
A friendly Ruby gem for time parsing and time zone conversion.

API, toz=nil, asz=nil)    # create a new Time object with a time zone!(str, asz="UTC", toz=nil) # overrides original time zone and swaps params
Time#to(zone) # converts a time to a new time zone
Time#as(zone) # keeps the time, but changes the time zone

String#to_tz    # calls
String#to_tz!   # calls!
String#to_day   # calls Date.to_day
String#iso_date # parses and shows ISO date (YYYY-MM-DD)


Parsing strings:

# no argument means to parse the value as is; "!" ignores the time zone and uses UTC
x = "3 August 2013 11:43 +0415".to_tz  # 2013-08-03 11:43:00 +0415
y = "3 August 2013 11:43 +0415".to_tz! # 2013-08-03 11:43:00 +0000

# one argument means to convert to that time zone, use "!" to ignore the original offset
x = "3 August 2013 11:43 +0415".to_tz("US/Pacific")  # 2013-08-03 00:28:00 -0700
y = "3 August 2013 11:43 +0415".to_tz!("US/Pacific") # 2013-08-03 11:43:00 -0700

# use two arguments to indicate source and destination time zones, "!" swaps the order
x = "3 August 2013 11:43 +0415".to_tz("US/Pacific", "America/Caracas")  # 2013-08-03 09:13:00 -0700
y = "3 August 2013 11:43 +0415".to_tz!("US/Pacific", "America/Caracas") # 2013-08-03 14:13:00 -0430

Converting values:

# 'as' keeps the time but changes the time zone, 'to' converts to a new time zone
x = "May 29, 2023 6:15pm -06:00".to_tz # 2023-05-29 18:15:00 -0600"US/Eastern")                     # 2023-05-29 18:15:00 -0400"US/Eastern")                     # 2023-05-29 20:15:00 -0400

Sample formats:

x = "4/13/1971 19:25 -0700".to_tz # 1971-04-13 19:25:00 -0700
x = "13 May 2022 11:20PM".to_tz   # 2022-05-13 23:20:00 -0600
x = "September 24, 2008".iso_date # 2008-09-24


This software is licensed under terms of the MIT License.