Class: Google::Spanner::V1::ExecuteBatchDmlResponse

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The response for ExecuteBatchDml. Contains a list of ResultSet messages, one for each DML statement that has successfully executed, in the same order as the statements in the request. If a statement fails, the status in the response body identifies the cause of the failure.

To check for DML statements that failed, use the following approach:

  1. Check the status in the response message. The Rpc::Code enum value OK indicates that all statements were executed successfully.
  2. If the status was not OK, check the number of result sets in the response. If the response contains N ResultSet messages, then statement N+1 in the request failed.

Example 1:

  • Request: 5 DML statements, all executed successfully.
  • Response: 5 ResultSet messages, with the status OK.

Example 2:

  • Request: 5 DML statements. The third statement has a syntax error.
  • Response: 2 ResultSet messages, and a syntax error (INVALID_ARGUMENT) status. The number of ResultSet messages indicates that the third statement failed, and the fourth and fifth statements were not executed.

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Returns One ResultSet for each statement in the request that ran successfully, in the same order as the statements in the request. Each ResultSet does not contain any rows. The ResultSetStats in each ResultSet contain the number of rows modified by the statement.

Only the first ResultSet in the response contains valid ResultSetMetadata.


# File 'lib/google/cloud/spanner/v1/doc/google/spanner/v1/spanner.rb', line 338

class ExecuteBatchDmlResponse; end


Returns If all DML statements are executed successfully, the status is OK. Otherwise, the error status of the first failed statement.


  • (Google::Rpc::Status)

    If all DML statements are executed successfully, the status is OK. Otherwise, the error status of the first failed statement.

# File 'lib/google/cloud/spanner/v1/doc/google/spanner/v1/spanner.rb', line 338

class ExecuteBatchDmlResponse; end