YooKassa API Ruby Client

Github Actions Gem Version License


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'yookassa'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install yookassa



First of all you need to setup credentials to use Yookassa. You can configure your instance of Yookassa once in a application booting time. Ex. if you use rails, just put these lines into initializer file

# config/initializers/yookassa.rb

Yookassa.configure do |config|
  config.shop_id = ENV.fetch('YOOKASSA_SHOP_ID') # or put your shop_id and api_key here directly
  config.api_key = ENV.fetch('YOOKASSA_API_KEY') # can be taken from Rails.credentials too

There are some cases, when you need to connect to different Yookassa accounts (say, your clients need to connect to Yookassa). That probably means that you run a marketplace or multitenant system. There is a solution for this one from Yookassa, see https://yookassa.ru/en/developers/special-solutions/checkout-for-platforms/basics or https://yookassa.ru/en/developers/partners-api/basics

If that is not your case, and you still have multiple shop_ids and api_keys, and need to handle all of them under one application, then you need to instantiate clients inline

client1 = Yookassa::Client.new(shop_id: 'shop_1', api_key: '123')
client2 = Yookassa::Client.new(shop_id: 'shop_2', api_key: '456')

Making Payments

Creating payment

payload = {
    amount: {
        value:    100,
        currency: 'RUB'
    capture:      true,
    confirmation: {
        type:       'redirect',
        return_url: return_url

payment = Yookassa.payments.create(payment: payload)

# or

client = Yookassa::Client.new(shop_id: 'shop_1', api_key: '123')
payment = client.payments.create(payment: payload)

Other payment requests

Yookassa.payments.find(payment_id: '12345')
Yookassa.payments.capture(payment_id: '12345')
Yookassa.payments.cancel(payment_id: '12345')


payment = Yookassa.refunds.create(payment: payload)

# or

client = Yookassa::Client.new(shop_id: 'shop_1', api_key: '123')
payment = client.refunds.create(payment: payload)


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The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.