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This tool converts into Xcode 7's machine-readable results bundle into a human-readable HTML report including detailed activity logs and screenshots for UI tests.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'xcode-result-bundle-processor'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install xcode-result-bundle-processor


First, run your UI tests using an invocation like this:

xcodebuild -workspace MyWorkspace.xcworkspace \
    -scheme 'My UI Tests' \
    -sdk iphonesimulator \
    -resultBundlePath "my_results_bundle" \

This will put a bunch of mystery files into my_results_bundle, which you can transform into un-mystery files via

bundle exec xcode-result-bundle-processor --save-html-report report my_results_bundle 

The report will appear in report/index.html


If you have RVM and change to the working directory, you'll be prompted to install the needed Ruby version if you don't already have it. RVM will also handle creating a gemset.

To update the dependencies, run


To run tests, run

bundle exec rake

To build the gem, fun

bundle exec rake build

To execute the tool, run

bundle exec xcode-result-bundle-processor


Contributing is easy and fun! Some guidelines:

  • If you're making a non-trivial change, consider reaching out to Manuel the Maintainer ([email protected]) for an architecture/implementation chat.
  • Create an issue to track your work and describe your goals
  • Branch from master and make your changes in the branch
  • Add tests for any new functionality
  • When you're happy with your changes and the builds pass, open a PR
  • If no one has addressed your PR after a day or two, prod Manuel the Maintainer ([email protected])