
XSpec is an rspec-inspired testing library for Ruby that is written in a literate style and designed to be obvious to use, highly modular, and easy to extend.


gem install xspec

The default configuration XSpec provides a number of interesting features: assertions, doubles, and rich output.

require 'xspec'

extend XSpec.dsl # Use defaults

describe 'my application' do
  it 'does math' do
    double = instance_double('Calculator')
    expect(double).add(1, 1) { 2 }

    assert_equal 2, double.add(1, 1)

  it 'is slow sometimes' do
    sleep 0.01

  it 'fails' do
    assert_include "fruit", "punch"

Running this with the built-in runner generates some pretty output. You can't see the colors in this README, but trust me they are quite lovely.

> xspec example.rb

my application
  0.000s does math
  0.011s is slow sometimes
  0.000s fails - FAILED

     0.001 #################### 2
     0.005                      0
      0.01                      0
       0.1 ##########           1

my application fails:
  "fruit" not present in: "punch"

  example.rb:18:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
  bin/xspec:19:in `<main>'


Every aspect of XSpec is customizable, from how tests are scheduled and run all the way through to formatting of output.

Say you wanted boring output with no support for doubles and RSpec expectations. You could do that:

require 'xspec'

extend XSpec.dsl(
  assertion_context: XSpec::AssertionContext.stack {
    include XSpec::AssertionContext::RSpecExpectations
  notifier: XSpec::Notifiers::Character.new +

describe '...' do
  # etc etc

Of course, you can make your own extension classes as well. For details, see the "Configuration" section of the documentation.


There are two major sources of documentation:

It is expected that regular users of XSpec will read both at least once. There isn't much to them, and they will give you a useful mental model of how XSpec works.


Follow the idioms you find in the source, they are somewhat different than a traditional Ruby project. Bug fixes welcome, though features are likely to be rejected since I have a strong opinion of what this library should and should not do. Talk to me before embarking on anything large. Tests are written in XSpec, which might do your head in:

bundle install
bundle exec bin/xspec