Class: Google::Privacy::Dlp::V2::DateShiftConfig

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Shifts dates by random number of days, with option to be consistent for the same context. See to learn more.

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Returns Points to the field that contains the context, for example, an entity id. If set, must also set cryptoKey. If set, shift will be consistent for the given context.


  • (Google::Privacy::Dlp::V2::FieldId)

    Points to the field that contains the context, for example, an entity id. If set, must also set cryptoKey. If set, shift will be consistent for the given context.

# File 'lib/google/cloud/dlp/v2/doc/google/privacy/dlp/v2/dlp.rb', line 1840

class DateShiftConfig; end


Returns Causes the shift to be computed based on this key and the context. This results in the same shift for the same context and crypto_key. If set, must also set context. Can only be applied to table items.


  • (Google::Privacy::Dlp::V2::CryptoKey)

    Causes the shift to be computed based on this key and the context. This results in the same shift for the same context and crypto_key. If set, must also set context. Can only be applied to table items.

# File 'lib/google/cloud/dlp/v2/doc/google/privacy/dlp/v2/dlp.rb', line 1840

class DateShiftConfig; end


Returns Required. For example, -5 means shift date to at most 5 days back in the past.


  • (Integer)

    Required. For example, -5 means shift date to at most 5 days back in the past.

# File 'lib/google/cloud/dlp/v2/doc/google/privacy/dlp/v2/dlp.rb', line 1840

class DateShiftConfig; end


Returns Required. Range of shift in days. Actual shift will be selected at random within this range (inclusive ends). Negative means shift to earlier in time. Must not be more than 365250 days (1000 years) each direction.

For example, 3 means shift date to at most 3 days into the future.


  • (Integer)

    Required. Range of shift in days. Actual shift will be selected at random within this range (inclusive ends). Negative means shift to earlier in time. Must not be more than 365250 days (1000 years) each direction.

    For example, 3 means shift date to at most 3 days into the future.

# File 'lib/google/cloud/dlp/v2/doc/google/privacy/dlp/v2/dlp.rb', line 1840

class DateShiftConfig; end