Module: Karafka::Errors

Defined in:


Namespace used to encapsulate all the internal errors of Karafka

Constant Summary collapse

BaseError =

Base class for all the Karafka internal errors
ParserError =

Should be raised when we attemp to parse incoming params but parsing fails

If this error (or its descendant) is detected, we will pass the raw message
into params and proceed further
NonMatchingRouteError =

Raised when router receives topic name which does not correspond with any routes This can only happen in a case when:

- you've received a message and we cannot match it with a consumer
- you've changed the routing, so router can no longer associate your topic to
  any consumer
- or in a case when you do a lot of metaprogramming and you change routing/etc on runtime

In case this happens, you will have to create a temporary route that will allow you to “eat” everything from the Sidekiq queue.
InvalidResponderUsage =

Raised when we don’t use or use responder not in the way it expected to based on the topics usage definitions
InvalidResponderMessageOptions =

Raised when options that we provide to the responder to respond aren’t what the schema requires
InvalidConfiguration =

Raised when configuration doesn’t match with validation schema
MissingBootFile =

Raised when we try to use Karafka CLI commands (except install) without a bootfile
MissingClient =

Raised when we want to read a persisted thread messages consumer but it is unavailable This should never happen and if it does, please contact us
UnregisteredMonitorEvent =

Raised when want to hook up to an event that is not registered and supported
ForcefulShutdown =

Raised when we’ve waited enough for shutting down an unresponding process