Yandex Money Ruby SDK Ruby

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Ruby gem for Yandex Money API usage.

Example application

You could find small example application in yandex-money/yandex-money-sdk-ruby-sample repository.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

  gem 'yandex-money-sdk'

And then execute:


Or install it manually with:

  gem install yandex-money-sdk


Initialize API

Require gem

  require 'yandex_money/api'

Initialize API

  # If TOKEN was obtained previosly
  api = TOKEN)
  # If TOKEN is need to be obtained
  api =
    client_id: CLIENT_ID,
    redirect_uri: REDIRECT_URI,
    scope: "account-info operation-history"

Use user browser to send auth request to Yandex.Money server

After initializing YandexMoney::Api without token, you will find token request url in api.client_url. User need to visit that address with browser.

After visiting api.client_url the user will be redirected to REDIRECT_URL with code parameter. It is authorization code, needed for token obtaining.

To get token use YandexMoney::Api#obtain_token:

  api.code = "ACEB6F56EC46B66F280AFB9C805C61A66A8B5" # obtained code
  token = api.obtain_token # token contains valid client token

If client_secret is set:

  api.code = "ACEB6F56EC46B66F280AFB9C805C61A66A8B5" # obtained code
  token = api.obtain_token(CLIENT_SECRET) # token contains valid client token


Information about a user's account

account-info method

Getting information about the status of user's account. Required permissions: account-info.

  #<OpenStruct account="41001565326286", balance=48.98, currency="643", avatar={"ts"=>"2012-05-02T17:22:59.000+04:00", "url"=>""}, account_type="personal", identified=false, account_status="named">

operation-history method

This method allows viewing the full or partial history of operations in page mode. History records are displayed in reverse chronological order (from most recent to oldest).

Required permissions: operation-history.

  #<OpenStruct next_record="30", operations=[{"operation_id"=>"462449992116028008", "title"=>"Возврат средств от:", "amount"=>1.0, "direction"=>"in", "datetime"=>"2014-08-27T10:19:52Z", "status"=>"success", "type"=>"deposition"}, ..., {"pattern_id"=>"p2p", "operation_id"=>"460970888534110007", "title"=>"Перевод на счет 410011700000000", "amount"=>3.02, "direction"=>"out", "datetime"=>"2014-08-10T07:28:15Z", "status"=>"success", "type"=>"outgoing-transfer"}]>

  # you could pass params:
  api.operation_history(records: 1)
  #<OpenStruct next_record="1", operations=[{"pattern_id"=>"p2p", "operation_id"=>"463947376678019004", "title"=>"Перевод от 410011285000000", "amount"=>0.99, "direction"=>"in", "datetime"=>"2014-09-13T18:16:16Z", "status"=>"refused", "type"=>"incoming-transfer-protected"}]>

operation-details method

Provides detailed information about a particular operation from the history.

Required permissions: operation-details.

  #<OpenStruct operation_id="462449992116028008", title="Возврат средств от:", amount=1.0, direction="in", datetime="2014-08-27T10:19:52Z", status="success", type="deposition", details="Отмена оплаты по банковской карте Яндекс.Денег\n , 5411, , \nНомер транзакции: 423910208430140827101810\nСумма в валюте платежа: 1.00 RUB">

If operation doesn't exist, exception will be raised:

  api.operation_details "unknown"
  #  YandexMoney::ApiError:
  #    Illegal param operation id

If scope is insufficient, expcetion will be raised:

  api = TOKEN)
  #  YandexMoney::InsufficientScopeError:
  #     YandexMoney::InsufficientScopeError

Payments from the Yandex.Money wallet

request-payment method

Creates a payment, checks parameters and verifies that the merchant can accept the payment, or that funds can be transferred to a Yandex.Money user account.

Permissions required for making a payment to a merchant: (Payment Pattern) or payment-shop. Permissions required for transferring funds to the accounts of other users: ("payee ID," "ID type") or payment-p2p.

Basic request-payment method call:

  api = TOKEN)
  server_response = api.request_payment(
    pattern_id: "p2p",
    to: "410011285611534",
    amount: "1.0",
    comment: "test payment comment from yandex-money-ruby",
    message: "test payment message from yandex-money-ruby",
    label: "testPayment",
  #<OpenStruct status="success", contract="The generated test outgoing money transfer to 410011285611534, amount 1.0", recipient_account_type="personal", recipient_account_status="anonymous", request_id="test-p2p", test_payment="true", contract_amount=1.0, money_source={"wallet"=>{"allowed"=>true}}, recipient_identified=false>

process-payment method

Confirms a payment that was created using the request_payment method. Specifies the method for making the payment.

Basic process-payment method call:

  api = TOKEN)
    request_id: "test-p2p",
  #<OpenStruct status="success", payer="41001565326286", payee="test", credit_amount=20.3, payee_uid=56809635, test_payment="true", payment_id="test">

incoming-transfer-accept method

Accepting incoming transfers with a secret code and deferred transfers.

There is a limit on the number of attempts to accept an incoming transfer with a secret code. When the allowed number of attempts have been used up, the transfer is automatically rejected (the transfer is returned to the sender).

Required token permissions: incoming-transfers.

  api = TOKEN)
  api.incoming_transfer_accept "463937708331015004", "0208"
  # true
  api.incoming_transfer_accept "463937708331015004", "WRONG"
  #  YandexMoney::ApiError:
  #     Illegal param protection code, attemps available: 2

incoming-transfer-reject method

Canceling incoming transfers with a secret code and deferred transfers. If the transfer is canceled, it is returned to the sender.

Required token permissions: incoming-transfers.

  api = TOKEN)
  api.incoming_transfer_reject "463947376678019004"
  # true
  api.incoming_transfer_reject ""
  #  YandexMoney::ApiError:
  #     Illegal param operation id

Payments from bank cards without authorization

instance-id method

Registering an instance of the application.

  api = CLIENT_ID)
  api.get_instance_id # returns string, contains instance id

If client_id is wrong - exception will be raised.

request-external-payment method

Creating a payment and checking its parameters.

  api =
    client_id: CLIENT_ID,
    instance_id: INSTANCE_ID
    pattern_id: "p2p",
    to: "410011285611534",
    amount_due: "1.00",
    message: "test"
  #<OpenStruct status="success", title="Перевод на счет 4100000000000000", contract_amount=50.0, request_id="313230...93134623165", money_source={"payment-card"=>{}}>

process-external-payment method

Making a payment. The application calls the method up until the final payment status is known (status=success/refused). The recommended retry mode is determined by the next_retry response field (by default, 5 seconds).

  api = INSTANCE_ID)
    request_id: REQUEST_ID,
    ext_auth_success_uri: "",
    ext_auth_fail_uri: ""
  #<OpenStruct status="ext_auth_required", acs_params={"cps_context_id"=>"31323039373...93134623165", "paymentType"=>"FC"}, acs_uri="">

Running tests

Just run it with rake command.


This library is very unstable. Pull requests welcome!


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Write tests with rspec + VCR
  4. Write code
  5. Test code
  6. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  7. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  8. Create a new Pull Request