Module: Fastlane::FirebaseTestLab

Defined in:

Defined Under Namespace

Classes: Credential, ErrorHelper, FirebaseTestLabService, IosValidator, Options, Storage

Constant Summary collapse

  ERROR: "The execution or matrix has stopped because it encountered an infrastructure failure.",
  UNSUPPORTED_ENVIRONMENT: "The execution was not run because it corresponds to a unsupported environment.",
  INCOMPATIBLE_ENVIRONMENT: "The execution was not run because the provided inputs are incompatible with the " \
                            "requested environment",
  INCOMPATIBLE_ARCHITECTURE: "The execution was not run because the provided inputs are incompatible with the " \
                             "requested architecture.",
  CANCELLED: "The user cancelled the execution.",
  INVALID: "The execution or matrix was not run because the provided inputs are not valid."
  MALFORMED_APK: "The app APK is not a valid Android application",
  MALFORMED_TEST_APK: "The test APK is not a valid Android instrumentation test",
  NO_MANIFEST: "The app APK is missing the manifest file",
  NO_PACKAGE_NAME: "The APK manifest file is missing the package name",
  TEST_SAME_AS_APP: "The test APK is the same as the app APK",
  NO_INSTRUMENTATION: "The test APK declares no instrumentation tags in the manifest",
  NO_SIGNATURE: "At least one supplied APK file has a missing or invalid signature",
  INSTRUMENTATION_ORCHESTRATOR_INCOMPATIBLE: "The test runner class specified by the user or the test APK\"s " \
                                             "manifest file is not compatible with Android Test Orchestrator. " \
                                             "Please use AndroidJUnitRunner version 1.0 or higher",
  NO_TEST_RUNNER_CLASS: "The test APK does not contain the test runner class specified by " \
                        "the user or the manifest file. The test runner class name may be " \
                        "incorrect, or the class may be mislocated in the app APK.",
  NO_LAUNCHER_ACTIVITY: "The app APK does not specify a main launcher activity",
  FORBIDDEN_PERMISSIONS: "The app declares one or more permissions that are not allowed",
  INVALID_ROBO_DIRECTIVES: "Cannot have multiple robo-directives with the same resource name",
  TEST_LOOP_INTENT_FILTER_NOT_FOUND: "The app does not have a correctly formatted game-loop intent filter",
  SCENARIO_LABEL_NOT_DECLARED: "A scenario-label was not declared in the manifest file",
  SCENARIO_LABEL_MALFORMED: "A scenario-label in the manifest includes invalid numbers or ranges",
  SCENARIO_NOT_DECLARED: "A scenario-number was not declared in the manifest file",
  DEVICE_ADMIN_RECEIVER: "Device administrator applications are not allowed",
  MALFORMED_XC_TEST_ZIP: "The XCTest zip file was malformed. The zip did not contain a single " \
                         ".xctestrun file and the contents of the DerivedData/Build/Products directory.",
  BUILT_FOR_IOS_SIMULATOR: "The provided XCTest was built for the iOS simulator rather than for " \
                           "a physical device",
  NO_TESTS_IN_XC_TEST_ZIP: "The .xctestrun file did not specify any test targets to run",
  USE_DESTINATION_ARTIFACTS: "One or more of the test targets defined in the .xctestrun file " \
                             "specifies \"UseDestinationArtifacts\", which is not allowed",
  TEST_NOT_APP_HOSTED: "One or more of the test targets defined in the .xctestrun file " \
                       "does not have a host binary to run on the physical iOS device, " \
                       "which may cause errors when running xcodebuild",
  NO_CODE_APK: "\"hasCode\" is false in the Manifest. Tested APKs must contain code",
  INVALID_INPUT_APK: "Either the provided input APK path was malformed, the APK file does " \
                     "not exist, or the user does not have permission to access the file"

Class Method Summary collapse

Class Method Details


Return all .rb files inside the “actions” and “helper” directory

# File 'lib/fastlane/plugin/firebase_test_lab.rb', line 6

def self.all_classes
  Dir[File.expand_path('*/{actions,helper}/*.rb', File.dirname(__FILE__))]