
Xero Ruby SDK for OAuth 2.0 generated from Xero API OpenAPI Spec.



Xero Ruby SDK supports Xero’s OAuth2.0 authentication and the following Xero API sets.

API Client Docs

API Model Docs

Sample Apps

We have two apps showing SDK usage. * https://github.com/XeroAPI/xero-ruby-oauth2-starter (Sinatra - session based / getting started) * https://github.com/XeroAPI/xero-ruby-oauth2-app (Rails - token management / full examples)


Looking for OAuth 1.0a support?

Check out the Xeroizer gem (maintained by community).

## Installation To install this gem to your current gemset. gem install 'xero-ruby' Or add to your gemfile and run bundle install. gem 'xero-ruby'

Getting Started

  • Create a free Xero user account
  • Login to your Xero developer /myapps dashboard & create an API application and note your API app’s credentials.

Creating a Client

  • Get the credential values from an API application at https://developer.xero.com/myapps/.
  • Include neccesary scopes as comma seperated list
    • example => “openid profile email accounting.transactions accounting.settings require 'xero-ruby' ruby creds = { client_id: ENV['CLIENT_ID'], client_secret: ENV['CLIENT_SECRET'], redirect_uri: ENV['REDIRECT_URI'], scopes: ENV['SCOPES'], state: "this-can-be-a-custom-state-parameter" # optional } xero_client ||= XeroRuby::ApiClient.new(credentials: creds)

User Authorization & Callback

All API requests require a valid access token to be set on the client.

To generate a valid token_set send a user to the authorization_url: ```ruby @authorization_url = xero_client.authorization_url

redirect_to @authorization_url ```

Xero will then redirect back to the URI defined in your ENV[‘REDIRECT_URI’] variable. This must match exactly with the variable in your /myapps dashboard.

In your callback route catch, calling get_token_set_from_callback will exchange the temp code in your params, with a valid token_set that you can use to make API calls. ```ruby # => http://localhost:3000/oauth/callback

token_set = xero_client.get_token_set_from_callback(params)

save token_set JSON in a datastore in relation to the user authentication

puts params[‘state’] => “this-can-be-a-custom-state-parameter” ```

Making API calls once you have a token_set

For use outside of the initial auth flow, setup the client by passing the whole token_set to refresh_token_set or set_token_set. ```ruby xero_client.refresh_token_set(user.token_set)

xero_client.set_token_set(user.token_set) ``` A token_set contains data about your API connection most importantly : * access_token * refresh_token * expiry

An access_token is valid 30 minutes and a refresh_token is valid for 60 days

Example Token set: > You can decode the id_token & access_token for additional metadata by using a decoding library: json { "id_token": "xxx.yyy.zz", "access_token": "xxx.yyy.zzz", "expires_in": 1800, "token_type": "Bearer", "refresh_token": "xxxxxx", "scope": "email profile openid accounting.transactions offline_access" }

Token & SDK Helpers

Refresh/connection helpers ```ruby @token_set = xero_client.refresh_token_set(user.token_set)

Xero’s tokens can potentially facilitate (n) org connections in a single token.

# It is important to store the tenantId of the Organisation your user wants to read/write data.

The updatedDateUtc will show you the most recently authorized Tenant (AKA Organisation)

connections = xero_client.connections [{ “id” => “xxx-yyy-zzz”, “tenantId” => “xxx-yyy-zzz”, “tenantType” => “ORGANISATION”, “tenantName” => “Demo Company (US)”, “createdDateUtc” => “2019-11-01T20:08:03.0766400”, “updatedDateUtc” => “2020-04-15T22:37:10.4943410” }]

disconnect an org from a user’s connections. Pass the connection [‘id’] not [‘tenantId’].

# Useful if you want to enforce only a single org connection per token. remaining_connections = xero_client.disconnect(connections[0][‘id’])

set a refreshed token_set

token_set = xero_client.set_token_set(user.token_set)

access token_set once it is set on the client

token_set = xero_client.token_set ```

Example token expiry helper ```ruby require ‘jwt’

def token_expired? token_expiry = Time.at(decoded_access_token[‘exp’]) token_expiry > Time.now end

def decoded_access_token JWT.decode(token_set[‘access_token’], nil, false)[0] end ```

API Usage

Accounting API

```ruby require ‘xero-ruby’


tenant_id = user.active_tenant_id # example of how to store the tenantId of the specific tenant (aka organisation)


Get Accounts

accounts = xero_client.accounting_api.get_accounts(tenant_id).accounts

Create Invoice

invoices = { invoices: [{ type: XeroRuby::Accounting::Invoice::ACCREC, contact: { contact_id: contacts[0].contact_id }, line_items: [{ description: “Big Agency”, quantity: BigDecimal(“2.0”), unit_amount: BigDecimal(“50.99”), account_code: “600”, tax_type: XeroRuby::Accounting::TaxType::NONE }], date: “2019-03-11”, due_date: “2018-12-10”, reference: “Website Design”, status: XeroRuby::Accounting::Invoice::DRAFT }]} invoice = xero_client.accounting_api.create_invoices(tenant_id, invoices).invoices.first

Create History

payment = xero_client.accounting_api.get_payments(tenant_id).payments.first history_records = { history_records: [{ details: “This payment now has some History!” }]} payment_history = xero_client.accounting_api.create_payment_history(tenant_id, payment.payment_id, history_records)

Create Attachment

account = xero_client.accounting_api.get_accounts(tenant_id).accounts.first file_name = “an-account-filename.png” opts = { include_online: true } file = File.read(Rails.root.join(‘app/assets/images/xero-api.png’)) attachment = xero_client.accounting_api.create_account_attachment_by_file_name(tenant_id, @account.account_id, file_name, file, opts) ```

Assets API

```ruby # https://github.com/XeroAPI/xero-ruby/blob/master/accounting/lib/xero-ruby/api/asset_api.rb

Create Asset

asset = { “assetName”: “AssetName: #rand(10000)”, “assetNumber”: “Asset: #rand(10000)”, “assetStatus”: “DRAFT” } asset = xero_client.asset_api.create_asset(tenant_id, asset) ```

Project API

```ruby # https://github.com/XeroAPI/xero-ruby/blob/master/docs/projects/ProjectApi.md

Get Projects

projects = xero_client.project_api.get_projects(tenant_id).items ```

Files API

```ruby # https://github.com/XeroAPI/xero-ruby/blob/master/docs/files/FileApi.md

Get Files

opts = { pagesize: 50, # Integer | pass an optional page size value page: 2, # Integer | number of records to skip for pagination sort: ‘CreatedDateUTC DESC’ # String | values to sort by }

files = xero_client.files_api.get_files(tenant_id, opts).files ```

Payroll API(s)

```ruby # https://github.com/XeroAPI/xero-ruby/blob/master/docs/payroll_au/PayrollAuApi.md employee_id = ‘employee_uuid’ employee = xero_client.payroll_au_api.get_employee(tenant_id, employee_id).employee


timesheet_id = ‘timesheeet_uuid’ timesheet = xero_client.payroll_nz_api.approve_timesheet(tenant_id, timesheet_id).timesheets


employee_id = ‘employee_uuid’ wages = xero_client.payroll_uk_api.get_employee_salary_and_wages(tenant_id, employee_id, opts).salary_and_wages ```


All monetary and fields and a couple quantity fields utilize BigDecimal ```ruby puts invoice.unit_amount => 0.2099e2

puts invoice.unit_amount.class => BigDecimal

puts invoice.unit_amount.to_s(“F”) => “20.99”

# Rails method-number_to_currency number_to_currency(invoice.unit_amount, :unit => “$”) ```

Querying & Filtering

Examples for the opts (options) parameters most endpoints support. This is an area of focus and improvement. If you have a complex filering/sorting/where usage that is not supported please open an issue. ```ruby # Invoices opts = { page: 1, where: { type: [’=’, XeroRuby::Accounting::Invoice::ACCREC], fully_paid_on_date: (DateTime.now - 6.month)..DateTime.now, amount_due: [’>=’, 0], reference: [’=’, “Website Design”], invoice_number: [’=’, “INV-0001”], contact_id: [’=’, ‘contact-uuid-xxxx-xxx-xxxxxxx’], contact_number: [’=’, “the-contact-number”], # date: (DateTime.now - 2.year)..DateTime.now # ▲ you can pass a range ▼ or a date & operator date: [’>=’, DateTime.now - 2.year], status: [’=’, XeroRuby::Accounting::Invoice::PAID] } } xero_client.accounting_api.get_invoices(tenant_id, opts).invoices


opts = { if_modified_since: (DateTime.now - 1.weeks).to_s, # ▼ ordering by strings needs PascalCase convention order: ‘UpdatedDateUtc DESC’, where: { is_customer: [’==’, true], is_supplier: [’==’, true] } } xero_client.accounting_api.get_contacts(tenant_id, opts).contacts

Bank Transactions

opts = { if_modified_since: (DateTime.now - 1.year).to_s, where: { type: [’==’, XeroRuby::Accounting::BankTransaction::SPEND] }, order: ‘UpdatedDateUtc DESC’, page: 2, unitdp: 4 # (Unit Decimal Places) } xero_client.accounting_api.get_bank_transactions(tenant_id, opts).bank_transactions

Bank Transfers

opts = { if_modified_since: (DateTime.now - 1.month).to_s, where: { amount: [”>=” , 999.99] }, order: ‘Amount ASC’ } xero_client.accounting_api.get_bank_transfers(tenant_id, opts).bank_transfers ``` ### NOTE 1) Not all opts parameter combinations are available for all endpoints, and there are likely some undiscovered edge cases. If you encounter a filter / sort / where clause that seems buggy open an issue and we will dig.

2) Some opts string values may need PascalCasing to match casing defined in our core API docs. * opts = { order: 'UpdatedDateUtc DESC'}

3) If you have use cases outside of these examples let us know.

Sample App

The best resource to understanding how to best leverage this SDK is the sample applications showing all the features of the gem. > https://github.com/XeroAPI/xero-ruby-oauth2-starter (Sinatra - simple getting started) > https://github.com/XeroAPI/xero-ruby-oauth2-app (Rails - full featured examples)


Most of the repo code is auto generated but PR’s on issues you encounter are highly encouraged. Xero maintainers will re-incorporate them back into the core SDK build. To develop this gem locally against your project you can use the following development pattern:

xero-ruby bash gem build mv xero-ruby-<vsn>.gem xero-ruby.gem pwd => /Users/chris.knight/code/sdks/xero-ruby/

xero-ruby-oauth2-app Replace gem file with local path: bash gem 'xero-ruby', path: '/Users/chris.knight/code/sdks/xero-ruby/' bundle install


  • rspec spec/