Class: Repositories::ChangelogService
- Inherits:
- Object
- Repositories::ChangelogService
- Defined in:
- app/services/repositories/changelog_service.rb
A service class for generating a changelog section.
Constant Summary collapse
The maximum number of commits allowed to fetch in ‘from` and `to` range.
This value is arbitrarily chosen. Increasing it means more Gitaly calls and more presure on Gitaly services.
This number is 3x of the average number of commits per GitLab releases. Some examples for GitLab’s own releases:
13.6.0: 4636 commits
13.5.0: 5912 commits
13.4.0: 5541 commits
Instance Method Summary collapse
#execute(commit_to_changelog: true) ⇒ Object
rubocop: enable Metrics/ParameterLists.
#initialize(project, user, version:, branch: project.default_branch_or_main, from: nil, to: branch, date:, trailer: DEFAULT_TRAILER, config_file: Gitlab::Changelog::Config::DEFAULT_FILE_PATH, file: DEFAULT_FILE, message: "Add changelog for version #{version}") ⇒ ChangelogService
The ‘project` specifies the `Project` to generate the changelog section for.
- #start_of_commit_range(config) ⇒ Object
- #verify_commit_range!(from, to) ⇒ Object
Constructor Details
#initialize(project, user, version:, branch: project.default_branch_or_main, from: nil, to: branch, date:, trailer: DEFAULT_TRAILER, config_file: Gitlab::Changelog::Config::DEFAULT_FILE_PATH, file: DEFAULT_FILE, message: "Add changelog for version #{version}") ⇒ ChangelogService
The ‘project` specifies the `Project` to generate the changelog section for.
The ‘user` argument specifies a `User` to use for committing the changes to the Git repository.
The ‘version` arguments must be a version `String` using semantic versioning as the format.
The arguments ‘from` and `to` must specify a Git ref or SHA to use for fetching the commits to include in the changelog. The SHA/ref set in the `from` argument isn’t included in the list.
The ‘date` argument specifies the date of the release, and defaults to the current time/date.
The ‘branch` argument specifies the branch to commit the changes to. The branch must already exist.
The ‘trailer` argument is the Git trailer to use for determining what commits to include in the changelog.
The ‘config_file` arguments specifies the path to the configuration file as stored in the project’s Git repository.
The ‘file` arguments specifies the name/path of the file to commit the changes to. If the file doesn’t exist, it’s created automatically.
The ‘message` argument specifies the commit message to use when committing the changelog changes.
rubocop: disable Metrics/ParameterLists
54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 |
# File 'app/services/repositories/changelog_service.rb', line 54 def initialize( project, user, version:, branch: project.default_branch_or_main, from: nil, to: branch, date:, trailer: DEFAULT_TRAILER, config_file: Gitlab::Changelog::Config::DEFAULT_FILE_PATH, file: DEFAULT_FILE, message: "Add changelog for version #{version}" ) @project = project @user = user @version = version @from = from @to = to @date = date @branch = branch @trailer = trailer @config_file = config_file @file = file @message = end |
Instance Method Details
#execute(commit_to_changelog: true) ⇒ Object
rubocop: enable Metrics/ParameterLists
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 |
# File 'app/services/repositories/changelog_service.rb', line 81 def execute(commit_to_changelog: true) config = Gitlab::Changelog::Config.from_git(@project, @user, @config_file) from = start_of_commit_range(config) # For every entry we want to only include the merge request that # originally introduced the commit, which is the oldest merge request that # contains the commit. We fetch there merge requests in batches, reducing # the number of SQL queries needed to get this data. mrs_finder = release = Gitlab::Changelog::Release .new(version: @version, date: @date, config: config) commits = @project, from: from, to: @to) verify_commit_range!(from, @to) commits.each_page(@trailer) do |page| mrs = mrs_finder.execute(page) # Preload the authors. This ensures we only need a single SQL query per # batch of commits, instead of needing a query for every commit. page.each(&:lazy_author) # Preload author permissions page.each do |commit| release.add_entry( title: commit.title, commit: commit, category: commit.trailers.fetch(@trailer), author: commit., merge_request: mrs[] ) end end if commit_to_changelog Gitlab::Changelog::Committer .new(@project, @user) .commit(release: release, file: @file, branch: @branch, message: @message) else end end |
#start_of_commit_range(config) ⇒ Object
128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 |
# File 'app/services/repositories/changelog_service.rb', line 128 def start_of_commit_range(config) return @from if @from finder =, regex: config.tag_regex) if (prev_tag = finder.execute(@version)) return end raise( Gitlab::Changelog::Error, 'The commit start range is unspecified, and no previous tag ' \ 'could be found to use instead' ) end |
#verify_commit_range!(from, to) ⇒ Object
144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 |
# File 'app/services/repositories/changelog_service.rb', line 144 def verify_commit_range!(from, to) commits = @project.repository.commits_by(oids: [from, to]) raise Gitlab::Changelog::Error, "Invalid or not found commit value in the given range" unless commits.count == 2 _, commits_count = @project.repository.diverging_commit_count(from, to) if commits_count > COMMITS_LIMIT raise Gitlab::Changelog::Error, "The commits range exceeds #{COMMITS_LIMIT} elements." end end |