Yfinance - Fast Yahoo Finance Wrapper Using Parallel Requests

A wrapper of the Yahoo! Finance API in Ruby using parallel HTTP requests. Requesting daily historical stock market prices of 100 companies takes only 4.8 seconds on my system - using the usual sequential approach takes 56.4 seconds!


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'yfinance'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install yfinance


All methods make use of parallel requests, and therefore should be a multitude faster than using normal sequential requests.

Latest quotes for symbols

Use the quotes method and pass it an array of symbols and the list of fields

yf = Yfinance.new
res = yf.quotes(["MSFT", "GOOG"])
p res[0].symbol # prints "MSFT"

Supported fields are:


Getting historical data for a set of symbols

Pass an array of symbols and the date range to the Yfinance method add_historical_data_query

    symbols = ['AAPL', 'MSFT', 'GOOG']
    result = Proc.new { |response| p response}
    yf = Yfinance.new
    yf.add_historical_data_query(symbols, '1971-12-30', '2014-09-17', {period: :daily}, &result)

The period can be specified as :daily, :monthly, :weekly, :dividends.

Changing the number of concurrent requests

This is done in the initializer:

Yfinance.new(max_concurrency: 50) # default 20

Don't set this too high, otherwise Yahoo might block any further requests.

Autocomplete symbols

Use the read_symbols method

query = "yahoo"
yf = Yfinance.new
yf.read_symbols(query) do |res|
  p res


Requests can be memoized during a single run call. Enable memoization in the initializer:

yf = Yfinance.new(memoize: true) # default is 'false'