= ar_mailer

A two-phase delivery agent for ActionMailer

Rubyforge Project:




and for forked additions




== About

Even delivering email to the local machine may take too long when you have to
send hundreds of messages. ar_mailer allows you to store messages into the
database for later delivery by a separate process, ar_sendmail.

== Installing ar_mailer (forked)

Install the gem from GitHub gems server:

First, if you haven't already

$ sudo gem sources -a http://gems.github.com


$ sudo gem install adzap-ar_mailer

See ActionMailer::ARMailer for instructions on converting to ARMailer.

See ar_sendmail -h for options to ar_sendmail.

NOTE: You may need to delete an smtp_tls.rb file if you have one lying
around. ar_mailer supplies it own.

=== Getting context aware logging

If you want to log some extra information that you can use to tie a specific send email to
something in your application, do this:

1. Add a +context+ column to your emails table, eg.:

add_column :emails, :context, :string

2. Set the information you want ar_sendmail to log alongside the message-id in your mailer class:

headers(ActionMailer::ARMailer.context_header => 'Hello there')

This will print 'Hello there' in the line that also contains the message-id of the sent email.

=== init.d/rc.d scripts

For Linux both script and demo config files are in share/linux.
See ar_sendmail.conf for setting up your config. Copy the ar_sendmail file
to /etc/init.d/ and make it executable. Then for Debian based distros run
'sudo update-rc.d ar_sendmail defaults' and it should work. Make sure you have
the config file /etc/ar_sendmail.conf in place before starting.

For FreeBSD or NetBSD script is share/bsd/ar_sendmail. This is old and does not
support the config file unless someone wants to submit a patch.