Class: Tk::Label

Widget show all
Cget, Configure
Defined in:


A label is a widget that displays a textual string, bitmap or image.

If text is displayed, it must all be in a single font, but it can occupy multiple lines on the screen (if it contains newlines or if wrapping occurs because of the wrapLength option) and one of the characters may optionally be underlined using the underline option.

The label can be manipulated in a few simple ways, such as changing its relief or text. Additional options may be specified to configure aspects of the label such as its colors, font, text, and initial relief.

Direct Known Subclasses


Constant Summary

Constants included from Cget


Constants included from WM


Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Widget

#tk_parent, #tk_pathname

Class Method Summary collapse

Instance Method Summary collapse

Methods included from Cget

#cget, option_hash_to_tcl, option_to_ruby, type_to_ruby

Methods included from Configure


Methods inherited from Widget

#execute, #execute_only, #focus, #focus_next, #focus_prev, #initialize, #lower, #raise, #to_tcl

Methods included from Pack

configure, forget, info, pack, #pack, #pack_configure, #pack_forget, #pack_info, #pack_propagate, #pack_slaves, propagate, slaves

Methods included from Destroy

destroy, #destroy

Methods included from Bind

bind, #bind, unbind, #unbind

Methods included from Bindtags

bindtags, #bindtags

Methods included from WM

aspect, attributes, client, colormapwindows, command, deiconify, focusmodel, forget, frame, geometry, grid, group, iconbitmap, iconbitmap_default, iconify, iconmask, iconname, iconphoto, iconphoto_default, iconposition, iconwindow, manage, maxsize, minsize, overrideredirect, positionfrom, protocol, resizable, sizefrom, stackorder, state, title, transient, withdraw, #wm_aspect, #wm_aspect=, #wm_attributes, #wm_client, #wm_client=, #wm_colormapwindows, #wm_colormapwindows=, #wm_command, #wm_command=, #wm_deiconify, #wm_focusmodel, #wm_focusmodel=, #wm_forget, #wm_frame, #wm_geometry, #wm_geometry=, #wm_grid, #wm_grid=, #wm_group, #wm_group=, #wm_iconbitmap, #wm_iconbitmap=, #wm_iconbitmap_default, #wm_iconbitmap_default=, #wm_iconify, #wm_iconmask, #wm_iconmask=, #wm_iconname, #wm_iconname=, #wm_iconphoto, #wm_iconphoto=, #wm_iconphoto_default, #wm_iconphoto_default=, #wm_iconposition, #wm_iconposition=, #wm_iconwindow, #wm_iconwindow=, #wm_manage, #wm_maxsize, #wm_minsize, #wm_overrideredirect, #wm_overrideredirect=, #wm_positionfrom, #wm_positionfrom=, #wm_protocol, #wm_resizable, #wm_sizefrom, #wm_sizefrom=, #wm_stackorder, #wm_state, #wm_state=, #wm_title, #wm_title=, #wm_transient, #wm_transient=, #wm_withdraw

Methods included from Winfo

atom, atomname, cells, children, class_name, colormapfull, containing, depth, exists, fpixels, geometry, height, id, interps, ismapped, manager, name, parent, pathname, pixels, pointerx, pointerxy, pointery, reqheight, reqwidth, rgb, rootx, rooty, screen, screencells, screendepth, screenheight, screenmmheight, screenmmwidth, screenvisual, screenwidth, server, toplevel, viewable, visual, visualid, visualsavailable, vrootheight, vrootwidth, vrootx, vrooty, width, #winfo_atom, #winfo_atomname, #winfo_cells, #winfo_children, #winfo_class, #winfo_colormapfull, #winfo_containing, #winfo_depth, #winfo_exists, #winfo_fpixels, #winfo_geometry, #winfo_height, #winfo_id, #winfo_interps, #winfo_ismapped, #winfo_manager, #winfo_name, #winfo_parent, #winfo_pathname, #winfo_pixels, #winfo_pointerx, #winfo_pointerxy, #winfo_pointery, #winfo_reqheight, #winfo_reqwidth, #winfo_rgb, #winfo_rootx, #winfo_rooty, #winfo_screen, #winfo_screencells, #winfo_screendepth, #winfo_screenheight, #winfo_screenmmheight, #winfo_screenmmwidth, #winfo_screenvisual, #winfo_screenwidth, #winfo_server, #winfo_toplevel, #winfo_viewable, #winfo_visual, #winfo_visualid, #winfo_visualsavailable, #winfo_vrootheight, #winfo_vrootwidth, #winfo_vrootx, #winfo_vrooty, #winfo_width, #winfo_x, #winfo_y, x, y

Methods included from Grid

anchor, bbox, columnconfigure, configure, forget, #grid_anchor, #grid_bbox, #grid_columnconfigure, #grid_configure, #grid_forget, #grid_info, #grid_location, #grid_propagate, #grid_remove, #grid_rowconfigure, #grid_size, #grid_slave, #grid_slaves, info, location, propagate, remove, rowconfigure, size, slave, slaves

Methods included from Clipboard

append, clear, #clipboard_append, #clipboard_clear, #clipboard_get, #clipboard_set, get, set

Methods included from Place

configure, forget, info, place, #place, #place_configure, #place_forget, #place_info, #place_slaves, slaves

Methods included from TkCmd

appname, caret, inactive, scaling, #tk_appname, #tk_appname=, #tk_caret, #tk_inactive, #tk_scaling, #tk_scaling=, #tk_useinputmethods, #tk_useinputmethods=, #tk_windowingsystem, useinputmethods, windowingsystem

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Tk::Widget

Class Method Details


# File 'lib/ffi-tk/widget/label.rb', line 16

def self.tk_command; 'label'; end

Instance Method Details


# File 'lib/ffi-tk/widget/label.rb', line 22

def value

#value=(string) ⇒ Object

# File 'lib/ffi-tk/widget/label.rb', line 18

def value=(string)
  configure(text: string)