
Cinch IRC bot written with plenty of help. I will not claim any of the plugins And will try to get the correct credits in source


Zeta requires ruby >= 2.5.0 and rubygems. Installation beyond that is simple

Steps * gem install zetabot * zetabot

Plugins All plugins are automatically loaded that are in the plugins directory


Steps * git pull * bundle * update config files to new examples * ruby ./migrate.rb * ruby ./zeta.rb


roles: owner,admin,operator,halfop,voice,nobody prefix: ?


Channel ** Role Required: admin/owner ** * ?join (#channel) - admin * ?part (#channel) - admin * ?quit (#channel) - owner

Plugins ** Role Required: admin ** * ?plugin load (plugin) * ?plugin unload (plugin) * ?plugin reload (plugin) * ?plugin set (plugin)

Developer ** Role Required: owner ** * ?die (msg) // Kills the bot * ?e code // (alias: eval) Evaluate command * ?em code // (alias: eval) Evaluate command send in msg * ?er code // (alias: evalreply) Evaluate command and send to channel

Ignore ** Role Required: operator ** * ?ignore (user) * ?unignore (user)

Channel ** Role Required: operator ** * ?disable (channel) // can omit channel to use current * ?enable (channel) // enalbed a channel that has been disabled

Access ** Role Required: voice ** * ?setaccess (user) (level) // Levels: nobody,voice,halfop,operator,admin,owner,founder * ?access (user) // Show current access level

Uptime ** Role Required: admin ** * ?uptime // Bot uptime * ?sysuptime // grabs the uptime from current system * ?users // shows users currently logged into shell


Macros are prefixed by a period and are loaded from locales/macros.yml example. typing in “.dnf” in channel will cause the bot to respond with “Duke Nukem Forever came out. Your argument is invalid.”


Zeta will open a named pipe under bot/zeta.io messages sent to this pipe will be directly sent to the irc server


Utility * ?calc (query) - Returns a wolframalpha solution * ?wiki (term) - Returns a wikipedia entry

Code Runner * ?run (lang) (code) * ?langs - lists all of the languages that are supported

Seen * ?seen (user)

Misc * ?attack (target) * ?info (plugin) * ?fnord * ?xmas - days till christmas * ?mayan - current day in the mayan calendar * ?newyear - days until new years * ?heavymetalise (message) - styles the vowles of the text * ?rainbow (text) - colorizes your text * ?eyerape (text) - even worse then rainbow * ?rr (nick) - Play a game of Russian Rullete * ?fml - Returns a “F*ck My Life”

GifMe * ?randomgif - grabs a random gif from gifme * ?gif (term) - returns the best match from gifme

Movie * ?movie (movie name) :year - the year is optional but must be prefixed with a colon

Urban Dictionary * ?ud (definition) - returns a definition * ?wotd - World of the day

Weather * ?w (location) * ?wx (location) * ?setw (location) - Sets your current location so the bot will remember if you do ?w * ?hurricane - gets current hurricane activity * ?forecast (location)

PDF Info This plugin grabs the metadata from a pdf that is linked in channel

DBZ responds when you say certain keywords

Network Specific Plugins

#### FlagRun Networks URL Grabber Grabs metadata from url in channel


API * ?finger (nick) - pulls nickname information from the DarkScience API * ?stats (nick) - pulls statistics information for a nick from the DarkScience API * ?peek (channel) - pulls channel information from Darkscience API

QDB * ?addquote (text) - submits quote to DarkScience API * ?quote (id) - grabs the quote matching that ID for the specific channel * ?quote - grabs random quote for channel

LibSecure ** only works in #libsecure channel ** * ?latest - grabs the latest post from libsecure