YoPass - Share Secrets Securely

Build Status

YoPass is a project for sharing secrets in a quick and secure manner. The sole purpose of yopass is to minimize the amount of passwords floating around in ticket management systems, IRC logs and emails. YoPass generates a one-time URL with an expiration date so you don’t have to worry about passwords being visible forever. The decryption key can also be transferred over SMS.

You can easily integrate yopass into other systems using it’s API and host it yourself.

Demo site available here

  • AES-256 encryption
  • Secrets can only be viewed once
  • No secrets are written to disk
  • No account or user management required
  • Secrets self destruct after X hours
  • Rate limiting
  • Decryption key can be sent over SMS

Installation / Configuration

gem install yopass
  • Install and start memcached

All settings are configured using environment variables

YP_MEMCACHED # default: localhost:11211
YP_SECRET_MAX_LENGTH # default: 10000


docker run --name memcached_yopass -d memcached
docker run -it -p 3000:3000 -e 'YP_MEMCACHED=memcache:11211' --link memcached_yopass:memcache -d jhaals/yopass


All endpoints expect JSON

Create secret - POST /v1/secret

secret(required) - text
lifetime(1d default) - 1h, 1d, 1w
mobile_number(optional) - [0-9]

  key: "6738ecd96ac57c559c3d72387176b59b",
  decryption_key: "073d8b943",
  full_url: "/v1/secret/6738ecd96ac57c559c3d72387176b59b/073d8b943",
  short_url: "/v1/secret/6738ecd96ac57c559c3d72387176b59b",
  message: "secret stored"
} Get secret - GET __/v1/secret/key/decryption_key__

  secret: "Hello World"

SMS providers

Yopass has a basic plugin system for SMS providers.

Missing your favorite SMS provider? Just fork the repo and submit a pull request. Use the bulksms provider in lib/sms_provider/bulksms.rb as example

Configure provider

YP_SMS_SETTINGS='{"provider": "bulksms", "settings": {"username": "smsuser", "password": "xxxx"}}'


YoPass website