XCPretty Build Status

XCPretty is a fast and flexible formatter for xcodebuild.
It does one thing, and it should do it well.


$ gem install xcpretty

XCPretty requires Ruby 1.8.7 or above.


XCPretty is designed to be piped with xcodebuild and thus keeping 100% compatibility with it. This means, when xcodebuild works, xcpretty works. It's even a bit faster than xcodebuild only, since it saves your terminal some prints.


  • --color, -c (you can add it to any format)
  • --simple, -s (default) xcpretty --simple

  • --test, -t (RSpec style) xcpretty alpha

  • tun / tap (not yet implemented. possible solution for most CI servers)

Have you just cloned xctool?

Unlike xctool, xcpretty isn't a build tool. It relies on xcodebuild to do the build process, and it formats the output.

By the time when xctool was made, xcodebuild wasn't aware of the test command. That means, running tests in general via CLI was a pain. At this point, xcodebuild has got improved a lot, and it's ready to be used directly.


There are many usages of this tool. Let me give you some ideas:

  • Xcode's test tools are close to useless. Failures in a sidebar, non-dettachable console,... You can use xcpretty to build your next Xcode test runner plugin
  • Run tests each time you hit save. Here's an example of doing so:
require 'listen'
ignored = [/.git/, /xcuserdata/, /\.txt$/, /test-reports/]
build_task = "xcodebuild -workspace Myapp.xcworkspace -scheme MyApp -sdk iphonesimulator -destination 'name=iPhone Retina (4-inch 64-bit)'"

listener = Listen.to(Dir.pwd, ignore: ignored) do |modified, added, removed|
  system 'killall "iPhone Simulator"'
  system "#{build_task} test | xcpretty -tc"


Just add this to your Rakefile, or in a ruby script. Make sure you gem install listen.

  • Mine Bitcoins. You can't with this tool, but you'll be so productive that you can earn all the money and buy them!!!1!


  • Improve test reporting, group tests semantically
  • Write original xcodebuild output with -o flag


A smaller project (ObjectiveSugar) with a fast suite


$ time xcodebuild -workspace ObjectiveSugar.xcworkspace -scheme ObjectiveSugar -sdk iphonesimulator test | xcpretty -tc

Executed 84 tests, with 0 failures (0 unexpected) in 0.070 (0.094) seconds
        4.08 real         5.82 user         2.08 sys


$ time xcodebuild -workspace ObjectiveSugar.xcworkspace -scheme ObjectiveSugar -sdk iphonesimulator test
... ommitted output ...
Executed 84 tests, with 0 failures (0 unexpected) in 0.103 (0.129) seconds

        4.35 real         6.07 user         2.21 sys


$ time xctool -workspace ObjectiveSugar.xcworkspace -scheme ObjectiveSugar -sdk iphonesimulator test
... ommitted output ...
** TEST SUCCEEDED: 84 passed, 0 failed, 0 errored, 84 total ** (26964 ms)

28.05 real         6.59 user         2.24 sys

A bit bigger project, without CocoaPods (ReactiveCocoa)


$ time xcodebuild -project ReactiveCocoa.xcodeproj -scheme ReactiveCocoa test | xcpretty -tc

Executed 922 tests, with 0 failures (0 unexpected) in 6.437 (6.761) seconds
        8.72 real         5.73 user         0.81 sys


$ time xcodebuild -project ReactiveCocoa.xcodeproj -scheme ReactiveCocoa test
... ommitted output ...
Executed 922 tests, with 0 failures (0 unexpected) in 6.542 (6.913) seconds

        8.82 real         5.65 user         0.75 sys


$ time xctool -project ReactiveCocoa.xcodeproj -scheme ReactiveCocoa test
... ommitted output ...
** TEST SUCCEEDED: 922 passed, 0 failed, 0 errored, 922 total ** (9584 ms)

       10.80 real         6.72 user         0.76 sys
