ZRB, simple Ruby template engine

ZRB is a lightweight template engine with the following features:

  • Automatic HTML escaping of expressions
  • Ruby-like syntax for expressions: #{person.name}
  • Helper functions can capture the result of yielding a block
  • Block helpers are supported


<h1>Welcome #{user.name}</h1>

  <? messages.each do |msg| ?>
  <? end ?>

<?= form_for messages_path do |f| ?>
  <textarea name="content"></textarea>
<? end ?>


ZRB uses Tilt for rendering. ZRB::Template is a Tilt template and you can use all of Tilt's features:

require 'zrb'
tmpl = ZRB::Template.new('index.zrb')
tmpl.render(scope, :user => user)

Note however that ZRB has one strict requirement on the scope: The scope must implement the method build_zrb_buffer. This method should return an instance of ZRB::Buffer (or a subclass like ZRB::HTMLBuffer). This is required in order to support block helpers:

class RenderScope
  def build_zrb_buffer
    @_buffer = ZRB::HTMLBuffer.new

  def form_for(path, &blk)