Module: Hanami::Utils::Escape

Defined in:


HTML escape utilities

Based on OWASP research and OWASP ESAPI code

Defined Under Namespace

Classes: SafeString

Constant Summary collapse


This constant is part of a private API. You should avoid using this constant if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.

Hex base for base 10 integer conversion


This constant is part of a private API. You should avoid using this constant if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.

Limit for non printable chars


  • 0.4.0


This constant is part of a private API. You should avoid using this constant if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.

Replacement hex for non printable characters


  • 0.4.0


This constant is part of a private API. You should avoid using this constant if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.

Low hex codes lookup table


  • 0.4.0

(0..255).each_with_object({}) do |c, codes|
  if (c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x39) || (c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x5A) || (c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x7A) # rubocop:disable Style/ConditionalAssignment
    codes[c] = nil
    codes[c] = c.to_s(HEX_BASE)

This constant is part of a private API. You should avoid using this constant if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.

Non printable chars

This is a Hash instead of a Set, to make lookup faster.

  0x0  => true, 0x1  => true, 0x2  => true, 0x3  => true, 0x4  => true,
  0x5  => true, 0x6  => true, 0x7  => true, 0x8  => true, 0x11 => true,
  0x12 => true, 0x14 => true, 0x15 => true, 0x16 => true, 0x17 => true,
  0x18 => true, 0x19 => true, 0x1a => true, 0x1b => true, 0x1c => true,
  0x1d => true, 0x1e => true, 0x1f => true, 0x7f => true, 0x80 => true,
  0x81 => true, 0x82 => true, 0x83 => true, 0x84 => true, 0x85 => true,
  0x86 => true, 0x87 => true, 0x88 => true, 0x89 => true, 0x8a => true,
  0x8b => true, 0x8c => true, 0x8d => true, 0x8e => true, 0x8f => true,
  0x90 => true, 0x91 => true, 0x92 => true, 0x93 => true, 0x94 => true,
  0x95 => true, 0x96 => true, 0x97 => true, 0x98 => true, 0x99 => true,
  0x9a => true, 0x9b => true, 0x9c => true, 0x9d => true, 0x9e => true,
  0x9f => true

This constant is part of a private API. You should avoid using this constant if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.

Lookup table for HTML escape

See Also:


  • 0.4.0

  '&' => '&amp;',
  '<' => '&lt;',
  '>' => '&gt;',
  '"' => '&quot;',
  "'" => '&apos;',
  '/' => '&#x2F;'

This constant is part of a private API. You should avoid using this constant if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.

Lookup table for safe chars for HTML attributes.

This is a Hash instead of a Set, to make lookup faster.

See Also:


  • 0.4.0

  ',' => true, '.' => true, '-' => true, '_' => true

This constant is part of a private API. You should avoid using this constant if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.

Lookup table for HTML attribute escape

See Also:


  • 0.4.0

  34   => 'quot',     # quotation mark
  38   => 'amp',      # ampersand
  60   => 'lt',       # less-than sign
  62   => 'gt',       # greater-than sign
  160  => 'nbsp',     # no-break space
  161  => 'iexcl',    # inverted exclamation mark
  162  => 'cent',     # cent sign
  163  => 'pound',    # pound sign
  164  => 'curren',   # currency sign
  165  => 'yen',      # yen sign
  166  => 'brvbar',   # broken bar
  167  => 'sect',     # section sign
  168  => 'uml',      # diaeresis
  169  => 'copy',     # copyright sign
  170  => 'ordf',     # feminine ordinal indicator
  171  => 'laquo',    # left-pointing double angle quotation mark
  172  => 'not',      # not sign
  173  => 'shy',      # soft hyphen
  174  => 'reg',      # registered sign
  175  => 'macr',     # macron
  176  => 'deg',      # degree sign
  177  => 'plusmn',   # plus-minus sign
  178  => 'sup2',     # superscript two
  179  => 'sup3',     # superscript three
  180  => 'acute',    # acute accent
  181  => 'micro',    # micro sign
  182  => 'para',     # pilcrow sign
  183  => 'middot',   # middle dot
  184  => 'cedil',    # cedilla
  185  => 'sup1',     # superscript one
  186  => 'ordm',     # masculine ordinal indicator
  187  => 'raquo',    # right-pointing double angle quotation mark
  188  => 'frac14',   # vulgar fraction one quarter
  189  => 'frac12',   # vulgar fraction one half
  190  => 'frac34',   # vulgar fraction three quarters
  191  => 'iquest',   # inverted question mark
  192  => 'Agrave',   # Latin capital letter a with grave
  193  => 'Aacute',   # Latin capital letter a with acute
  194  => 'Acirc',    # Latin capital letter a with circumflex
  195  => 'Atilde',   # Latin capital letter a with tilde
  196  => 'Auml',     # Latin capital letter a with diaeresis
  197  => 'Aring',    # Latin capital letter a with ring above
  198  => 'AElig',    # Latin capital letter ae
  199  => 'Ccedil',   # Latin capital letter c with cedilla
  200  => 'Egrave',   # Latin capital letter e with grave
  201  => 'Eacute',   # Latin capital letter e with acute
  202  => 'Ecirc',    # Latin capital letter e with circumflex
  203  => 'Euml',     # Latin capital letter e with diaeresis
  204  => 'Igrave',   # Latin capital letter i with grave
  205  => 'Iacute',   # Latin capital letter i with acute
  206  => 'Icirc',    # Latin capital letter i with circumflex
  207  => 'Iuml',     # Latin capital letter i with diaeresis
  208  => 'ETH',      # Latin capital letter eth
  209  => 'Ntilde',   # Latin capital letter n with tilde
  210  => 'Ograve',   # Latin capital letter o with grave
  211  => 'Oacute',   # Latin capital letter o with acute
  212  => 'Ocirc',    # Latin capital letter o with circumflex
  213  => 'Otilde',   # Latin capital letter o with tilde
  214  => 'Ouml',     # Latin capital letter o with diaeresis
  215  => 'times',    # multiplication sign
  216  => 'Oslash',   # Latin capital letter o with stroke
  217  => 'Ugrave',   # Latin capital letter u with grave
  218  => 'Uacute',   # Latin capital letter u with acute
  219  => 'Ucirc',    # Latin capital letter u with circumflex
  220  => 'Uuml',     # Latin capital letter u with diaeresis
  221  => 'Yacute',   # Latin capital letter y with acute
  222  => 'THORN',    # Latin capital letter thorn
  223  => 'szlig',    # Latin small letter sharp sXCOMMAX German Eszett
  224  => 'agrave',   # Latin small letter a with grave
  225  => 'aacute',   # Latin small letter a with acute
  226  => 'acirc',    # Latin small letter a with circumflex
  227  => 'atilde',   # Latin small letter a with tilde
  228  => 'auml',     # Latin small letter a with diaeresis
  229  => 'aring',    # Latin small letter a with ring above
  230  => 'aelig',    # Latin lowercase ligature ae
  231  => 'ccedil',   # Latin small letter c with cedilla
  232  => 'egrave',   # Latin small letter e with grave
  233  => 'eacute',   # Latin small letter e with acute
  234  => 'ecirc',    # Latin small letter e with circumflex
  235  => 'euml',     # Latin small letter e with diaeresis
  236  => 'igrave',   # Latin small letter i with grave
  237  => 'iacute',   # Latin small letter i with acute
  238  => 'icirc',    # Latin small letter i with circumflex
  239  => 'iuml',     # Latin small letter i with diaeresis
  240  => 'eth',      # Latin small letter eth
  241  => 'ntilde',   # Latin small letter n with tilde
  242  => 'ograve',   # Latin small letter o with grave
  243  => 'oacute',   # Latin small letter o with acute
  244  => 'ocirc',    # Latin small letter o with circumflex
  245  => 'otilde',   # Latin small letter o with tilde
  246  => 'ouml',     # Latin small letter o with diaeresis
  247  => 'divide',   # division sign
  248  => 'oslash',   # Latin small letter o with stroke
  249  => 'ugrave',   # Latin small letter u with grave
  250  => 'uacute',   # Latin small letter u with acute
  251  => 'ucirc',    # Latin small letter u with circumflex
  252  => 'uuml',     # Latin small letter u with diaeresis
  253  => 'yacute',   # Latin small letter y with acute
  254  => 'thorn',    # Latin small letter thorn
  255  => 'yuml',     # Latin small letter y with diaeresis
  338  => 'OElig',    # Latin capital ligature oe
  339  => 'oelig',    # Latin small ligature oe
  352  => 'Scaron',   # Latin capital letter s with caron
  353  => 'scaron',   # Latin small letter s with caron
  376  => 'Yuml',     # Latin capital letter y with diaeresis
  402  => 'fnof',     # Latin small letter f with hook
  710  => 'circ',     # modifier letter circumflex accent
  732  => 'tilde',    # small tilde
  913  => 'Alpha',    # Greek capital letter alpha
  914  => 'Beta',     # Greek capital letter beta
  915  => 'Gamma',    # Greek capital letter gamma
  916  => 'Delta',    # Greek capital letter delta
  917  => 'Epsilon',  # Greek capital letter epsilon
  918  => 'Zeta',     # Greek capital letter zeta
  919  => 'Eta',      # Greek capital letter eta
  920  => 'Theta',    # Greek capital letter theta
  921  => 'Iota',     # Greek capital letter iota
  922  => 'Kappa',    # Greek capital letter kappa
  923  => 'Lambda',   # Greek capital letter lambda
  924  => 'Mu',       # Greek capital letter mu
  925  => 'Nu',       # Greek capital letter nu
  926  => 'Xi',       # Greek capital letter xi
  927  => 'Omicron',  # Greek capital letter omicron
  928  => 'Pi',       # Greek capital letter pi
  929  => 'Rho',      # Greek capital letter rho
  931  => 'Sigma',    # Greek capital letter sigma
  932  => 'Tau',      # Greek capital letter tau
  933  => 'Upsilon',  # Greek capital letter upsilon
  934  => 'Phi',      # Greek capital letter phi
  935  => 'Chi',      # Greek capital letter chi
  936  => 'Psi',      # Greek capital letter psi
  937  => 'Omega',    # Greek capital letter omega
  945  => 'alpha',    # Greek small letter alpha
  946  => 'beta',     # Greek small letter beta
  947  => 'gamma',    # Greek small letter gamma
  948  => 'delta',    # Greek small letter delta
  949  => 'epsilon',  # Greek small letter epsilon
  950  => 'zeta',     # Greek small letter zeta
  951  => 'eta',      # Greek small letter eta
  952  => 'theta',    # Greek small letter theta
  953  => 'iota',     # Greek small letter iota
  954  => 'kappa',    # Greek small letter kappa
  955  => 'lambda',   # Greek small letter lambda
  956  => 'mu',       # Greek small letter mu
  957  => 'nu',       # Greek small letter nu
  958  => 'xi',       # Greek small letter xi
  959  => 'omicron',  # Greek small letter omicron
  960  => 'pi',       # Greek small letter pi
  961  => 'rho',      # Greek small letter rho
  962  => 'sigmaf',   # Greek small letter final sigma
  963  => 'sigma',    # Greek small letter sigma
  964  => 'tau',      # Greek small letter tau
  965  => 'upsilon',  # Greek small letter upsilon
  966  => 'phi',      # Greek small letter phi
  967  => 'chi',      # Greek small letter chi
  968  => 'psi',      # Greek small letter psi
  969  => 'omega',    # Greek small letter omega
  977  => 'thetasym', # Greek theta symbol
  978  => 'upsih',    # Greek upsilon with hook symbol
  982  => 'piv',      # Greek pi symbol
  8194 => 'ensp',     # en space
  8195 => 'emsp',     # em space
  8201 => 'thinsp',   # thin space
  8204 => 'zwnj',     # zero width non-joiner
  8205 => 'zwj',      # zero width joiner
  8206 => 'lrm',      # left-to-right mark
  8207 => 'rlm',      # right-to-left mark
  8211 => 'ndash',    # en dash
  8212 => 'mdash',    # em dash
  8216 => 'lsquo',    # left single quotation mark
  8217 => 'rsquo',    # right single quotation mark
  8218 => 'sbquo',    # single low-9 quotation mark
  8220 => 'ldquo',    # left double quotation mark
  8221 => 'rdquo',    # right double quotation mark
  8222 => 'bdquo',    # double low-9 quotation mark
  8224 => 'dagger',   # dagger
  8225 => 'Dagger',   # double dagger
  8226 => 'bull',     # bullet
  8230 => 'hellip',   # horizontal ellipsis
  8240 => 'permil',   # per mille sign
  8242 => 'prime',    # prime
  8243 => 'Prime',    # double prime
  8249 => 'lsaquo',   # single left-pointing angle quotation mark
  8250 => 'rsaquo',   # single right-pointing angle quotation mark
  8254 => 'oline',    # overline
  8260 => 'frasl',    # fraction slash
  8364 => 'euro',     # euro sign
  8465 => 'image',    # black-letter capital i
  8472 => 'weierp',   # script capital pXCOMMAX Weierstrass p
  8476 => 'real',     # black-letter capital r
  8482 => 'trade',    # trademark sign
  8501 => 'alefsym',  # alef symbol
  8592 => 'larr',     # leftwards arrow
  8593 => 'uarr',     # upwards arrow
  8594 => 'rarr',     # rightwards arrow
  8595 => 'darr',     # downwards arrow
  8596 => 'harr',     # left right arrow
  8629 => 'crarr',    # downwards arrow with corner leftwards
  8656 => 'lArr',     # leftwards double arrow
  8657 => 'uArr',     # upwards double arrow
  8658 => 'rArr',     # rightwards double arrow
  8659 => 'dArr',     # downwards double arrow
  8660 => 'hArr',     # left right double arrow
  8704 => 'forall',   # for all
  8706 => 'part',     # partial differential
  8707 => 'exist',    # there exists
  8709 => 'empty',    # empty set
  8711 => 'nabla',    # nabla
  8712 => 'isin',     # element of
  8713 => 'notin',    # not an element of
  8715 => 'ni',       # contains as member
  8719 => 'prod',     # n-ary product
  8721 => 'sum',      # n-ary summation
  8722 => 'minus',    # minus sign
  8727 => 'lowast',   # asterisk operator
  8730 => 'radic',    # square root
  8733 => 'prop',     # proportional to
  8734 => 'infin',    # infinity
  8736 => 'ang',      # angle
  8743 => 'and',      # logical and
  8744 => 'or',       # logical or
  8745 => 'cap',      # intersection
  8746 => 'cup',      # union
  8747 => 'int',      # integral
  8756 => 'there4',   # therefore
  8764 => 'sim',      # tilde operator
  8773 => 'cong',     # congruent to
  8776 => 'asymp',    # almost equal to
  8800 => 'ne',       # not equal to
  8801 => 'equiv',    # identical toXCOMMAX equivalent to
  8804 => 'le',       # less-than or equal to
  8805 => 'ge',       # greater-than or equal to
  8834 => 'sub',      # subset of
  8835 => 'sup',      # superset of
  8836 => 'nsub',     # not a subset of
  8838 => 'sube',     # subset of or equal to
  8839 => 'supe',     # superset of or equal to
  8853 => 'oplus',    # circled plus
  8855 => 'otimes',   # circled times
  8869 => 'perp',     # up tack
  8901 => 'sdot',     # dot operator
  8968 => 'lceil',    # left ceiling
  8969 => 'rceil',    # right ceiling
  8970 => 'lfloor',   # left floor
  8971 => 'rfloor',   # right floor
  9001 => 'lang',     # left-pointing angle bracket
  9002 => 'rang',     # right-pointing angle bracket
  9674 => 'loz',      # lozenge
  9824 => 'spades',   # black spade suit
  9827 => 'clubs',    # black club suit
  9829 => 'hearts',   # black heart suit
  9830 => 'diams',    # black diamond suit

This constant is part of a private API. You should avoid using this constant if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.

Allowed URL schemes

See Also:


  • 0.4.0

%w[http https mailto].freeze

Class Method Summary collapse

Class Method Details

.html(input) ⇒ String

Escape HTML contents

This MUST be used only for tag contents. Please use ‘html_attribute` for escaping HTML attributes.


Good practice

<div><%= Hanami::Utils::Escape.html('<script>alert(1);</script>') %></div>

Bad practice

# WRONG Use Escape.html_attribute instead
<a title="<%= Hanami::Utils::Escape.html('...') %>">link</a>


  • input (String)

    the input


  • (String)

    the escaped string

See Also:


  • 0.4.0

# File 'lib/hanami/utils/escape.rb', line 420

def self.html(input)
  input = encode(input)
  return input if input.is_a?(SafeString)

  result =

  input.each_char do |chr|
    result << HTML_CHARS.fetch(chr, chr)


.html_attribute(input) ⇒ String

Escape HTML attributes

This can be used both for HTML attributes and contents. Please note that this is more computational expensive. If you need to escape only HTML contents, please use ‘.html`.


Good practice

<a title="<%= Hanami::Utils::Escape.html_attribute('...') %>">link</a>

Good but expensive practice

# Alternatively you can use Escape.html
<p><%= Hanami::Utils::Escape.html_attribute('...') %></p>


  • input (String)

    the input


  • (String)

    the escaped string

See Also:


  • 0.4.0

# File 'lib/hanami/utils/escape.rb', line 453

def self.html_attribute(input)
  input = encode(input)
  return input if input.is_a?(SafeString)

  result =

  input.each_char do |chr|
    result << encode_char(chr, HTML_ATTRIBUTE_SAFE_CHARS)


.url(input, schemes = DEFAULT_URL_SCHEMES) ⇒ String

Escape URL for HTML attributes (href, src, etc..).

It extracts from the given input the first valid URL that matches the whitelisted schemes (default: http, https and mailto).

It’s possible to pass a second optional argument to specify different schemes.


Basic usage

  good_input = ""
  evil_input = "javascript:alert('xss')"

  escaped_good_input = Hanami::Utils::Escape.url(good_input) # => ""
  escaped_evil_input = Hanami::Utils::Escape.url(evil_input) # => ""

<a href="<%= escaped_good_input %>">personal website</a>
<a href="<%= escaped_evil_input %>">personal website</a>

Custom scheme

  schemes  = ['ftp', 'ftps']

  accepted = "ftps://"
  rejected = ""

  escaped_accepted = Hanami::Utils::Escape.url(accepted) # => "ftps://"
  escaped_rejected = Hanami::Utils::Escape.url(rejected) # => ""

<a href="<%= escaped_accepted %>">FTP</a>
<a href="<%= escaped_rejected %>">FTP</a>


  • input (String)

    the input

  • schemes (Array<String>) (defaults to: DEFAULT_URL_SCHEMES)

    an array of whitelisted schemes


  • (String)

    the escaped string

See Also:


  • 0.4.0

# File 'lib/hanami/utils/escape.rb', line 509

def self.url(input, schemes = DEFAULT_URL_SCHEMES)
  input = encode(input)
  return input if input.is_a?(SafeString)