Module: FlexColumns::ActiveRecord::Base

Extended by:
Included in:
Defined in:


This is the module that gets included into ::ActiveRecord::Base when flex_columns is loaded. (No other changes are made to the ActiveRecord API, except for classes where you’ve declared flex_column or include_flex_columns_from.) All it does is look for calls to our methods, and, when they are called, include the correct module and then repeat the call again.

Defined Under Namespace

Modules: ClassMethods

Instance Method Summary collapse

Instance Method Details

#_flex_column_object_for(column_name, create_if_needed = true) ⇒ Object

There are two ways you can end up with a flex-column object for a particular column name: either because your model class declared that column as a flex column directly, or because you included flex columns from a model that has that column declared as a flex column. This method allows us to dispatch to either, and correctly returns the ‘owned’ object in preference if necessary.

We used to use some complex magic with super and defined a method of this name both in FlexColumns::Including::IncludeFlexColumns and FlexColumns::HasFlexColumns, but Rails 4.0.3 or 4.0.4 broke that due to some rejiggery in ActiveRecord::Base#method_missing. This seems like a significantly cleaner approach anyway.

# File 'lib/flex_columns/active_record/base.rb', line 24

def _flex_column_object_for(column_name, create_if_needed = true)
  return _flex_column_owned_object_for(column_name, create_if_needed) if respond_to?(:_flex_column_owned_object_for)
  return _flex_column_included_object_for(column_name) if respond_to?(:_flex_column_included_object_for)
  raise "FlexColumns: class #{} seems to have no flex-column object for column #{column_name.inspect}, even though it internally asked for one; this is almost certainly a bug in the FlexColumns RubyGem. Please report it, and accept our apologies."