Class: FFI::Libfuse::FuseConnInfo

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Connection information

Some of the elements are read-write, these can be changed to indicate the value requested by the filesystem. The requested value must usually be smaller than the indicated value.

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Method Summary collapse

Methods included from Accessors

#fill, included, #inspect, #to_h

Instance Attribute Details

#capableArray<Symbol> (readonly)

Capability flags supported by kernel fuse module

  • :async_read Indicates that the filesystem supports asynchronous read requests.

If this capability is not requested/available, the kernel will ensure that there is at most one pending read request per file-handle at any time, and will attempt to order read requests by increasing offset.

This feature is enabled by default when supported by the kernel.

  • :posix_locks Indicates that the filesystem supports "remote" locking.

This feature is enabled by default when supported by the kernel, and if getlk() and setlk() handlers are implemented.

  • :atomic_o_trunc Indicates that the filesystem supports the O_TRUNC open flag.

If disabled, and an application specifies O_TRUNC, fuse first calls truncate() and then open() with O_TRUNC filtered out.

This feature is enabled by default when supported by the kernel.

  • :export_support Indicates that the filesystem supports lookups of "." and "..".

This feature is disabled by default.

  • :big_writes Indicates the filesystem can handle write size larger than 4kB.

Removed in Fuse3 where is now always active. Filesystems that want to limit the size of write requests should use the #max_write option instead.

  • :dont_mask Indicates that the kernel should not apply the umask to the file mode on create operations.

This feature is disabled by default.

  • :splice_write Indicates that libfuse should try to use splice() when writing to the fuse device.

This may improve performance. This feature is disabled by default.

  • :splice_move Indicates that libfuse should try to move pages instead of copying when writing to / reading from the fuse device.

This may improve performance. This feature is disabled by default.

  • :splice_read Indicates that libfuse should try to use splice() when reading from the fuse device.

This may improve performance. This feature is enabled by default when supported by the kernel and if the filesystem implements a write_buf() handler.

  • :flock_locks If set, the calls to flock(2) will be emulated using POSIX locks and must then be handled by the filesystem's :flock handler.

If not set, flock(2) calls will be handled by the FUSE kernel module internally (so any access that does not go through the kernel cannot be taken into account).

This feature is enabled by default when supported by the kernel and if the filesystem implements a flock() handler.

  • :ioctl_dir Indicates that the filesystem supports ioctl's on directories.

This feature is enabled by default when supported by the kernel.

  • :auto_inval_data

Traditionally, while a file is open the FUSE kernel module only asks the filesystem for an update of the file's attributes when a client attempts to read beyond EOF. This is unsuitable for e.g. network filesystems, where the file contents may change without the kernel knowing about it.

If this flag is set, FUSE will check the validity of the attributes on every read. If the attributes are no longer valid (i.e., if the attr_timeout passed to fuse_reply_attr() or set in struct fuse_entry_param has passed), it will first issue a getattr request. If the new mtime differs from the previous value, any cached file contents will be invalidated as well.

This flag should always be set when available. If all file changes go through the kernel, attr_timeout should be set to a very large number to avoid unnecessary getattr() calls.

This feature is enabled by default when supported by the kernel.

  • :readdirplus Indicates that the filesystem supports readdirplus.

This feature is enabled by default when supported by the kernel and if the filesystem implements the readdirplus() handler

  • :readdirplus_auto Indicates that the filesystem supports adaptive readdirplus.

If :readdirplus is not set, this flag has no effect.

If :readdirplus is set and this flag is not set, the kernel will always issue readdirplus() requests to retrieve directory contents.

If :readdirplus is set and this flag is set, the kernel will issue both readdir() and readdirplus() requests, depending on how much information is expected to be required.

As of Linux 4.20, the algorithm is as follows: when userspace starts to read directory entries, issue a :reaadirplus request to the filesystem. If any entry attributes have been looked up by the time userspace requests the next batch of entries continue with :reaadirplus, otherwise switch to plain :readdir. This will result in eg plain "ls" triggering :reaadirplus first then :readdir after that because it doesn't do lookups. "ls -l" should result in all :reaadirplus, except if dentries are already cached.

This feature is enabled by default when supported by the kernel and if the filesystem implements both a readdirplus() and a readdir() handler.

Note The high-level operations mix :readdir and :readdirplus into one operation with flags to indicate behaviour. As such for the purposes of above :readdirplus is always implemented!

  • :async_dio Indicates that the filesystem supports asynchronous direct I/O submission.

If this capability is not requested/available, the kernel will ensure that there is at most one pending read and one pending write request per direct I/O file-handle at any time.

This feature is enabled by default when supported by the kernel.

  • :writeback_cache Indicates that writeback caching should be enabled.

This means that individual write request may be buffered and merged in the kernel before they are send to the filesystem.

This feature is disabled by default.

  • :no_open_support Indicates support for zero-message opens.

If this flag is set in the capable field of the fuse_conn_info structure, then the filesystem may return ENOSYS from the open() handler to indicate success. Further attempts to open files will be handled in the kernel. (If this flag is not set, returning ENOSYS will be treated as an error and signaled to the caller).

Setting (or unsetting) this flag in the want field has no effect.

  • :parallel_dirops Indicates support for parallel directory operations.

If this flag is unset, the FUSE kernel module will ensure that lookup() and readdir() requests are never issued concurrently for the same directory.

This feature is enabled by default when supported by the kernel.

  • :posix_acl Indicates support for POSIX ACLs.

If this feature is enabled, the kernel will cache and have responsibility for enforcing ACLs. ACL will be stored as xattrs and passed to userspace, which is responsible for updating the ACLs in the filesystem, keeping the file mode in sync with the ACL, and ensuring inheritance of default ACLs when new filesystem nodes are created. Note that this requires that the file system is able to parse and interpret the xattr representation of ACLs.

Enabling this feature implicitly turns on the default_permissions mount option (even if it was not passed to mount(2)).

This feature is disabled by default.

  • :handle_killpriv Indicates that the filesystem is responsible for unsetting setuid and setgid bits when a file is written, truncated, or its owner is changed.

This feature is enabled by default when supported by the kernel.

  • :cache_symlinks Indicates that the kernel supports caching symlinks in its page cache.

When this feature is enabled, symlink targets are saved in the page cache. You can invalidate a cached link by calling: fuse_lowlevel_notify_inval_inode(se, ino, 0, 0);

This feature is disabled by default.

  • :no_opendir_support Indicates support for zero-message opendirs.

If this flag is set then the filesystem may return ENOSYS from the opendir() handler to indicate success. Further opendir and releasedir messages will be handled in the kernel. (If this flag is not set, returning ENOSYS will be treated as an error and signalled to the caller.)

Setting (or unsetting) this flag in the want field has no effect.

  • :explicit_inval_data Indicates support for invalidating cached pages only on explicit request.

If this flag is set in the capable field of the fuse_conn_info structure, then the FUSE kernel module supports invalidating cached pages only on explicit request by the filesystem through fuse_lowlevel_notify_inval_inode() or fuse_invalidate_path().

By setting this flag in the want field of the fuse_conn_info structure, the filesystem is responsible for invalidating cached pages through explicit requests to the kernel.

Note that setting this flag does not prevent the cached pages from being flushed by OS itself and/or through user actions.

Note that if both :explicit_inval_data and :auto_inval_data are set then :auto_inval_data takes precedence.

This feature is disabled by default.


  • (Array<Symbol>)

# File 'lib/ffi/libfuse/fuse_conn_info.rb', line 307

ffi_attr_reader :capable


f the number of pending background requests exceeds this number, the FUSE kernel module will mark the filesystem as "congested". This instructs the kernel to expect that queued requests will take some time to complete, and to adjust its algorithms accordingly (e.g. by putting a waiting thread to sleep instead of using a busy-loop).


  • (Integer)

    Kernel congestion threshold parameter

# File 'lib/ffi/libfuse/fuse_conn_info.rb', line 371

ffi_attr_accessor :congestion_threshold


A background request is any type of request for which the total number is not limited by other means. As of kernel 4.8, only two types of requests fall into this category:

  1. Read-ahead requests
  2. Asynchronous direct I/O requests

Read-ahead requests are generated (if max_readahead is non-zero) by the kernel to preemptively fill its caches when it anticipates that userspace will soon read more data.

Asynchronous direct I/O requests are generated if :async_dio is enabled and userspace submits a large direct I/O request. In this case the kernel will internally split it up into multiple smaller requests and submit them to the filesystem concurrently.

Note that the following requests are not background requests: writeback requests (limited by the kernel's flusher algorithm), regular (i.e., synchronous and buffered) userspace read/write requests (limited to one per thread), asynchronous read requests (Linux's io_submit(2) call actually blocks, so these are also limited to one per thread).


  • (Integer)

    Maximum number of pending "background" requests.

# File 'lib/ffi/libfuse/fuse_conn_info.rb', line 363

ffi_attr_accessor :max_background



For the time being, the maximum size of read requests must be set both here and passed to

A value of zero indicates no limit. However, even if the filesystem does not specify a limit, the maximum size of read requests will still be limited by the kernel.

using the -o max_read=<n> mount option. At some point in the future, specifying the mount option will no longer be necessary.


  • (Integer)

    Maximum size of read requests.


  • Fuse3

# File 'lib/ffi/libfuse/fuse_conn_info.rb', line 114

ffi_attr_accessor :max_read


Returns Maximum size of the readahead buffer.


  • (Integer)

    Maximum size of the readahead buffer

# File 'lib/ffi/libfuse/fuse_conn_info.rb', line 122

ffi_attr_accessor :max_write, :max_readahead


Returns Maximum size of the write buffer.


  • (Integer)

    Maximum size of the write buffer

# File 'lib/ffi/libfuse/fuse_conn_info.rb', line 116

#proto_majorInteger (readonly)

Returns Major version of the protocol (read-only).


  • (Integer)

    Major version of the protocol (read-only)

# File 'lib/ffi/libfuse/fuse_conn_info.rb', line 96

#proto_minorInteger (readonly)

Returns Minor version of the protocol (read-only).


  • (Integer)

    Minor version of the protocol (read-only)

# File 'lib/ffi/libfuse/fuse_conn_info.rb', line 102

ffi_attr_reader :proto_major, :proto_minor


When :writeback_cache is enabled, the kernel is responsible for updating mtime and ctime when write requests are received. The updated values are passed to the filesystem with setattr() requests. However, if the filesystem does not support the full resolution of the kernel timestamps (nanoseconds), the mtime and ctime values used by kernel and filesystem will differ (and result in an apparent change of times after a cache flush).

To prevent this problem, this variable can be used to inform the kernel about the timestamp granularity supported by the file-system. The value should be power of 10. The default is 1, i.e. full nano-second resolution. Filesystems supporting only second resolution should set this to 1000000000.


  • (Integer)

    timestamp granularity supported by the file-system

# File 'lib/ffi/libfuse/fuse_conn_info.rb', line 384

ffi_attr_accessor :time_gran

#wantArray<Symbol> #want(*capabiities) ⇒ Array<Symbol> #want(**capabilities) ⇒ Array<Symbol>


  • #wantArray<Symbol>

    Capability flags that the filesystem wants to enable.

    libfuse attempts to initialize this field with reasonable default values before calling the :init handler.

  • #want(*capabiities) ⇒ Array<Symbol>

    Add to the capabilities wanted by the filesystem


    • capabilities (Array<Symbol>)

      list to add

  • #want(**capabilities) ⇒ Array<Symbol>


    • capabilities (Hash<Symbol,Boolean>)

      map of capability names to whether they are explicitly wanted or unwanted


  • (Array<Symbol>)

See Also:

# File 'lib/ffi/libfuse/fuse_conn_info.rb', line 329

ffi_attr_reader(:want, simple: false) do |*caps, **h|
  next self[:want] if caps.empty? && h.empty?

  h.merge!(caps.pop) if caps.last.is_a?(Hash)
  add, del = h.keys.partition { |c| h[c] }
  self[:want] = (self[:want] - del + add + caps)

Instance Method Details

#capable?(*capabilities) ⇒ Boolean

Returns true if #capable of all capabilities.


  • capabilities (Array<Symbol>)


  • (Boolean)

    true if #capable of all capabilities

# File 'lib/ffi/libfuse/fuse_conn_info.rb', line 311

def capable?(*capabilities)
  capabilities.all? { |c| self[:capable].include?(c) }

#wanted?(*capabilities) ⇒ Boolean

Returns true if all capabilities are wanted.


  • capabilities (Array<Symbol>)


  • (Boolean)

    true if all capabilities are wanted

# File 'lib/ffi/libfuse/fuse_conn_info.rb', line 339

def wanted?(*capabilities)
  capabilities.all? { |c| self[:want].include?(c) }