Zippopotamus Gem Version Build Status

Ruby wrapper around the API. Zip Code Galore! Postal Codes and Zip Codes made easy.

  • Give it a postal code to get back the city, state, longitude, and latitude.
  • Give it a city and state to get back a list of possible postal codes.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "zippopotamus"

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install zippopotamus


require "zippopotamus"

# ============================================================
# Lookup the city, state, long, and lat by postal code (defaults to "US").
places = Zippopotamus.by_postal_code("90210")
places.size                # => 1
place = places.first              # => "United States"
place.country_abbreviation # => "US"
place.state                # => "California"
place.state_abbreviation   # => "CA"
place.place_name           # => "Beverly Hills"
place.post_code            # => "90201"
place.longitude            # => "-118.4065"
place.latitude             # => "34.0901"

# Also aliased as `by_zip`
places = Zippopotamus.by_zip("90210")

# Specify a different country
places = Zippopotamus.by_postal_code("4400", "AU")
place = places.first              # => "Australia"
place.country_abbreviation # => "AU"
place.state                # => "Queensland"
place.state_abbreviation   # => "QLD"
place.place_name           # => "Kingsthorpe"
place.post_code            # => "4400"
place.longitude            # => "151.8333"
place.latitude             # => "-27.4667"

# ============================================================
# Lookup the postal code by city and state (defaults to "US").
places = Zippopotamus.by_name("Belmont", "MA", "US")
places.size                    # => 2
places[0].country              # => "United States"
places[0].country_abbreviation # => "US"
places[0].state                # => "Massachusetts"
places[0].state_abbreviation   # => "MA"
places[0].place_name           # => "Belmont"
places[0].post_code            # => "02178"
places[0].longitude            # => "-71.4594"
places[0].latitude             # => "34.0901"
# ---
places[1].post_code            # => "02478"
places[1].longitude            # => "-71.2044"
places[1].latitude             # => "42.4128"


  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/zippopotamus/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request