Zoom Launcher

A command line tool for joining your next Zoom meeting.


$ zoom
Your next Zoom meeting is "Some important meeting".
It is scheduled to start in 3 minutes.

Opening https://github.zoom.us/j/XXX...
Oh, and here's the URL in case you need it: https://www.google.com/calendar/event?eid=XXX


gem install zoom_launcher


In order to use Zoom Launcher, you need to create an OAuth app and authorize it to access your calendar:

  1. Go to https://console.developers.google.com and create a new project (you may need to switch to your work account)
  2. Click "Credentials" on the left side and create a new OAuth credential with type "other" for that project
  3. Create a new OAuth credential, and download the resulting JSON file
  4. Move the file to ~/.config/google/client_secrets.json
  5. Run zoom auth and follow the instructions to authorize the app

Project status



Set Zoom to open with video and audio disabled for your own safety.