Module: AngellistApi::Client::StartupRoles

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Defines methods related to URLs

Instance Method Summary collapse

Instance Method Details

#get_startup_roles(options = {}) ⇒ Object


Given a startup_id, returns the users involved in that startup. Given a user_id, returns the startups that user is involved in. If neither parameter is given, the authenticated user is used. Possible roles include founder, employee, past_investor, current_investor, advisor, incubator and referrer. Roles are paginated and ordered by most recently declared first.

When called with a :v => 1 parameter:

Given a user_id, returns the companies that User is tagged in. Given a startup_id, returns either the users and companies tagged in the given Startup (if direction is incoming) or the companies which the given Startup is tagged in (if direction is outgoing). If neither parameter is given, the authenticated user is used. Possible roles include founder, employee, past_investor, current_investor, advisor, incubator and referrer. Roles are paginated and ordered by most recently declared first.


Get info about authenticated user’s startups and roles.


Get users involved in startup with ID 1234, and their roles.

AngellistApi.get_startup_roles(:startup_id => 1234)


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})

    A customizable set of options.

Options Hash (options):

  • :user_id (Integer)

    The user whose startup relationships you want to view.

  • :startup_id (Integer)

    The startup whose user relationships you want to view.

  • :role (String)

    The specific role you’d like to filter on, e.g. “founder”, “past_investor”, “advisor”

  • :direction (String)

    Only applies if startup_id is present. Either incoming or outgoing. Defaults to incoming.

  • :page (Integer)

    Specifies the page of results to retrieve.

# File 'lib/angellist_api/client/startup_roles.rb', line 45

def get_startup_roles(options={})
  get("1/startup_roles", options)