Class: ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQLUniqueConstraint

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Creates UNIQUE constraints for PostgreSQL tables.

This class is meant to be used by PostgreSQL column and table definition and manipulation methods. There are several ways to use this class:

  • on a column definition

  • on a table definition

  • when altering a table

In PostgreSQL, a UNIQUE constraint is really just a unique index, so you can alternatively add a UNIQUE constraint using the standard ActiveRecord add_index method with the :unique option. You can also use our expanded PostgreSQLAdapter#create_index method, which adds additional PostgreSQL-specific options. See the PostgreSQLIndexDefinition class for details on these extra options.

Column Definition

When creating a new table via PostgreSQLAdapter#create_table, you can specify UNIQUE constraints on individual columns during definition.


create_table(:foo) do |t|
  t.integer :fancy_id, :unique => true

# Produces:
# CREATE TABLE "foo" (
#   "id" serial primary key,
#   "fancy_id" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL,
#   UNIQUE ("fancy_id")
# );

You can provide additional options to the UNIQUE constraint by passing a Hash instead of true. See below for details on these additional options.

Table Definition

UNIQUE constraints can also be applied to the table directly rather than on a column definition. This is useful when you want to add multiple columns to the constraint.


create_table(:foo) do |t|
  t.integer :fancy_id
  t.integer :another_fancy_id
  t.unique_constraint [ :fancy_id, :another_fancy_id ]

# Produces:
# CREATE TABLE "foo" (
#   "id" serial primary key,
#   "fancy_id" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL,
#   "another_fancy_id" integer DEFAULT NULL NULL,
#   UNIQUE ("fancy_id", "another_fancy_id")
# );

See below for additional options.

Table Manipulation

You can also create new UNIQUE constraints outside of a table definition using the standard ActiveRecord add_index method. You can also use our custom add_unique_constraint which adds a couple of PostgreSQL-specific options.

Additionally, since UNIQUE constraints in PostgreSQL are really just unique indexes, you can also use the the standard ActiveRecord add_index method with the :unique option or our custom PostgreSQLAdapter#create_index method similarly. The create_index method adds a couple of PostgreSQL-specific options if you need them.


# using the constraint method:
add_unique_constraint(:foo, [ :fancy_id, :another_fancy_id ])
# => ALTER TABLE "foo" ADD UNIQUE ("fancy_id", "another_fancy_id");

# using create_index:
create_index('my_index_name', :foo, [ :fancy_id, :another_fancy_id ], :unique => true)
# => CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "my_index_name" ON "foo"("fancy_id", "another_fancy_id");

# using the standard ActiveRecord add_index:
add_index(:foo, [ :fancy_id, :another_fancy_id ], :unique => true)
# => CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index_foo_on_fancy_id_and_another_fancy_id" ON "foo" ("fancy_id", "another_fancy_id");

You’ll notice that in create_index we must manually supply a name while add_index can generate one for us automatically. See the create_index documentation for details as to why this mysterious departure from the standard ActiveRecord method is necessary.

Options for UNIQUE Constraints

When creating UNIQUE constraints using a column or table definition or when using add_unique_constraint, there are a hanful of PostgreSQL-specific options that you may find useful.

  • :name - specifies a name for the constraint.

  • :storage_parameters - PostgreSQL allows you to add a couple of additional parameters to indexes to govern disk usage and such. This option is a simple String or a Hash that lets you insert these options as necessary. See the PostgreSQL documentation on index storage parameters for details. :index_parameters can also be used.

  • :tablespace - allows you to specify a tablespace for the unique index being created. See the PostgreSQL documentation on tablespaces for details.

Dropping UNIQUE Constraints

Like all PostgreSQL constraints, you can use drop_constraint to remove a constraint from a table. Since a UNIQUE constraint is really just a unique index in PostgreSQL, you can also use the standard ActiveRecord remove_index method or our custom PostgreSQLAdapter#drop_index method.

With drop_index, you can provide a couple of PostgreSQL-specific options, which may be useful in some situations. See the documentation for PostgreSQLAdapter#drop_index for details.

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Attributes inherited from PostgreSQLConstraint

#base, #options

Instance Method Summary collapse

Methods included from PostgreSQLExtensions::Utils

#hash_or_array_of_hashes, #options_from_hash_or_string, #strip_heredoc

Constructor Details

#initialize(base, columns, options = {}) ⇒ PostgreSQLUniqueConstraint


# File 'lib/active_record/postgresql_extensions/constraints.rb', line 411

def initialize(base, columns, options = {}) #:nodoc:
  @columns = columns
  super(base, options)

Instance Attribute Details


Returns the value of attribute columns.

# File 'lib/active_record/postgresql_extensions/constraints.rb', line 409

def columns

Instance Method Details

#to_sqlObject Also known as: to_s


# File 'lib/active_record/postgresql_extensions/constraints.rb', line 416

def to_sql #:nodoc:
  sql = "#{constraint_name}UNIQUE ("
  sql << Array.wrap(columns).collect { |c| base.quote_column_name(c) }.join(', ')
  sql << ")"
  sql << storage_parameters
  sql << using_tablespace