
Yapstone - the Ruby gem for the Payout Orchestrator API

No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)

This SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 1.0.3
  • Package version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.RubyClientCodegen


Build a gem

To build the Ruby code into a gem:

gem build yapstone-payouts.gemspec

Then either install the gem locally:

gem install ./yapstone-payouts-1.0.0.gem

(for development, run gem install --dev ./yapstone-payouts-1.0.0.gem to install the development dependencies)

or publish the gem to a gem hosting service, e.g. RubyGems.

Finally add this to the Gemfile:

gem 'yapstone-payouts', '~> 1.0.0'

Install from Git

If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository: https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID, then add the following in the Gemfile:

gem 'yapstone-payouts', :git => 'https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git'

Include the Ruby code directly

Include the Ruby code directly using -I as follows:

ruby -Ilib script.rb

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:

# Load the gem
require 'yapstone-payouts'

api_instance = Yapstone::AuthenticationApi.new
grant_type = 'client_credentials' # String | To do OAuth2 authentication, you must indicate the grant type, then adhere to it structurally. Yapstone API endpoints authenticate with OAuth2 and the grant type client credentials. This type of authentication is used to access resources on your own system rather than access a user's resources. 
authorization = 'Basic SGxkdU5OcU1xMzBUZ0djYUpDWVpIWVRsejJjQUJlSHo6YkdIeWNpWXVibzNVTXZLRA==' # String | Provide client_id:client_secret as base64 encoded basic auth. 

  #Authenticate Partner
  result = api_instance.authenticate_partner(grant_type, authorization)
  p result
rescue Yapstone::ApiError => e
  puts "Exception when calling AuthenticationApi->authenticate_partner: #{e}"

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://api-prod-sandbox.yapstone.com/v1/payouts

Class Method HTTP request Description
Yapstone::AuthenticationApi authenticate_partner POST /v1/oauth2/client_credential/accesstoken Authenticate Partner
Yapstone::PayoutsApi cancel_deposit PATCH /payouts/v1/deposits/depositId Cancels the given deposit advice if it has not yet been processed. Note that a deposit advice cannot be cancelled after it has been reconciled via the corresponding bank account activity record.
Yapstone::PayoutsApi cancel_disbursement PATCH /payouts/v1/disbursements/transactionId Cancel Disbursement - Cancels the given disbursement if it has not yet been processed. Note that a disbursement cannot be cancelled after it has been submitted for payment to the downstream processor. Reverse Disbursement - Submits a full (or partial) disbursement for funds that were originally retrieved via the given transactionId recapture order. The resulting transactionId represents the linked disbursement.
Yapstone::PayoutsApi cancel_reimbursement PATCH /payouts/v1/reimbursements/transactionId/cancel Reverse Reimbursement - Submits a full (or partial) disbursement for funds that were originally retrieved via the given transactionId recapture order. The resulting transactionId represents the linked reimbursement.
Yapstone::PayoutsApi create_deposit POST /payouts/v1/deposits Notifies YapStone that a deposit has been initiated by the Marketplace to provide funds for future disbursement requests. This call will create a pending deposit record that will be cleared when the corresponding transaction is confirmed by the acquiring bank (typically 1-3 days). Disbursement requests received against pending funds will be released for processing when the deposit is cleared.
Yapstone::PayoutsApi get_balances GET /payouts/v1/balances Retrieves the funding position for the Marketplace for each supported currency. If the optional query parameter is provided, the response will include only the specified currency (EUR, GBP, USD).
Yapstone::PayoutsApi get_deposit GET /payouts/v1/deposits/depositId Returns the deposit detail and status history for the given depositId.
Yapstone::PayoutsApi get_deposits_by_bank_reference_tag GET /payouts/v1/deposits/bankReference/bankReferenceTag Returns all pool activities matching given bank reference tag.
Yapstone::PayoutsApi get_deposits_by_client_unique_txn_id GET /payouts/v1/deposits/clientId/clientUniqueTxnId Returns all pool activities matching given client unique transaction id.
Yapstone::PayoutsApi get_deposits_by_correlation_id GET /payouts/v1/deposits/correlation/clientCorrelationId Returns all pool activities matching given client correlation id.
Yapstone::PayoutsApi get_deposits_by_correlation_id_and_status GET /payouts/v1/deposits/correlation/clientCorrelationId/status/currentStatus Returns all pool activities matching given client correlation id and status.
Yapstone::PayoutsApi get_deposits_by_currency GET /payouts/v1/deposits/currency/currency Returns all pool activities matching given currency.
Yapstone::PayoutsApi get_deposits_by_status GET /payouts/v1/deposits/status/currentStatus Returns all pool activities matching given current status.
Yapstone::PayoutsApi get_disbursements_by_client_correlation_id GET /payouts/v1/disbursements/correlation/clientCorrelationId Returns all disbursement transactions matching given correlation id.
Yapstone::PayoutsApi get_disbursements_by_client_unique_txn_id GET /payouts/v1/disbursements/clientId/clientUniqueTxnId Returns all disbursement transactions matching given unique id.
Yapstone::PayoutsApi get_disbursements_by_contract_id GET /payouts/v1/disbursements/contract/contractId Returns all disbursement transactions matching given contract id.
Yapstone::PayoutsApi get_disbursements_by_correlation_id_and_status GET /payouts/v1/disbursements/correlation/clientCorrelationId/status/currentStatus Returns all disbursement transactions matching given correlation id and status.
Yapstone::PayoutsApi get_disbursements_by_currency GET /payouts/v1/disbursements/currency/currency Returns all disbursement transactions matching given contract id.
Yapstone::PayoutsApi get_disbursements_by_instrument_id GET /payouts/v1/disbursements/instrument/payeeInstrumentId Returns all disbursement transactions matching given contract id.
Yapstone::PayoutsApi get_disbursements_by_order_id GET /payouts/v1/disbursements/order/orderId Returns all disbursement transactions matching given order id.
Yapstone::PayoutsApi get_disbursements_by_party_id GET /payouts/v1/disbursements/party/payeePartyId Returns all disbursement transactions matching given contract id.
Yapstone::PayoutsApi get_disbursements_by_status GET /payouts/v1/disbursements/status/currentStatus Returns all disbursement transactions matching given current status.
Yapstone::PayoutsApi get_disbursements_by_txn_id GET /payouts/v1/disbursements/transactionId Returns the disbursement detail and status history for the given transactionId.
Yapstone::PayoutsApi get_reimbursement GET /payouts/v1/reimbursements/transactionId Returns the disbursement detail and status history for the given transactionId.
Yapstone::PayoutsApi get_reimbursements_by_contract_id GET /payouts/v1/reimbursements/contract/contractId Returns all reimbursement transactions matching given contract .
Yapstone::PayoutsApi get_reimbursements_by_correlation_id GET /payouts/v1/reimbursements/correlation/clientCorrelationId Returns all reimbursement transactions matching given correlation .
Yapstone::PayoutsApi get_reimbursements_by_correlation_id_and_status GET /payouts/v1/reimbursements/correlation/clientCorrelationId/status/currentStatus Returns all pool activities matching given client correlation id and status.
Yapstone::PayoutsApi get_reimbursements_by_currency GET /payouts/v1/reimbursements/currency/currency Returns all reimbursement transactions matching given currency .
Yapstone::PayoutsApi get_reimbursements_by_current_status GET /payouts/v1/reimbursements/clientId/clientUniqueTxnId Returns all reimbursement transactions matching given clientId .
Yapstone::PayoutsApi get_reimbursements_by_instrument GET /payouts/v1/reimbursements/instrument/payeeInstrumentId Returns all reimbursement transactions matching given instrument .
Yapstone::PayoutsApi get_reimbursements_by_order_id GET /payouts/v1/reimbursements/order/orderId Returns all reimbursement transactions matching given order .
Yapstone::PayoutsApi get_reimbursements_by_party_id GET /payouts/v1/reimbursements/party/payeePartyId Returns all reimbursement transactions matching given party .
Yapstone::PayoutsApi get_reimbursements_by_status GET /payouts/v1/reimbursements/status/currentStatus Returns all reimbursement transactions matching given status .
Yapstone::PayoutsApi reverse_disbursement PATCH /payouts/v1/disbursements/transactionId/reverse Reverse Disbursement - Submits a full (or partial) disbursement for funds that were originally retrieved via the given transactionId recapture order. The resulting transactionId represents the linked disbursement.
Yapstone::PayoutsApi reverse_reimbursement PATCH /payouts/v1/reimbursements/transactionId/reverse Reverse Reimbursement - Submits a full (or partial) disbursement for funds that were originally retrieved via the given transactionId recapture order. The resulting transactionId represents the linked reimbursement.
Yapstone::PayoutsApi submit_disbursements_for_payees POST /payouts/v1/disbursements Provides instructions from the Marketplace for payments to be distributed to one or more Payees. Disbursement requests are grouped by currency, given that the funding pools are also segregated in this manner. If the corresponding pool was funded in advance, the disbursements will be processed on a same-day basis. Otherwise the disbursement requests will be queued for later processing as funds become available. Response is organized in two collections (accepted and rejected) to distinguish successful and failed items.
Yapstone::PayoutsApi submit_reimbursements POST /payouts/v1/reimbursements
Yapstone::PayoutsApi update_deposit PUT /payouts/v1/deposits/depositId Allows a Marketplace to update the details for a pending deposit advice to correct these values relative to the original post operation. Note that the new values will overwrite the existing deposit, and all must be provided by the caller (presumably after a corresponding get operation). If the deposit has already been processed then the update request will be rejected (400 Bad request).

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization


  • Type: Bearer authentication (JWT)