Module: SpammableActions::CaptchaCheck::JsonFormatActionsSupport

Extended by:
Spam::Concerns::HasSpamActionResponseFields, Common
Included in:
Defined in:


This module should be included to support forms submits with a ‘js’ or ‘json’ type of MIME type. In other words, forms handled by actions which use a ‘respond_to` of `format.js` or `format.json`.

For example, for all Javascript based form submissions and Vue components which use Apollo and Axios which are directly handled by a controller other than ‘GraphqlController`. For example, issue update currently uses this module.

However, requests which directly hit ‘GraphqlController` will not use this module - the `Mutations::SpamProtection` module handles those requests (for example, snippet create/update requests)

If the request is handled by actions via ‘format.html`, then the corresponding module which supports HTML format should be used instead.

Method Summary

Methods included from Spam::Concerns::HasSpamActionResponseFields
