Class: Google::Bigtable::Admin::V2::ListAppProfilesRequest

  • Object
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Request message for BigtableInstanceAdmin.ListAppProfiles.

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Details


Returns Maximum number of results per page.

A page_size of zero lets the server choose the number of items to return. A page_size which is strictly positive will return at most that many items. A negative page_size will cause an error.

Following the first request, subsequent paginated calls are not required to pass a page_size. If a page_size is set in subsequent calls, it must match the page_size given in the first request.


  • (Integer)

    Maximum number of results per page.

    A page_size of zero lets the server choose the number of items to return. A page_size which is strictly positive will return at most that many items. A negative page_size will cause an error.

    Following the first request, subsequent paginated calls are not required to pass a page_size. If a page_size is set in subsequent calls, it must match the page_size given in the first request.

# File 'lib/google/cloud/bigtable/admin/v2/doc/google/bigtable/admin/v2/bigtable_instance_admin.rb', line 250

class ListAppProfilesRequest; end


Returns The value of next_page_token returned by a previous call.


  • (String)

    The value of next_page_token returned by a previous call.

# File 'lib/google/cloud/bigtable/admin/v2/doc/google/bigtable/admin/v2/bigtable_instance_admin.rb', line 250

class ListAppProfilesRequest; end


Returns Required. The unique name of the instance for which a list of app profiles is requested. Values are of the form projects/{project}/instances/{instance}. Use {instance} = '-' to list AppProfiles for all Instances in a project, e.g., projects/myproject/instances/-.


  • (String)

    Required. The unique name of the instance for which a list of app profiles is requested. Values are of the form projects/{project}/instances/{instance}. Use {instance} = '-' to list AppProfiles for all Instances in a project, e.g., projects/myproject/instances/-.

# File 'lib/google/cloud/bigtable/admin/v2/doc/google/bigtable/admin/v2/bigtable_instance_admin.rb', line 250

class ListAppProfilesRequest; end