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Youyouaidi is a Ruby Gem that offers a UUID class for generating, parsing, validating and converting UUIDs into / from shorter representations.

While a UUID consists of 32 hexadecimal characters by dashes divided into 5 subgroups - which makes 36 characters in total - the short representation (invoked via #to_shrort_string) consists of exactly 22 digit and lower- and uppercase characters.

For UUID generation, the SecureRandom.uuid method is used which generates valid, random version 4 UUIDs.

This is what a valid, random (version 4) UUID looks like:

# chars in group:     8   | 4  | 4  | 4  |    12
                      ▼     ▼    ▼    ▼       ▼
                                ▲    ▲
                          version    either 8, 9
                           number        a, or b

As shown, the first digit of the third group indicates the UUID version. The first digit of the fourth group always has to be one of either 8, 9, a, or b. All other digits are randomly assigned hexadecimals.

Find out more about UUIDs and the different versions on Wikipedia.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'youyouaidi'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install youyouaidi


Initializing UUIDs

uuid_string = '550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000' # A valid UUID in string format, has exactly 32 hexadecimal characters in 5 groups
uuid_short  = '2AuYQJcZeiIeCymkJ7tzTW'               # Same UUID in its short format, has exactly 22 characters of [0-9a-zA-Z]

uuid = UUID uuid_string   # creates new Youyouaidi::UUID object, patches Youyouaidi::UUID.parse uuid_string into kernel.
# => #<Youyouaidi::UUID:0x000001021f2590 @converter=Youyouaidi::Converter, @uuid="550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000">

# Alternatively a short UUID can be passed:
uuid = UUID uuid_short    # creates similar Youyouaidi::UUID object
# => #<Youyouaidi::UUID:0x00000102201b80 @converter=Youyouaidi::Converter, @uuid="550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000">

# To generate a new random UUID simply do not pass a parameter:
new_uuid = UUID()         # generates a random UUID version 4 using the SecureRandom.uuid method
# => #<Youyouaidi::UUID:0x00000102201b80 @converter=Youyouaidi::Converter, @uuid="27f8bc29-be8e-4dc7-ab30-0295b2a5e902">

Validity check and conversions

uuid_string = '550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000' # A valid UUID in string format
uuid = UUID uuid_string

Youyouaidi::UUID.valid? uuid_string # => true

uuid.to_s        # Returns the string representation of the UUID object
# => '550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000'

uuid.to_short_s  # Returns the short string representation of the UUID object
# => '2AuYQJcZeiIeCymkJ7tzTW', alias for method: #to_param

Comparing UUIDs

uuid_string  = '550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000' # A valid UUID in string format
uuid         = UUID uuid_string
similar_uuid = UUID uuid_string
other_uuid   = UUID '00000000-1111-2222-aaaa-eeeeeeeeeeee'

uuid == similar_uuid # Two UUID objects representing same UUID (#=== behaves similar for this)
# => true

uuid == other_uuid   # Two UUID objects representing different UUIDs (#=== behaves similar for this)
# => false

uuid == uuid_string  # Comparing a UUID object and its string representation with `=='
# => false

uuid === uuid_string # Comparing a UUID object and its string representation with `===' (case insensetive)
# => true


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