YAMLCon - YAML Config Loader

Gem Travis Code Climate Gemnasium

A utility for loading and saving YAML files with dot.notation.


Add to your gemfile

gem 'yamlcon'


Load a single file

config = YAML.load_config 'path/to/config.yml'
puts config.any_option.or_nested

You can then modify and save the file

config.some_setting = 'value'
YAML.save_config 'filename.yml', config

Load multiple files by providing a glob pattern. In this case, each loaded file will get its own prefix, using the basename of the file.

For example, given two files config/one.yml and config/two.yml, you can do this:

config = YAML.load_config 'config/*.yml'
puts config.one.option
puts config.two.option