
Yamlook searches for dot-notated yaml keys occurrences in yaml files. It might be handy if you have localization or deep configs and you don't know where one or another value comes from.

For instance you have such code:

<%= link_to t("admin.marketing.reports.some_report.title"), some_report_path(format: "csv") %>

Run yamlook admin.marketing.reports.some_report.title in terminal and it will show up all occurrences of that value in your internationalization yaml files. If you have all the internationalization in one yaml file, you will likely have to specify some root key as well, e.g. yamlook en.admin.marketing.reports.some_report.title.


$ gem install yamlook


Run yamlook in terminal with dot-notated yaml keys as argument:

$ yamlook some.deep.key.in.you.yaml.file


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/sl4vr/yamlook.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.