Zero Captcha

The simplest way to add a zero friction captcha in your Rails forms.

A zero captcha works off the idea that most simple bots do not run a full JavaScript interpreter when crawling web forms, so they are unable to fill a required field whereas the required field is actually hidden and autopopulated by JavaScript in a real browser with a real human. This means having a layer of spam protection while maintaining zero friction.

This should not be used solely by itself, but can be useful as an extra layer of defense alongside honeypot captchas and/or more traditional captchas.


Requires jQuery on running on the client side.


In your Gemfile, simply add

gem 'zero-captcha'



Simply specify that the form has a honeypot in the HTML options hash:

<% form_for, :html => { :zero_captcha => true } do |form| -%>
<% end -%>

form_tag with block

Simply specify that the form has a honeypot in the options hash:

<% form_tag comments_path, :zero_captcha => true do -%>
<% end -%>

form_tag without block

Simply specify that the form has a honeypot in the options hash:

<%= form_tag comments_path, :zero_captcha => true -%>

See LICENSE for details.