_opts = nil, type_opts = nil) ⇒ Hash

Create a new draft campaign to send. You <strong>can not</strong> have more than 32,000 campaigns in your account.


  • type (String)

    the Campaign Type to create - one of “regular”, “plaintext”, “absplit”, “rss”, “auto”

  • options (Hash)

    a struct of the standard options for this campaign :

    • String

      list_id the list to send this campaign to- get lists using lists/list()

    • String

      subject the subject line for your campaign message

    • String

      from_email the From: email address for your campaign message

    • String

      from_name the From: name for your campaign message (not an email address)

    • String

      to_name the To: name recipients will see (not email address)

    • Int

      template_id optional - use this user-created template to generate the HTML content of the campaign (takes precendence over other template options)

    • Int

      gallery_template_id optional - use a template from the public gallery to generate the HTML content of the campaign (takes precendence over base template options)

    • Int

      base_template_id optional - use this a base/start-from-scratch template to generate the HTML content of the campaign

    • Int

      folder_id optional - automatically file the new campaign in the folder_id passed. Get using folders/list() - note that Campaigns and Autoresponders have separate folder setups

    • Hash

      tracking optional - set which recipient actions will be tracked. Click tracking can not be disabled for Free accounts.

      - [Bool] opens whether to track opens, defaults to true
      - [Bool] html_clicks whether to track clicks in HTML content, defaults to true
      - [Bool] text_clicks whether to track clicks in Text content, defaults to false
    • String

      title optional - an internal name to use for this campaign. By default, the campaign subject will be used.

    • Boolean

      authenticate optional - set to true to enable SenderID, DomainKeys, and DKIM authentication, defaults to false.

    • Hash

      analytics optional - one or more of these keys set to the tag to use - that can be any custom text (up to 50 bytes)

      - [String] google for Google Analytics  tracking
      - [String] clicktale for ClickTale  tracking
      - [String] gooal for tracking
    • Boolean

      auto_footer optional Whether or not we should auto-generate the footer for your content. Mostly useful for content from URLs or Imports

    • Boolean

      inline_css optional Whether or not css should be automatically inlined when this campaign is sent, defaults to false.

    • Boolean

      generate_text optional Whether of not to auto-generate your Text content from the HTML content. Note that this will be ignored if the Text part of the content passed is not empty, defaults to false.

    • Boolean

      auto_tweet optional If set, this campaign will be auto-tweeted when it is sent - defaults to false. Note that if a Twitter account isn’t linked, this will be silently ignored.

    • Array

      auto_fb_post optional If set, this campaign will be auto-posted to the page_ids contained in the array. If a Facebook account isn’t linked or the account does not have permission to post to the page_ids requested, those failures will be silently ignored.

    • Boolean

      fb_comments optional If true, the Facebook comments (and thus the <a href=“” target=“_blank”>archive bar</a> will be displayed. If false, Facebook comments will not be enabled (does not imply no archive bar, see previous link). Defaults to “true”.

    • Boolean

      timewarp optional If set, this campaign must be scheduled 24 hours in advance of sending - default to false. Only valid for “regular” campaigns and “absplit” campaigns that split on schedule_time.

    • Boolean

      ecomm360 optional If set, our <a href=“” target=“_blank”>Ecommerce360 tracking</a> will be enabled for links in the campaign

    • Array

      crm_tracking optional If set, an array of structs to enable CRM tracking for:

      - [Hash] salesforce optional Enable SalesForce push back
          - [Bool] campaign optional - if true, create a Campaign object and update it with aggregate stats
          - [Bool] notes optional - if true, attempt to update Contact notes based on email address
      - [Hash] highrise optional Enable Highrise push back
          - [Bool] campaign optional - if true, create a Kase object and update it with aggregate stats
          - [Bool] notes optional - if true, attempt to update Contact notes based on email address
      - [Hash] capsule optional Enable Capsule push back (only notes are supported)
          - [Bool] notes optional - if true, attempt to update Contact notes based on email address
  • content (Hash)

    the content for this campaign - use a struct with the one of the following keys:

    • String

      html for raw/pasted HTML content

    • Hash

      sections when using a template instead of raw HTML, each key should be the unique mc:edit area name from the template.

    • String

      text for the plain-text version

    • String

      url to have us pull in content from a URL. Note, this will override any other content options - for lists with Email Format options, you’ll need to turn on generate_text as well

    • String

      archive to send a Base64 encoded archive file for us to import all media from. Note, this will override any other content options - for lists with Email Format options, you’ll need to turn on generate_text as well

    • String

      archive_type optional - only necessary for the “archive” option. Supported formats are: zip, tar.gz, tar.bz2, tar, tgz, tbz . If not included, we will default to zip

  • segment_opts (Hash) (defaults to: nil)

    if you wish to do Segmentation with this campaign this array should contain: see campaigns/segment-test(). It’s suggested that you test your options against campaigns/segment-test().

  • type_opts (Hash) (defaults to: nil)

    various extra options based on the campaign type

    • Hash

      rss For RSS Campaigns this, struct should contain:

      - [String] url the URL to pull RSS content from - it will be verified and must exist
      - [String] schedule optional one of "daily", "weekly", "monthly" - defaults to "daily"
      - [String] schedule_hour optional an hour between 0 and 24 - default to 4 (4am <em>local time</em>) - applies to all schedule types
      - [String] schedule_weekday optional for "weekly" only, a number specifying the day of the week to send: 0 (Sunday) - 6 (Saturday) - defaults to 1 (Monday)
      - [String] schedule_monthday optional for "monthly" only, a number specifying the day of the month to send (1 - 28) or "last" for the last day of a given month. Defaults to the 1st day of the month
      - [Hash] days optional used for "daily" schedules only, an array of the <a href="" target="_blank">ISO-8601 weekday numbers</a> to send on
          - [Bool] 1 optional Monday, defaults to true
          - [Bool] 2 optional Tuesday, defaults to true
          - [Bool] 3 optional Wednesday, defaults to true
          - [Bool] 4 optional Thursday, defaults to true
          - [Bool] 5 optional Friday, defaults to true
          - [Bool] 6 optional Saturday, defaults to true
          - [Bool] 7 optional Sunday, defaults to true
    • Hash

      absplit For A/B Split campaigns, this struct should contain:

      - [String] split_test The values to segment based on. Currently, one of: "subject", "from_name", "schedule". NOTE, for "schedule", you will need to call campaigns/schedule() separately!
      - [String] pick_winner How the winner will be picked, one of: "opens" (by the open_rate), "clicks" (by the click rate), "manual" (you pick manually)
      - [Int] wait_units optional the default time unit to wait before auto-selecting a winner - use "3600" for hours, "86400" for days. Defaults to 86400.
      - [Int] wait_time optional the number of units to wait before auto-selecting a winner - defaults to 1, so if not set, a winner will be selected after 1 Day.
      - [Int] split_size optional this is a percentage of what size the Campaign's List plus any segmentation options results in. "schedule" type forces 50%, all others default to 10%
      - [String] from_name_a optional sort of, required when split_test is "from_name"
      - [String] from_name_b optional sort of, required when split_test is "from_name"
      - [String] from_email_a optional sort of, required when split_test is "from_name"
      - [String] from_email_b optional sort of, required when split_test is "from_name"
      - [String] subject_a optional sort of, required when split_test is "subject"
      - [String] subject_b optional sort of, required when split_test is "subject"
    • Hash

      auto For AutoResponder campaigns, this struct should contain:

      - [String] offset-units one of "hourly", "day", "week", "month", "year" - required
      - [String] offset-time optional, sort of - the number of units must be a number greater than 0 for signup based autoresponders, ignored for "hourly"
      - [String] offset-dir either "before" or "after", ignored for "hourly"
      - [String] event optional "signup" (default) to base this members added to a list, "date", "annual", or "birthday" to base this on merge field in the list, "campaignOpen" or "campaignClicka" to base this on any activity for a campaign, "campaignClicko" to base this on clicks on a specific URL in a campaign, "mergeChanged" to base this on a specific merge field being changed to a specific value
      - [String] event-datemerge optional sort of, this is required if the event is "date", "annual", "birthday", or "mergeChanged"
      - [String] campaign_id optional sort of, required for "campaignOpen", "campaignClicka", or "campaignClicko"
      - [String] campaign_url optional sort of, required for "campaignClicko"
      - [Int] schedule_hour The hour of the day - 24 hour format in GMT - the autoresponder should be triggered, ignored for "hourly"
      - [Boolean] use_import_time whether or not imported subscribers (ie, <em>any</em> non-double optin subscribers) will receive
      - [Hash] days optional used for "daily" schedules only, an array of the <a href="" target="_blank">ISO-8601 weekday numbers</a> to send on<
          - [Bool] 1 optional Monday, defaults to true
          - [Bool] 2 optional Tuesday, defaults to true
          - [Bool] 3 optional Wednesday, defaults to true
          - [Bool] 4 optional Thursday, defaults to true
          - [Bool] 5 optional Friday, defaults to true
          - [Bool] 6 optional Saturday, defaults to true
          - [Bool] 7 optional Sunday, defaults to true


  • (Hash)

    the new campaign’s details - will return same data as single campaign from campaigns/list()

# File 'lib/mailchimp/api.rb', line 1460

def create(type, options, content, segment_opts=nil, type_opts=nil)
    _params = {:type => type, :options => options, :content => content, :segment_opts => segment_opts, :type_opts => type_opts}
    return 'campaigns/create', _params

#delete(cid) ⇒ Hash

Delete a campaign. Seriously, “poof, gone!” - be careful! Seriously, no one can undelete these.


  • cid (String)

    the Campaign Id to delete


  • (Hash)

    with a single entry:

    • Bool

      complete whether the call worked. reallistically this will always be true as errors will be thrown otherwise.

# File 'lib/mailchimp/api.rb', line 1469

def delete(cid)
    _params = {:cid => cid}
    return 'campaigns/delete', _params

#list(filters = [], start = 0, limit = 25, sort_field = 'create_time', sort_dir = 'DESC') ⇒ Hash

Get the list of campaigns and their details matching the specified filters


  • filters (Hash) (defaults to: [])

    a struct of filters to apply to this query - all are optional:

    • String

      campaign_id optional - return the campaign using a know campaign_id. Accepts multiples separated by commas when not using exact matching.

    • String

      parent_id optional - return the child campaigns using a known parent campaign_id. Accepts multiples separated by commas when not using exact matching.

    • String

      list_id optional - the list to send this campaign to - get lists using lists/list(). Accepts multiples separated by commas when not using exact matching.

    • Int

      folder_id optional - only show campaigns from this folder id - get folders using folders/list(). Accepts multiples separated by commas when not using exact matching.

    • Int

      template_id optional - only show campaigns using this template id - get templates using templates/list(). Accepts multiples separated by commas when not using exact matching.

    • String

      status optional - return campaigns of a specific status - one of “sent”, “save”, “paused”, “schedule”, “sending”. Accepts multiples separated by commas when not using exact matching.

    • String

      type optional - return campaigns of a specific type - one of “regular”, “plaintext”, “absplit”, “rss”, “auto”. Accepts multiples separated by commas when not using exact matching.

    • String

      from_name optional - only show campaigns that have this “From Name”

    • String

      from_email optional - only show campaigns that have this “Reply-to Email”

    • String

      title optional - only show campaigns that have this title

    • String

      subject optional - only show campaigns that have this subject

    • String

      sendtime_start optional - only show campaigns that have been sent since this date/time (in GMT) - - 24 hour format in <strong>GMT</strong>, eg “2013-12-30 20:30:00” - if this is invalid the whole call fails

    • String

      sendtime_end optional - only show campaigns that have been sent before this date/time (in GMT) - - 24 hour format in <strong>GMT</strong>, eg “2013-12-30 20:30:00” - if this is invalid the whole call fails

    • Boolean

      uses_segment - whether to return just campaigns with or without segments

    • Boolean

      exact optional - flag for whether to filter on exact values when filtering, or search within content for filter values - defaults to true. Using this disables the use of any filters that accept multiples.

  • start (Int) (defaults to: 0)

    optional - control paging of campaigns, start results at this campaign #, defaults to 1st page of data (page 0)

  • limit (Int) (defaults to: 25)

    optional - control paging of campaigns, number of campaigns to return with each call, defaults to 25 (max=1000)

  • sort_field (String) (defaults to: 'create_time')

    optional - one of “create_time”, “send_time”, “title”, “subject” . Invalid values will fall back on “create_time” - case insensitive.

  • sort_dir (String) (defaults to: 'DESC')

    optional - “DESC” for descending (default), “ASC” for Ascending. Invalid values will fall back on “DESC” - case insensitive.


  • (Hash)

    containing a count of all matching campaigns, the specific ones for the current page, and any errors from the filters provided

    • Int

      total the total number of campaigns matching the filters passed in

    • Array

      data structs for each campaign being returned

      - [String] id Campaign Id (used for all other campaign functions)
      - [Int] web_id The Campaign id used in our web app, allows you to create a link directly to it
      - [String] list_id The List used for this campaign
      - [Int] folder_id The Folder this campaign is in
      - [Int] template_id The Template this campaign uses
      - [String] content_type How the campaign's content is put together - one of 'template', 'html', 'url'
      - [String] title Title of the campaign
      - [String] type The type of campaign this is (regular,plaintext,absplit,rss,inspection,auto)
      - [String] create_time Creation time for the campaign
      - [String] send_time Send time for the campaign - also the scheduled time for scheduled campaigns.
      - [Int] emails_sent Number of emails email was sent to
      - [String] status Status of the given campaign (save,paused,schedule,sending,sent)
      - [String] from_name From name of the given campaign
      - [String] from_email Reply-to email of the given campaign
      - [String] subject Subject of the given campaign
      - [String] to_name Custom "To:" email string using merge variables
      - [String] archive_url Archive link for the given campaign
      - [Boolean] inline_css Whether or not the campaign content's css was auto-inlined
      - [String] analytics Either "google" if enabled or "N" if disabled
      - [String] analytics_tag The name/tag the campaign's links were tagged with if analytics were enabled.
      - [Boolean] authenticate Whether or not the campaign was authenticated
      - [Boolean] ecomm360 Whether or not ecomm360 tracking was appended to links
      - [Boolean] auto_tweet Whether or not the campaign was auto tweeted after sending
      - [String] auto_fb_post A comma delimited list of Facebook Profile/Page Ids the campaign was posted to after sending. If not used, blank.
      - [Boolean] auto_footer Whether or not the auto_footer was manually turned on
      - [Boolean] timewarp Whether or not the campaign used Timewarp
      - [String] timewarp_schedule The time, in GMT, that the Timewarp campaign is being sent. For A/B Split campaigns, this is blank and is instead in their schedule_a and schedule_b in the type_opts array
      - [String] parent_id the unique id of the parent campaign (currently only valid for rss children)
      - [String] tests_sent tests sent
      - [String] tests_remain test sends remaining
      - [Hash] tracking the various tracking options used
          - [Boolean] html_clicks whether or not tracking for html clicks was enabled.
          - [Boolean] text_clicks whether or not tracking for text clicks was enabled.
          - [Boolean] opens whether or not opens tracking was enabled.
      - [String] segment_text a string marked-up with HTML explaining the segment used for the campaign in plain English
      - [Array] segment_opts the segment used for the campaign - can be passed to campaigns/segment-test or campaigns/create()
      - [Hash] saved_segment if a saved segment was used (match+conditions returned above):
          - [Hash] id the saved segment id
          - [Hash] type the saved segment type
          - [Hash] name the saved segment name
      - [Hash] type_opts the type-specific options for the campaign - can be passed to campaigns/create()
      - [Int] comments_total total number of comments left on this campaign
      - [Int] comments_unread total number of unread comments for this campaign based on the login the apikey belongs to
      - [Hash] summary if available, the basic aggregate stats returned by reports/summary
    • Array

      errors structs of any errors found while loading lists - usually just from providing invalid list ids

      - [String] filter the filter that caused the failure
      - [String] value the filter value that caused the failure
      - [Int] code the error code
      - [Int] error the error message

# File 'lib/mailchimp/api.rb', line 1547

def list(filters=[], start=0, limit=25, sort_field='create_time', sort_dir='DESC')
    _params = {:filters => filters, :start => start, :limit => limit, :sort_field => sort_field, :sort_dir => sort_dir}
    return 'campaigns/list', _params

#pause(cid) ⇒ Hash

Pause an AutoResponder or RSS campaign from sending


  • cid (String)

    the id of the campaign to pause


  • (Hash)

    with a single entry:

    • Bool

      complete whether the call worked. reallistically this will always be true as errors will be thrown otherwise.

# File 'lib/mailchimp/api.rb', line 1556

def pause(cid)
    _params = {:cid => cid}
    return 'campaigns/pause', _params

#ready(cid) ⇒ Hash

Returns information on whether a campaign is ready to send and possible issues we may have detected with it - very similar to the confirmation step in the app.


  • cid (String)

    the Campaign Id to replicate


  • (Hash)


    • Bool

      is_ready whether or not you’re going to be able to send this campaign

    • Array

      items an array of structs explaining basically what the app’s confirmation step would

      - [String] type the item type - generally success, warning, or error
      - [String] heading the item's heading in the app
      - [String] details the item's details from the app, sans any html tags/links

# File 'lib/mailchimp/api.rb', line 1569

def ready(cid)
    _params = {:cid => cid}
    return 'campaigns/ready', _params

#replicate(cid) ⇒ Hash

Replicate a campaign.


  • cid (String)

    the Campaign Id to replicate


  • (Hash)

    the matching campaign’s details - will return same data as single campaign from campaigns/list()

# File 'lib/mailchimp/api.rb', line 1577

def replicate(cid)
    _params = {:cid => cid}
    return 'campaigns/replicate', _params

#resume(cid) ⇒ Hash

Resume sending an AutoResponder or RSS campaign


  • cid (String)

    the id of the campaign to pause


  • (Hash)

    with a single entry:

    • Bool

      complete whether the call worked. reallistically this will always be true as errors will be thrown otherwise.

# File 'lib/mailchimp/api.rb', line 1586

def resume(cid)
    _params = {:cid => cid}
    return 'campaigns/resume', _params

#schedule(cid, schedule_time, schedule_time_b = nil) ⇒ Hash

Schedule a campaign to be sent in the future


  • cid (String)

    the id of the campaign to schedule

  • schedule_time (String)

    the time to schedule the campaign. For A/B Split “schedule” campaigns, the time for Group A - 24 hour format in <strong>GMT</strong>, eg “2013-12-30 20:30:00”

  • schedule_time_b (String) (defaults to: nil)

    optional -the time to schedule Group B of an A/B Split “schedule” campaign - 24 hour format in <strong>GMT</strong>, eg “2013-12-30 20:30:00”


  • (Hash)

    with a single entry:

    • Bool

      complete whether the call worked. reallistically this will always be true as errors will be thrown otherwise.

# File 'lib/mailchimp/api.rb', line 1597

def schedule(cid, schedule_time, schedule_time_b=nil)
    _params = {:cid => cid, :schedule_time => schedule_time, :schedule_time_b => schedule_time_b}
    return 'campaigns/schedule', _params

#schedule_batch(cid, schedule_time, num_batches = 2, stagger_mins = 5) ⇒ Hash

Schedule a campaign to be sent in batches sometime in the future. Only valid for “regular” campaigns


  • cid (String)

    the id of the campaign to schedule

  • schedule_time (String)

    the time to schedule the campaign.

  • num_batches (Int) (defaults to: 2)

    optional - the number of batches between 2 and 26 to send. defaults to 2

  • stagger_mins (Int) (defaults to: 5)

    optional - the number of minutes between each batch - 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, or 60. defaults to 5


  • (Hash)

    with a single entry:

    • Bool

      complete whether the call worked. reallistically this will always be true as errors will be thrown otherwise.

# File 'lib/mailchimp/api.rb', line 1609

def schedule_batch(cid, schedule_time, num_batches=2, stagger_mins=5)
    _params = {:cid => cid, :schedule_time => schedule_time, :num_batches => num_batches, :stagger_mins => stagger_mins}
    return 'campaigns/schedule-batch', _params

#segment_test(list_id, options) ⇒ Hash

Allows one to test their segmentation rules before creating a campaign using them


  • list_id (String)

    the list to test segmentation on - get lists using lists/list()

  • options (Hash)

    with 1 or 2 keys:

    • String

      saved_segment_id a saved segment id from lists/segments() - this will take precendence, otherwise the match+conditions are required.

    • String

      match controls whether to use AND or OR when applying your options - expects “<strong>any</strong>” (for OR) or “<strong>all</strong>” (for AND)

    • Array

      conditions of up to 5 structs for different criteria to apply while segmenting. Each criteria row must contain 3 keys - “<strong>field</strong>”, “<strong>op</strong>”, and “<strong>value</strong>” - and possibly a fourth, “<strong>extra</strong>”, based on these definitions:


  • (Hash)

    with a single entry:

    • Int

      total The total number of subscribers matching your segmentation options

# File 'lib/mailchimp/api.rb', line 1622

def segment_test(list_id, options)
    _params = {:list_id => list_id, :options => options}
    return 'campaigns/segment-test', _params

#send(cid) ⇒ Hash

Send a given campaign immediately. For RSS campaigns, this will “start” them.


  • cid (String)

    the id of the campaign to send


  • (Hash)

    with a single entry:

    • Bool

      complete whether the call worked. reallistically this will always be true as errors will be thrown otherwise.

# File 'lib/mailchimp/api.rb', line 1631

def send(cid)
    _params = {:cid => cid}
    return 'campaigns/send', _params

#send_test(cid, test_emails = [], send_type = 'html') ⇒ Hash

Send a test of this campaign to the provided email addresses


  • cid (String)

    the id of the campaign to test

  • test_emails (Array) (defaults to: [])

    an array of email address to receive the test message

  • send_type (String) (defaults to: 'html')

    by default just html is sent - can be “html” or “text” send specify the format


  • (Hash)

    with a single entry:

    • Bool

      complete whether the call worked. reallistically this will always be true as errors will be thrown otherwise.

# File 'lib/mailchimp/api.rb', line 1642

def send_test(cid, test_emails=[], send_type='html')
    _params = {:cid => cid, :test_emails => test_emails, :send_type => send_type}
    return 'campaigns/send-test', _params

#template_content(cid) ⇒ Hash

Get the HTML template content sections for a campaign. Note that this <strong>will</strong> return very jagged, non-standard results based on the template a campaign is using. You only want to use this if you want to allow editing template sections in your application.


  • cid (String)

    the campaign id to get content for (can be gathered using campaigns/list())


  • (Hash)

    content containing all content section for the campaign - section name are dependent upon the template used and thus can’t be documented

# File 'lib/mailchimp/api.rb', line 1650

def template_content(cid)
    _params = {:cid => cid}
    return 'campaigns/template-content', _params

#unschedule(cid) ⇒ Hash

Unschedule a campaign that is scheduled to be sent in the future


  • cid (String)

    the id of the campaign to unschedule


  • (Hash)

    with a single entry:

    • Bool

      complete whether the call worked. reallistically this will always be true as errors will be thrown otherwise.

# File 'lib/mailchimp/api.rb', line 1659

def unschedule(cid)
    _params = {:cid => cid}
    return 'campaigns/unschedule', _params

#update(cid, name, value) ⇒ Hash

Update just about any setting besides type for a campaign that has not been sent. See campaigns/create() for details. Caveats:<br/><ul class=‘bullets’> <li>If you set a new list_id, all segmentation options will be deleted and must be re-added.</li> <li>If you set template_id, you need to follow that up by setting it’s ‘content’</li> <li>If you set segment_opts, you should have tested your options against campaigns/segment-test().</li> <li>To clear/unset segment_opts, pass an empty string or array as the value. Various wrappers may require one or the other.</li> </ul>


  • cid (String)

    the Campaign Id to update

  • name (String)

    the parameter name ( see campaigns/create() ). This will be that parameter name (options, content, segment_opts) except “type_opts”, which will be the name of the type - rss, auto, etc. The campaign “type” can not be changed.

  • value (Array)

    an appropriate set of values for the parameter ( see campaigns/create() ). For additional parameters, this is the same value passed to them.


  • (Hash)

    updated campaign details and any errors

    • Hash

      data the update campaign details - will return same data as single campaign from campaigns/list()

    • Array

      errors for “options” only - structs containing:

      - [Int] code the error code
      - [String] message the full error message
      - [String] name the parameter name that failed

# File 'lib/mailchimp/api.rb', line 1674

def update(cid, name, value)
    _params = {:cid => cid, :name => name, :value => value}
    return 'campaigns/update', _params