Module: RGL::DOT

Defined in:


This is a modified version of dot.rb from Dave Thomas’s rdoc project. I renamed it to rdot.rb to avoid collision with an installed rdoc/dot.

It also supports undirected edges.

Defined Under Namespace

Classes: Digraph, DirectedEdge, Edge, Element, Graph, Node, Port, Subgraph

Constant Summary collapse


options for node declaration

  'color', # default: black; node shape color
  'colorscheme', # default: X11; scheme for interpreting color names
  'comment', # any string (format-dependent)
  'distortion', # default: 0.0; node distortion for shape=polygon
  'fillcolor', # default: lightgrey/black; node fill color
  'fixedsize', # default: false; label text has no affect on node size
  'fontcolor', # default: black; type face color
  'fontname', # default: Times-Roman; font family
  'fontsize', # default: 14; point size of label
  'group', # name of node's group
  'height', # default: .5; height in inches
  'id', # any string (user-defined output object tags)
  'label', # default: node name; any string
  'labelloc', # default: c; node label vertical alignment
  'layer', # default: overlay range; all, id or id:id
  'margin', # default: 0.11,0.55; space around label
  'nojustify', # default: false; if true, justify to label, not node
  'orientation', # default: 0.0; node rotation angle
  'penwidth', # default: 1.0; width of pen for drawing boundaries, in points
  'peripheries', # shape-dependent number of node boundaries
  'regular', # default: false; force polygon to be regular
  'samplepoints', # default 8 or 20; number vertices to convert circle or ellipse
  'shape', # default: ellipse; node shape; see Section 2.1 and Appendix E
  'shapefile', # external EPSF or SVG custom shape file
  'sides', # default: 4; number of sides for shape=polygon
  'skew', # default: 0.0; skewing of node for shape=polygon
  'style', # graphics options, e.g. bold, dotted, filled; cf. Section 2.3
  'target', # if URL is set, determines browser window for URL
  'tooltip', # default: label, tooltip annotation for node
  'URL', # URL associated with node (format-dependent)
  'width', # default: .75; width in inches

maintained for backward compatibility or rdot internal

  'bottomlabel', # auxiliary label for nodes of shape M*
  'toplabel' # auxiliary label for nodes of shape M*

options for edge declaration

  'arrowhead', # default: normal; style of arrowhead at head end
  'arrowsize', # default: 1.0; scaling factor for arrowheads
  'arrowtail', # default: normal; style of arrowhead at tail end
  'color', # default: black; edge stroke color
  'colorscheme', # default: X11; scheme for interpreting color names
  'comment', # any string (format-dependent)
  'constraint', # default: true use edge to affect node ranking
  'decorate', # if set, draws a line connecting labels with their edges
  'dir', # default: forward; forward, back, both, or none
  'edgeURL', # URL attached to non-label part of edge
  'edgehref', # synonym for edgeURL
  'edgetarget', # if URL is set, determines browser window for URL
  'edgetooltip', # default: label; tooltip annotation for non-label part of edge
  'fontcolor', # default: black type face color
  'fontname', # default: Times-Roman; font family
  'fontsize', # default: 14; point size of label
  'headclip', # default: true; if false, edge is not clipped to head node boundary
  'headhref', # synonym for headURL
  'headlabel', # default: label; placed near head of edge
  'headport', # n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw
  'headtarget', # if headURL is set, determines browser window for URL
  'headtooltip', # default: label; tooltip annotation near head of edge
  'headURL', # URL attached to head label if output format is ismap
  'href', # alias for URL
  'id', # any string (user-defined output object tags)
  'label', # edge label
  'labelangle', # default: -25.0; angle in degrees which head or tail label is rotated off edge
  'labeldistance', # default: 1.0; scaling factor for distance of head or tail label from node
  'labelfloat', # default: false; lessen constraints on edge label placement
  'labelfontcolor', # default: black; type face color for head and tail labels
  'labelfontname', # default: Times-Roman; font family for head and tail labels
  'labelfontsize', # default: 14 point size for head and tail labels
  'labelhref', # synonym for labelURL
  'labelURL', # URL for label, overrides edge URL
  'labeltarget', # if URL or labelURL is set, determines browser window for URL
  'labeltooltip', # default: label; tooltip annotation near label
  'layer', # default: overlay range; all, id or id:id
  'lhead', # name of cluster to use as head of edge
  'ltail', # name of cluster to use as tail of edge
  'minlen', # default: 1 minimum rank distance between head and tail
  'penwidth', # default: 1.0; width of pen for drawing boundaries, in points
  'samehead', # tag for head node; edge heads with the same tag are merged onto the same port
  'sametail', # tag for tail node; edge tails with the same tag are merged onto the same port
  'style', # graphics options, e.g. bold, dotted, filled; cf. Section 2.3
  'weight', # default: 1; integer cost of stretching an edge
  'tailclip', # default: true; if false, edge is not clipped to tail node boundary
  'tailhref', # synonym for tailURL
  'taillabel', # label placed near tail of edge
  'tailport', # n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw
  'tailtarget', # if tailURL is set, determines browser window for URL
  'tailtooltip', # default: label; tooltip annotation near tail of edge
  'tailURL', # URL attached to tail label if output format is ismap
  'target', # if URL is set, determines browser window for URL
  'tooltip' # default: label; tooltip annotation for edge

maintained for backward compatibility or rdot internal


options for graph declaration

  'aspect', # controls aspect ratio adjustment
  'bgcolor', # background color for drawing, plus initial fill color
  'center', # default: false; center draing on page
  'clusterrank', # default: local; may be "global" or "none"
  'color', # default: black; for clusters, outline color, and fill color if
           # fillcolor not defined
  'colorscheme', # default: X11; scheme for interpreting color names
  'comment', # any string (format-dependent)
  'compound', # default: false; allow edges between clusters
  'concentrate', # default: false; enables edge concentrators
  'dpi', # default: 96; dots per inch for image output
  'fillcolor', # default: black; cluster fill color
  'fontcolor', # default: black; type face color
  'fontname', # default: Times-Roman; font family
  'fontnames', # svg, ps, gd (SVG only)
  'fontpath', # list of directories to search for fonts
  'fontsize', # default: 14; point size of label
  'id', # any string (user-defined output object tags)
  'label', # any string
  'labeljust', # default: centered; "l" and "r" for left- and right-justified
               # cluster labels, respectively
  'labelloc', # default: top; "t" and "b" for top- and bottom-justified
              # cluster labels, respectively
  'landscape', # if true, means orientation=landscape
  'layers', # id:id:id...
  'layersep', # default: : ; specifies separator character to split layers'
  'margin', # default: .5; margin included in page, inches
  'mclimit', # default: 1.0; scale factor for mincross iterations
  'nodesep', # default: .25; separation between nodes, in inches.
  'nojustify', # default: false; if true, justify to label, not graph
  'nslimit', # if set to "f", bounds network simplex iterations by
             # (f)(number of nodes) when setting x-coordinates
  'nslimit1', # if set to "f", bounds network simplex iterations by
              # (f)(number of nodes) when ranking nodes
  'ordering', # if "out" out edge order is preserved
  'orientation', # default: portrait; if "rotate" is not used and the value is
                 # "landscape", use landscape orientation
  'outputorder', # default: breadthfirst; or nodesfirst, edgesfirst
  'page', # unit of pagination, e.g. "8.5,11"
  'pagedir', # default: BL; traversal order of pages
  'pencolor', # default: black; color for drawing cluster boundaries
  'penwidth', # default: 1.0; width of pen for drawing boundaries, in points
  'peripheries', # default: 1; shape-dependent number of node boundaries
  'rank', # "same", "min", "max", "source", or "sink"
  'rankdir', # default: TB; "LR" (left to right) or "TB" (top to bottom)
  'ranksep', # default: .75; separation between ranks, in inches.
  'ratio', # approximate aspect ratio desired, "fill" or "auto"
  'remincross', # default: true; whether to run edge crossing minimization
                # a second time when there are multiple clusters
  'rotate', # If 90, set orientation to landscape
  'samplepoints', # default: 8; number of points used to represent ellipses
                  # and circles on output
  'searchsize', # default: 30; maximum edges with negative cut values to check
                # when looking for a minimum one during network simplex
  'size', # maximum drawing size, in inches
  'splines', # draw edges as splines, polylines, lines
  'style', # graphics options, e.g. "filled" for clusters
  'stylesheet', # pathname or URL to XML style sheet for SVG
  'target', # if URL is set, determines browser window for URL
  'tooltip', # default: label; tooltip annotation for cluster
  'truecolor', # if set, force 24 bit or indexed color in image output
  'viewport', # clipping window on output
  'URL', # URL associated with graph (format-dependent)

maintained for backward compatibility or rdot internal
