

Zeus preloads your app so that your normal development tasks such as console, server, generate, and tests are faster.

Mediocre screencast. Better one coming soon.


Because waiting 25 seconds sucks, but waiting 0.4 seconds doesn't.


Pretty specific:

  • OS X 10.7+
  • Ruby 1.9+
  • Backported GC from Ruby 2.0.

You can install the GC-patched ruby from this gist or from RVM.


Install the gem.

gem install zeus

Run the project initializer.

zeus init


Start the server:

zeus start

Run some commands:

zeus console
zeus server
zeus testrb -Itest -I. test/unit/omg_test.rb
zeus generate model omg
zeus rake -T
zeus runner omg.rb

TODO (roughly prioritized)

  • Make sure that when a command process's connection is dropped, it is killed
  • less leaky handling of at_exit pid killing
  • Instead of exiting when requesting an as-yet-unbooted acceptor, wait until it's available then run.
  • Refactor, refactor, refactor...
  • Make sure client connection requests are handled immediately (Chunk the select loop)
  • Don't fork to handshake client to acceptor
  • Eliminate the client-side exit lag for zeus commands.
  • Support other frameworks?
  • Figure out how to run full test suites without multiple env loads

Ideas (not quite TODOs)

  • (maybe) Start the preloader as a daemon transparently when any command is run, then wait for it to finish
  • Support inotify on linux


Fork, Branch, Pull Request.


  • To Jesse Storimer for spin, part of the inspiration for this project
  • To Samuel Kadolph for doing most of the cross-process pseudoterminal legwork.
  • To Shopify for letting me spend (some of) my days working on this.

Doesn't work for you?

Try these libraries instead: