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Wrapper for Zenps API


gem install zenps-ruby

Or with bundler

gem 'zenps-ruby'


This library needs to be configured with a Zenps Api key. Configuration can be performed as follows using a hash

Zenps.configure(zenps_key: 'YOUR_ZENPS_KEY')

or with a yml configuration file



This wrapper allows you to send NPS surveys to your user in batch...[user_1, user_2], event: 'sign_up')

...or on a per-user basis, event: 'sign_up')

A user subject can either be:

  • A string (email of user to be surveyed)
  • A hash containing the following keys:
    • email (compulsory)
    • first_name (optional)
    • last_name (optional)
    • locale (optional --> defaults to en unless overwritten in general call)
  • An object that responds to
    • email method (compulsory)
    • first_name method (optional)
    • last_name method (optional)
    • locale (optional --> defaults to en unless overwritten in general call)

This allows for the gem to be used eg. in a rails application with User models that respond to the email method (and/or locale) as follows, event: 'sign_up')

but also in a more simple way as follows'[email protected]', event: 'sign_up')

The following options are available on the Survey call method:

Options Type Mandatory Description
locale String false Overwrites the user's AND default locale
event String true Typically the event triggering the NPS survey
tags Array[String] false Tags giving you granularity in your analytics

Example:, locale: 'fr', event: 'sign_up', tags: ['man', 'facebook'])

Contributing to zenps-ruby

  • Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet.
  • Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it.
  • Fork the project.
  • Start a feature/bugfix branch.
  • Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution.
  • Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. Coverage should remain as high as possible.
  • Make sure all tests pass as well as rubocop checks.


This gem is released under the MIT License.