XDomain Rails

XDomain Rails is a gem which simplifies usage of XDomain within Rails application.


Add following line to your application's Gemfile:

$ gem 'xdomain-rails'

And then execute:

$ bundle


The gem provides a very simple API.

Consulting XDomain README before using this gem is a good idea.

I highly recommend and assume that you are using dotenv-rails.

Let's say we want to configure http://master.example.com (the domain which you are making requests from) as a master domain and http://slave.example.com (which receives requests) as a slave domain.

Slave domain

Add following line to your routes:

mount XdomainRails::Engine, at: '/xdomain'

Add following ENV variable to your .env:


Note: you can also limit a scope, use wildcards and add few domains, consult configuration section for more informations:

XDOMAIN_MASTERS=*.example.com/api/*.json *.another.com

Master domain

Add following line before any other Javascripts (why?) to your main application layout:

<%= xdomain_slaves %>

Add following ENV variable:


From now on, XHR requests will automagically work:



More sophisticated configuration is supported.

By default, gem will load a domain configuration as JSON from following ENV variables:

XDOMAIN_MASTERS='{"http://a.example.com": "*", "http://*.b.com": "api/*"}'
XDOMAIN_SLAVES='["http://first.example.com", "http://another.example.com/another/proxy"]'

As in XDomain, you can use wildcards in your master domains setup.

To change the path for proxy, which by default is /xdomain/proxy you can just add it in ENV variable:


If you don't like having configuration in ENV variables, or you want to customize variable names, just create file config/initializers/xdomain_rails.rb (server restart required):

XdomainRails.configure do |config|
  # path to default xdomain proxy
  # default: '/xdomain/proxy'

  # config.proxy_path =

  # hash / json string with master domains
  # default: ENV['XDOMAIN_MASTERS']

  # config.master_domains =

  # array / json string of slave domains
  # default: ENV['XDOMAIN_SLAVES']

  # config.slave_domains =

  # how long should proxy be cached
  # config.cache = 


Both xdomain_slaves and xdomain_masters helpers are available.

You can pass domains as an argument:

<%= xdomain_slaves ['http://slave.example.com'] %>
<%= xdomain_masters {'http://master.example.com': '/*.json'] %>



  • first version
  • XDomain 0.6.15


[WIP] :grinning:


  • Fork it (http://github.com/methyl/xdomain-rails/fork)
  • Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  • Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  • Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  • Create new Pull Request