
Lib.js = Frontend build tool + lazyload js tool

Getting Started

1. Install zfben_libjs

 gem install zfben_libjs

2. Create new libjs project

 libjs new


lazyload css and js files (base on LazyLoad.js)

support css, js and images files

support sass, scss, compass and coffeescript files

support local files and remote files

support custom ruby script

support minify css and js files (base on sass and uglifier)

support before and after events

Support Filetype:

.css - stylesheet

.js - javascript

.sass - sass

.scss - scss

.coffee - coffeescript

.rb - ruby

Javascript Example

// load jquery
  // something use jquery to do

// load jqueryui and not duplicate load jquery
  // something use jqueryui to do

// and you can load like
lib('jquery', function(){
  // use jquery to do sth.

lib('jquery underscore', function(){
  // use jquery and underscore to do sth.

Rails Example

# Gemfile
gem 'zfben_libjs'

# layout.html.erb

<%= lib %>
# => <script src="/javascripts/lib.js?12345678"></script>

<%= lib :home %>
# => <script src="/javascripts/lib.js?12345678"></script><script>lib('home')</script>

<%= lib 'home.css' %>
# => <link rel="stylesheet" href="/stylesheets/home.css?12345678" /><script src="/javascripts/lib.js?12345678"></script>

<%= lib 'home.js' %>
# => <script src="/javascripts/home.js?12345678"></script><script src="/javascripts/lib.js?12345678"></script>


helpers Zfben_libjs::Helpers