Module: Msf::Util::WindowsRegistry::Security
- Includes:
- Msf::Util::WindowsCryptoHelpers
- Defined in:
- lib/msf/util/windows_registry/security.rb
This module include helpers for the SECURITY hive
Defined Under Namespace
Classes: CacheData, CacheEntry, CacheInfo
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#lsa_vista_style ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute lsa_vista_style.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#cached_infos(nlkm_key) ⇒ Array
Returns the decrypted Cache data and information from HKLMCache.
#lsa_secret_key(boot_key) ⇒ String
Retrieve the decrypted LSA secret key from a given BootKey.
#lsa_secrets(lsa_key) ⇒ Hash
Returns the decrypted LSA secrets under HKLMSECURITYPolicySecrets.
#nlkm_secret_key(lsa_key) ⇒ String
Returns the decrypted NLKM secret key from HKLMSECURITYPolicySecretsNL$KMCurrVal.
Methods included from Msf::Util::WindowsCryptoHelpers
#add_parity, #aes128_cts_hmac_sha1_96, #aes256_cts_hmac_sha1_96, #aes_cts_hmac_sha1_96, #convert_des_56_to_64, #decrypt_aes, #decrypt_hash, #decrypt_lsa_data, #decrypt_secret_data, #decrypt_user_hash, #decrypt_user_key, #des_cbc_md5, #fix_parity, #rc4_hmac, #rid_to_key, #weak_des_key?
Instance Attribute Details
#lsa_vista_style ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute lsa_vista_style.
80 81 82 |
# File 'lib/msf/util/windows_registry/security.rb', line 80 def lsa_vista_style @lsa_vista_style end |
Instance Method Details
#cached_infos(nlkm_key) ⇒ Array
Returns the decrypted Cache data and information from HKLMCache. For this, the NLKM secret key must be provided, which can be retrieved with the #nlkm_secret_key method.
190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 |
# File 'lib/msf/util/windows_registry/security.rb', line 190 def cached_infos(nlkm_key) values = enum_values('\\Cache') unless values elog('[Msf::Util::WindowsRegistry::Sam::cached_hashes] No cashed entries') return end values.delete('NL$Control') iteration_count = nil if values.delete('NL$IterationCount') _value_type, value_data = reg_parser.get_value('\\Cache', 'NL$IterationCount') iteration_count = value_data.to_i end do |value| _value_type, value_data = get_value('\\Cache', value) cache = cache_info = value, entry: cache) next cache_info unless cache.user_name_length > 0 enc_data = if @lsa_vista_style dec_data = decrypt_aes(enc_data, nlkm_key[16...32], cache.iv) else dec_data = decrypt_hash(enc_data, nlkm_key, cache.iv) end params = { |key, _v| key.to_s.end_with?('_length') } params[:group_count] = cache.group_count cache_data = = cache_data if @lsa_vista_style cache_info.iteration_count = iteration_count ? iteration_count : cache.iteration_count if (cache_info.iteration_count > 10240) cache_info.real_iteration_count = cache_info.iteration_count & 0xfffffc00 else cache_info.real_iteration_count = cache_info.iteration_count * 1024 end end cache_info end end |
#lsa_secret_key(boot_key) ⇒ String
Retrieve the decrypted LSA secret key from a given BootKey. This also sets the @lsa_vista_style attributes according to the registry keys found under ‘HKLMSECURITYPolicy`. If set to `true`, the system version is Windows Vista and above, otherwise it is Windows XP or below.
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# File 'lib/msf/util/windows_registry/security.rb', line 89 def lsa_secret_key(boot_key) # vprint_status('Getting PolEKList...') _value_type, value_data = get_value('\\Policy\\PolEKList') if value_data # Vista or above system @lsa_vista_style = true lsa_key = decrypt_lsa_data(value_data, boot_key) lsa_key = lsa_key[68, 32] unless lsa_key.empty? else # vprint_status('Getting PolSecretEncryptionKey...') _value_type, value_data = get_value('\\Policy\\PolSecretEncryptionKey') # If that didn't work, then we're out of luck return nil if value_data.nil? # XP or below system @lsa_vista_style = false md5x = md5x << boot_key 1000.times do md5x << value_data[60, 16] end rc4 ='rc4') rc4.decrypt rc4.key = md5x.digest lsa_key = rc4.update(value_data[12, 48]) lsa_key << lsa_key = lsa_key[0x10..0x1F] end lsa_key end |
#lsa_secrets(lsa_key) ⇒ Hash
Returns the decrypted LSA secrets under HKLMSECURITYPolicySecrets. For this, the LSA secret key must be provided, which can be retrieved with the #lsa_secret_key method.
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# File 'lib/msf/util/windows_registry/security.rb', line 130 def lsa_secrets(lsa_key) keys = enum_key('\\Policy\\Secrets') return unless keys keys.delete('NL$Control') keys.each_with_object({}) do |key, lsa_secrets| # vprint_status("Looking into #{key}") _value_type, value_data = get_value("\\Policy\\Secrets\\#{key}\\CurrVal") encrypted_secret = value_data next unless encrypted_secret if @lsa_vista_style decrypted = decrypt_lsa_data(encrypted_secret, lsa_key) secret_size = decrypted[0, 4].unpack('L<').first secret = decrypted[16, secret_size] else encrypted_secret_size = encrypted_secret[0, 4].unpack('L<').first secret = decrypt_secret_data(encrypted_secret[(encrypted_secret.size - encrypted_secret_size)..-1], lsa_key) end lsa_secrets[key] = secret end end |
#nlkm_secret_key(lsa_key) ⇒ String
Returns the decrypted NLKM secret key from HKLMSECURITYPolicySecretsNL$KMCurrVal. For this, the LSA secret key must be provided, which can be retrieved with the #lsa_secret_key method.
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# File 'lib/msf/util/windows_registry/security.rb', line 160 def nlkm_secret_key(lsa_key) _value_type, value_data = get_value('\\Policy\\Secrets\\NL$KM\\CurrVal') return nil unless value_data if @lsa_vista_style nlkm_dec = decrypt_lsa_data(value_data, lsa_key) else value_data_size = value_data[0, 4].unpack('L<').first nlkm_dec = decrypt_secret_data(value_data[(value_data.size - value_data_size)..-1], lsa_key) end nlkm_dec end |